class | AbstractAnnotationRenderer |
| Baseclass of Annotation layouters An AbstractAnnotationRenderer can be implemented to control a set of Annotation by means of position and size. More...
class | AbstractClassifier |
class | AbstractFileIO |
| Abstract class for implementing a reader and writer. More...
class | AbstractFileIOReader |
struct | AbstractFileIOWriter |
class | AbstractFileReader |
| Base class for creating mitk::BaseData objects from files or streams. More...
class | AbstractFileWriter |
| Base class for writing mitk::BaseData objects to files or streams. More...
class | AbstractGlobalImageFeature |
class | AbstractTransformGeometry |
| Describes a geometry defined by an vtkAbstractTransform and a plane. More...
class | AccessByItkException |
| Exception class thrown in AccessByItk macros. More...
struct | AccessItkImageFunctor |
class | Action |
| represents an action, that is executed after a certain event (in statemachine-mechanism) More...
class | AddContourTool |
| Fill the inside of a contour with 1. More...
class | AffineBaseDataInteractor3D |
| Affine interaction with mitk::BaseGeometry. More...
class | AffineImageCropperInteractor |
| Affine interaction with objects in 3D windows. More...
class | AIFBasedModelBase |
| Base Class for all physiological perfusion models using an Aterial Input Function All AIF based models come with an array of AIF values and the corresponding TimeGrid ( AIF(t)) This class provides functions for setting the AIF Values and optionally a specific AIF TimeGrid. It also provides a method for interpolation of the AIF source array to a specified Timegrid that differs from AIFTimeGrid. The AIF must be set with an itk::Array. If no AIFTimeGrid is specified with the Setter, it is assumed that the AIFTimeGrid is the same as the ModelTimegrid (e.g. AIF is derived from data set to be fitted). In this case, AIFvalues must have the same length as ModelTimeGrid, otherwise an exception is generated. More...
class | AIFBasedModelParameterizerBase |
class | AnatomicalStructureColorPresets |
class | AnisotropicIterativeClosestPointRegistration |
| Implementation of the anisotropic iterative closest point (A-ICP) algorithm. More...
class | AnisotropicRegistrationCommon |
| A Class that provides common static functions used by all classes and tests in the anisotropic iterative closest point algorithm (AnisotropicIterativeClosestPointRegistration). More...
class | Annotation |
| Base class for all Annotation This class is to be implemented in order to create Annotation which are managed by a AbstractAnnotationRenderer. This class contains an internal Propertylist for configuring the appearance of the implemented Overlay. More...
class | AnnotationProperty |
| Property for annotations. More...
class | AnnotationUtils |
| The AnnotationUtils class provides static functions for accsessing registered AnnotationRenderers and Annotations. More...
class | AnyGroupEvent |
class | AnyLabelEvent |
class | ApplicationCursor |
| Allows to override the application's cursor. More...
class | ApplicationCursorImplementation |
| Toolkit specific implementation of mitk::ApplicationCursor. More...
class | ApplyDiffImageOperation |
| Operation, that holds information about some image difference. More...
class | ApplyTransformMatrixOperation |
class | ArbitraryTimeGeometry |
class | AreaUnderFirstMomentDescriptionParameter |
class | AreaUnderTheCurveDescriptionParameter |
class | ArithmeticOperation |
| Executes a arithmetic operations on one or two images. More...
struct | AssertImageTypeIsValid |
| A helper template for compile-time checking of supported ITK image types. More...
class | AterialInputFunctionGenerator |
| Compute the Aterial Input Function from a given dynamic image and a mask defining the tumour supplying artery. More...
class | AutoCropImageFilter |
| Shrink the image borders to a minimum considering a background color. More...
class | AutoCropTool |
| Crops selected segmentations. More...
class | AutoSelectingDICOMReaderService |
class | BaseApplication |
class | BaseController |
| Baseclass for renderer slice-/camera-/time-control. More...
class | BaseData |
| Base of all data objects. More...
class | BaseDataIO |
| BaseDataIO creates instances of BaseData objects using an object factory. More...
class | BaseDataSerializer |
| Base class for objects that serialize BaseData types. More...
class | BaseDataSource |
| Superclass of all classes generating some kind of mitk::BaseData. More...
class | BaseDataTestImplementation |
| Implementation of BaseData (for testing) More...
class | BaseDICOMReaderService |
class | BaseGeometry |
| BaseGeometry Describes the geometry of a data object. More...
class | BaseLocalStorageHandler |
| Interface for accessing (templated) LocalStorageHandler instances. More...
class | BaseProperty |
| Abstract base class for properties. More...
class | BasePropertySerializer |
| Base class for objects that serialize BaseProperty types. More...
class | BaseRenderer |
class | BilateralFilter |
class | BinaryImageToLabelSetImageFilter |
| Converts an binary image to a LabelSetImage. The amount of labels equals the connected components. More...
class | BinaryThresholdBaseTool |
| Base class for binary threshold tools. More...
class | BinaryThresholdTool |
| Calculates the segmented volumes for binary images. More...
class | BinaryThresholdULTool |
| Calculates the segmented volumes for binary images. More...
class | BindDispatcherInteractor |
| This Class is used to connect a DataStorage with the Dispatcher. More...
class | BoolLookupTable |
| specializations of GenericLookupTable More...
class | BoolLookupTableProperty |
class | BoolProperty |
class | BoundingObject |
| superclass of all bounding objects (cylinder, cuboid,...) More...
class | BoundingObjectCutAndCast |
| Cuts an Boundingobject out of an mitk Image. More...
class | BoundingObjectCutter |
| Cuts an Boundingobject out of an mitk Image. More...
class | BoundingObjectGroup |
| group object, that contains several mitk::BoundingObjects More...
class | BoundingObjectToSegmentationFilter |
class | BoundingShapeCropper |
| Crops or masks an Boundingbox defined by GeometryData out of an mitk Image. More...
class | BoundingShapeInteractor |
| Basic interaction methods for mitk::GeometryData. More...
class | BoundingShapeObjectFactory |
class | BoundingShapeVtkMapper2D |
class | BoundingShapeVtkMapper3D |
class | CalculateSegmentationVolume |
class | CallbackEventOneParameter |
| Used by CallbackFromGUIThread to pass parameters. More...
class | CallbackFromGUIThread |
| Allows threads to call some method from within the GUI thread. More...
class | CallbackFromGUIThreadImplementation |
| Toolkit specific implementation of mitk::CallbackFromGUIThread. More...
class | CameraController |
| controls the camera used by the associated BaseRenderer More...
class | CameraRotationController |
class | Caster |
class | CellOperation |
| Operation, that holds everything necessary for an operation on a cell. More...
class | CESTDICOMManualReaderService |
class | CESTDICOMReaderService |
class | CESTImageNormalizationFilter |
| Normalization filter for CEST images. More...
class | CESTIOActivator |
class | ChannelDescriptor |
| An object which holds all essential information about a single channel of an Image. More...
class | ChartExampleTestHelper |
class | ChiSquareFitCostFunction |
class | ClassicDICOMSeriesReader |
| Sorting and grouping like mitk::DicomSeriesReader until 2013. More...
class | ClassicDICOMSeriesReaderService |
class | ClippedSurfaceBoundsCalculator |
class | ClippingPlaneInteractor3D |
| Specialized interactor for clipping planes. More...
class | ClippingProperty |
| Property for clipping datasets; currently only clipping planes are possible. More...
class | CloseRegionTool |
| Closes/Fills the inside of a contour with the foreground pixel value. More...
class | CLUtil |
class | ColorBarAnnotation |
| Displays configurable scales on the renderwindow. The scale is determined by the image spacing. More...
class | ColorProperty |
| The ColorProperty class RGB color property. More...
class | ColorSequence |
| Interface for creating a sequence of nice/matching/appropriate/... colors. More...
class | ColorSequenceCycleH |
| Creates a list of around 36 different colors, where one is easily distinguished from the preceding one. More...
class | ColorSequenceRainbow |
struct | CompareFilterResults |
| A simple struct to hold the result of the comparison filter. More...
class | CompareImageDataFilter |
| Filter for comparing two mitk::Image objects by pixel values. More...
struct | ComponentsTrait |
| Object for compile-time resolving of the number of components for given type. More...
struct | ComponentsTrait< false, T > |
| Partial specialization for the ComponentsTraits in case of compound types. More...
class | CompressedImageContainer |
class | ComputeContourSetNormalsFilter |
| Filter to compute the normals for contours based on vtkPolygons. More...
class | ConcentrationCurveGenerator |
| Converts a given 4D mitk::Image with MR signal values into a 4D mitk::Image with corresponding contrast agent concentration values. More...
class | ConcreteAIFBasedModelFactory |
class | ConcreteModelFactoryBase |
class | ConcreteModelParameterizerBase |
class | Cone |
| Data class containing an cylinder. More...
class | ConfigurationHolder |
class | ConstraintCheckerBase |
| This class is the base class for constraint checker. More...
class | ConstraintCheckerInterface |
class | Contour |
| Stores vertices for drawing a contour. More...
class | ContourElement |
| Represents a contour in 3D space. A ContourElement is consisting of linked vertices implicitly defining the contour. They are stored in a double ended queue making it possible to add vertices at front and end of the contour and to iterate in both directions. To mark a vertex as a special one it can be set as a control point. More...
class | ContourMapper2D |
| OpenGL-based mapper to display a mitk::Contour object in a 2D render window. More...
class | ContourModel |
| ContourModel is a structure of linked vertices defining a contour in 3D space. The vertices are stored in a mitk::ContourElement for each timestep. The contour line segments are implicitly defined by the given linked vertices. By default two control points are linked by a straight line. It is possible to add vertices at the front and end of the contour and to iterate in both directions. More...
class | ContourModelGLMapper2D |
| OpenGL-based mapper to display a mitk::Contour object in a 2D render window. More...
class | ContourModelGLMapper2DBase |
| Base class for OpenGL based 2D mappers. Provides functionality to draw a contour. More...
class | ContourModelInteractor |
class | ContourModelLiveWireInteractor |
class | ContourModelMapper2D |
class | ContourModelMapper3D |
class | ContourModelReader |
class | ContourModelSerializer |
class | ContourModelSet |
class | ContourModelSetGLMapper2D |
| OpenGL-based mapper to display a mitk::ContourModelSet object containing several contours in a 2D render window. More...
class | ContourModelSetMapper3D |
class | ContourModelSetReader |
class | ContourModelSetSerializer |
class | ContourModelSetSource |
| Superclass of all classes generating ContourModels. More...
class | ContourModelSetToImageFilter |
| Fills a given mitk::ContourModelSet into a given mitk::Image. More...
class | ContourModelSetWriter |
| XML-based writer for mitk::ContourModelSet. More...
class | ContourModelSource |
| Superclass of all classes generating ContourModels. More...
class | ContourModelSubDivisionFilter |
| This filter interpolates a subdivision curve between control points of the contour. For inserting subpoints Dyn-Levin-Gregory (DLG) interpolation scheme is used. Interpolating a cruve subdivision is done by: F2i = Ci F2i+1 = -1/16Ci-1 + 9/16Ci + 9/16Ci+1 - 1/16Ci+2. More...
class | ContourModelToPointSetFilter |
| Converts a contour set to a point set. More...
class | ContourModelToSurfaceFilter |
class | ContourModelUtils |
| Helpful methods for working with contours and images. More...
class | ContourModelWriter |
| XML-based writer for mitk::ContourModels. More...
class | ContourObjectFactory |
class | ContourSet |
class | ContourSetMapper2D |
| OpenGL-based mapper to display a mitk::Contour object in a 2D render window. More...
class | ContourSetToPointSetFilter |
| Converts a contour set to a point set. More...
class | ContourSetVtkMapper3D |
| Vtk-based mapper for mitk::Contour. More...
class | ContourTool |
| Simple contour filling tool. More...
class | ContourUtils |
| Helpful methods for working with contours and images. More...
class | ContourVtkMapper3D |
| Vtk-based mapper for mitk::Contour. More...
class | Convert2Dto3DImageFilter |
| Image Filter to convert 2D MITK images to 3D MITK images. More...
class | ConvertT2ConcentrationFunctor |
class | ConvertToConcentrationAbsoluteFunctor |
class | ConvertToConcentrationRelativeFunctor |
class | ConvertToConcentrationTurboFlashFunctor |
class | ConvertToConcentrationViaT1CalcFunctor |
class | CoreObjectFactory |
class | CoreObjectFactoryBase |
class | CoreServicePointer |
| A RAII helper class for core service objects. More...
class | CoreServices |
| Access MITK core services. More...
class | CorrectorAlgorithm |
class | CovarianceMatrixCalculator |
| Class that computes the covariance matrices for every point in a Surface used in the A-ICP algorithm. More...
class | CreateDistanceImageFromSurfaceFilter |
| This filter interpolates the 3D surface for a segmented area. The basis for the interpolation are the edge-points of contours that are drawn into an image. More...
class | CropTimestepsImageFilter |
| Crops timesteps at 2D+t and 3D+t images. More...
class | CrosshairData |
class | CrosshairManager |
| The CrosshairManager takes care of the correct settings for the crosshair. More...
class | CrosshairVtkMapper2D |
| Vtk-based 2D mapper for rendering a crosshair using vtk mapper. More...
class | Cuboid |
| Data class containing an cuboid. More...
class | CurveDescriptionParameterBase |
class | CurveParameterFunctor |
class | CustomMimeType |
| The CustomMimeType class represents a custom mime-type which may be registered as a service object. It should only be used for mime-type registration, see also mitk::MimeType. More...
class | CustomTagParser |
class | Cylinder |
| Data class containing an cylinder. More...
class | DataInteractor |
| Base class from with interactors that handle DataNodes are to be derived. More...
class | DataNode |
| Class for nodes of the DataTree. More...
class | DataNodeObject |
class | DataNodeSelection |
class | DataNodeSource |
| Superclass of all classes generating data tree nodes (instances of class mitk::DataNode) as output. More...
class | DataStorage |
| Data management class that handles 'was created by' relations. More...
class | DataStorageAccessRule |
| The DataStorageAccessRule inherits from the ISchedulingRule class. DataStorageAccessRule are used to restrict the adding and removing of DataStorage nodes in multi-threaded scenarios. Only DataStorageNodes within different branches can be modified concurrently. The idea and its restrictions is explained in the sections and diagrams below. More...
class | DataStorageEditorInput |
| An editor input based on a mitk::DataStorage. More...
class | DataStorageInspectorGenerator |
class | DataStorageSelection |
class | DescriptionParameterImageGeneratorBase |
class | DescriptivePharmacokineticBrixModel |
class | DescriptivePharmacokineticBrixModelFactory |
class | DescriptivePharmacokineticBrixModelParameterizer |
class | DescriptivePharmacokineticBrixModelValueBasedParameterizer |
struct | DICOMCachedValueInfo |
class | DICOMCachedValueLookupTable |
class | DICOMDatasetAccess |
| Interface to datasets that is presented to sorting classes such as DICOMDatasetSorter. More...
class | DICOMDatasetAccessingImageFrameInfo |
| Defines an abstract base class for DICOM image frame infos with data access. More...
struct | DICOMDatasetFinding |
class | DICOMDatasetSorter |
| The sorting/splitting building-block of DICOMITKSeriesGDCMReader. More...
class | DICOMDCMTKTagScanner |
| Encapsulates the tag scanning process for a set of DICOM files. More...
class | DICOMFileReader |
| Interface for DICOM readers that produce mitk::Images. More...
class | DICOMFileReaderSelector |
| Simple best-reader selection. More...
class | DICOMGDCMImageFrameInfo |
| The dataset access implementation for DICOMITKSeriesGDCMReader, based on GDCM. More...
class | DICOMGDCMTagCache |
| Tag cache implementation used by the DICOMGDCMTagScanner. More...
class | DICOMGDCMTagScanner |
| Encapsulates the tag scanning process for a set of DICOM files. More...
class | DICOMGenericImageFrameInfo |
| A generic storage class for image frame info with data access. More...
class | DICOMGenericTagCache |
| Generic tag cache implementation. More...
class | DICOMImageBlockDescriptor |
| Output descriptor for DICOMFileReader. More...
class | DICOMImageFrameInfo |
| Describes a frame within a DICOM file. More...
class | DICOMImageIOActivator |
struct | DICOMIOMetaInformationPropertyConstants |
| The IOMetaInformationPropertyConsants struct. More...
class | DICOMITKSeriesGDCMReader |
| Flexible reader based on itk::ImageSeriesReader and GDCM, for single-slice modalities like CT, MR, PET, CR, etc. More...
class | DICOMPMIO |
class | DICOMPMPropertyHelper |
class | DICOMQIPropertyHelper |
class | DICOMReaderConfigurator |
| Too-simple factory to create DICOMFileReaders. More...
class | DICOMRTMimeTypes |
struct | DICOMSegmentationConstants |
class | DICOMSegmentationIO |
class | DICOMSegmentationPropertyHelper |
class | DicomSeriesReader |
class | DICOMSortByTag |
| Compare two datasets by the value of a single tag (for use in DICOMTagBasedSorter). More...
class | DICOMSortCriterion |
| A tag based sorting criterion for use in DICOMTagBasedSorter. More...
class | DICOMTag |
| Representation of a DICOM tag. More...
class | DICOMTagBasedSorter |
| Sort DICOM datasets based on configurable tags. More...
class | DICOMTagCache |
| ... More...
class | DICOMTagPath |
| Class is used to identify (nested) attributes in a DICOM dataset. In contrast to the class DICOMTag, which only specifies one specific tag, the tag path can identify nested attributes (like items in a DICOM sequence). In addition you may also specify wildcards for the selection index or complete elements of the path. More...
class | DICOMTagScanner |
| Abstracts the tag scanning process for a set of DICOM files. More...
class | DICOMTagsOfInterestAddHelper |
class | DICOMTagsOfInterestService |
| DICOM tags of interest service. More...
class | DiffImageApplier |
| Applies difference images to 3D images. More...
class | DiffSliceOperation |
| An Operation for applying an edited slice to the volume. More...
class | DiffSliceOperationApplier |
| Executes a DiffSliceOperation. More...
class | Dispatcher |
| Manages event distribution. More...
class | DisplayActionEvent |
class | DisplayActionEventBroadcast |
| This class serves as an event state machine while simultaneously observing interaction events. It connects the actions from the event state machine .xml-file with concrete functions of this class. More...
class | DisplayActionEventHandler |
| This class simplifies the process of adding an itkEventObject-itkCommand pair as an observer of a DisplayActionEventBroadcast instance. The 'SetObservableBroadcast'-function can be used to define the broadcast instance that should be observed. The 'ConnectDisplayActionEvent'-function can be used to add a an observer to the broadcast. Such an observer consists of a DisplayActionEvent (an itkEventObject) and a StdFunctionCommand (an itkCommand). The StdFunctionCommand is created inside the function by the given two std::functions. More...
class | DisplayActionEventHandlerDesynchronized |
class | DisplayActionEventHandlerStd |
class | DisplayActionEventHandlerSynchronized |
class | DisplayCoordinateOperation |
| Operation with information necessary for operations of DisplayVectorInteractor. More...
class | DisplayMoveEvent |
class | DisplayScrollEvent |
class | DisplaySetCrosshairEvent |
class | DisplaySetLevelWindowEvent |
class | DisplayZoomEvent |
class | DoseImageVtkMapper2D |
| Mapper to resample and display 2D slices of a 3D image. More...
class | DoubleProperty |
class | DrawPaintbrushTool |
| Paintbrush tool for InteractiveSegmentation. More...
class | DummyModelFitFunctor |
class | EditableContourTool |
class | Ellipsoid |
| Data class containing an ellipsoid. More...
struct | EmptyType |
class | EnhancedPointSetVtkMapper3D |
| Alternative Vtk-based 3D mapper for mitk::PointSet. More...
class | EnumerationProperty |
class | EnumerationPropertySerializer |
class | EquiDistantBlocksSorter |
| Split inputs into blocks of equidistant slices (for use in DICOMITKSeriesGDCMReader). More...
class | ErasePaintbrushTool |
| Paintbrush tool for InteractiveSegmentation. More...
class | EraseRegionTool |
| Erase the inside of a contour by filling the inside of a contour with the background pixel value. More...
class | EventConfig |
| Configuration Object for Statemachines. More...
class | EventFactory |
| Generates InteractionEvent-Objects/XML. More...
struct | EventInformerService |
class | EventRecorder |
| Observer that enables recoding of all user interaction with the render windows and storing it in an XML file. More...
class | EventStateMachine |
| ** More...
class | ExampleDataStructure |
| Example Data Structure. More...
class | ExampleDataStructureReaderService |
| The reader service for the MITK example data type. More...
class | ExampleDataStructureSerializer |
| Serializes mitk::ExampleDataStructure for mitk::SceneIO. More...
class | ExampleDataStructureWriterService |
class | ExampleInteractor |
class | ExampleIOMimeTypes |
class | Exception |
| An object of this class represents an exception of MITK. Please don't instantiate exceptions manually, but use the exception macros (file mitkExceptionMacro.h) instead. Simple use in your code is: More...
class | ExpDecayOffsetModel |
| Implementation of a general exponential decay model with offset, following the function: y(x) = y-intercept * exp(-rate*x) + baseline. More...
class | ExpDecayOffsetModelFactory |
class | ExpDecayOffsetModelParameterizer |
class | ExponentialDecayModel |
| Simple model of exponential decay in the form of: y(x) = y-intercept * exp(-x/lambda) with lambda being the decay constant. More...
class | ExponentialDecayModelFactory |
class | ExponentialDecayModelParameterizer |
class | ExponentialSaturationModel |
| This generic model has the form: if x<onset: y(x) = baseline , else: y(x) = baseline + (y_final-baseline) * (1 - exp(-rate*(x-onset))) More...
class | ExponentialSaturationModelFactory |
class | ExponentialSaturationModelParameterizer |
class | ExtendedOneTissueCompartmentModel |
class | ExtendedOneTissueCompartmentModelFactory |
class | ExtendedOneTissueCompartmentModelParameterizer |
class | ExtendedToftsModel |
| Implementation of the Model function of the Tofts pharmacokinetic model, using an Aterial Input Function The Model calculates the Concentration-Time-Curve as a convolution of the plasma curve Cp (the AIF) and a tissue specific residue function (in this case an exponential: R(t) = ktrans * exp(-ktrans/ve * (t)) ). C(t) = vp * Cp(t) + conv(Cp(t),R(t)) The parameters ktrans, ve and ve are subject to the fitting routine. More...
class | ExtendedToftsModelFactory |
class | ExtendedToftsModelParameterizer |
class | ExternalProcessOutputEvent |
class | ExternalProcessStdErrEvent |
class | ExternalProcessStdOutEvent |
class | ExtractDirectedPlaneImageFilter |
| Extracts a 2D slice of arbitrary geometry from a 3D or 4D image. More...
class | ExtractDirectedPlaneImageFilterNew |
| A filter that can extract a 2D slice from a 3D or 4D image especially if the image`s axes are rotated. More...
class | ExtractImageFilter |
| Extracts a 2D slice from a 3D image. More...
class | ExtractSliceFilter |
| ExtractSliceFilter extracts a 2D arbitrary oriented slice from a 3D volume. More...
class | ExtractSliceFilter2 |
| Extract an arbitrarily oriented 2-d image from a 3-d image. More...
class | ExtrudedContour |
| Data class containing a bounding-object created by extruding a Contour along a vector. More...
class | ExtrudePlanarFigureFilter |
struct | FeatureID |
class | FeedbackContourTool |
| Base class for tools that use a contour for feedback. More...
class | FileReader |
| Interface class of readers that read from files. More...
class | FileReaderRegistry |
class | FileReaderSelector |
class | FileReaderWriterBase |
class | FileSeriesReader |
class | FileWriter |
| Interface class of writers that write data to files. More...
class | FileWriterRegistry |
class | FileWriterSelector |
class | FileWriterWithInformation |
| Interface for FileWriters with extra information. Should be merged into FileWriter. More...
class | FillRegionBaseTool |
| Base class for tools that fill a connected region of a 2D slice. More...
class | FillRegionTool |
| Fill the inside of a contour with the foreground pixel value. More...
class | FloatLookupTable |
class | FloatLookupTableProperty |
class | FloatProperty |
class | FloatPropertyExtension |
| Property extension for mitk::FloatProperty. More...
class | FormulaParser |
| This class offers the functionality to evaluate simple mathematical formula strings (e.g. "3.5 + 4 * x * sin(x) - 1 / 2" ). More...
class | FormulaParserException |
| Exception class for all exceptions that are generated in the FormulaParser module. More...
class | GantryTiltInformation |
| Gantry tilt analysis result. More...
class | GaussianNoiseFunctor |
class | GenericIDRelationRule |
class | GenericLookupTable |
| Template class for generating lookup-tables. More...
class | GenericParamModel |
class | GenericParamModelFactory |
class | GenericParamModelParameterizer |
class | GenericProperty |
class | Geometry3D |
| Standard implementation of BaseGeometry. More...
class | Geometry3DToXML |
class | GeometryClipImageFilter |
| Filter for clipping an image with a PlaneGeometry. More...
class | GeometryData |
| Data class only having a BaseGeometry but not containing any specific data. More...
class | GeometryDataReaderService |
class | GeometryDataSerializer |
| Serializes mitk::GeometryData for mitk::SceneIO. More...
class | GeometryDataSource |
| Superclass of all classes generating GeometryData (instances of class GeometryData) as output. More...
class | GeometryDataWriterService |
class | GeometryTransformHolder |
struct | GetComponentType |
| Compile time resolving of the type of a component. More...
struct | GetPixelType |
struct | GetPixelType< TypeList, Index, Step, Stop, true > |
struct | GetPixelType< TypeList, Index, Step, true, OutOfRange > |
struct | GetSuperclassType |
struct | GetSuperclassType< T, true > |
class | GIFCooccurenceMatrix |
class | GIFCooccurenceMatrix2 |
| Calculates features based on the co-occurrence matrix. More...
class | GIFCurvatureStatistic |
| Calculates features based on the co-occurrence matrix. More...
class | GIFFirstOrderHistogramStatistics |
| Calculates first order features based on a histogram. More...
class | GIFFirstOrderNumericStatistics |
class | GIFFirstOrderStatistics |
class | GIFGreyLevelDistanceZone |
class | GIFGreyLevelRunLength |
| Calculates the Run Length based features. More...
class | GIFGreyLevelSizeZone |
class | GIFImageDescriptionFeatures |
| Calculates simple features that describe the given image / mask. More...
class | GIFIntensityVolumeHistogramFeatures |
| Calculates the Intensity Volume Histogram features. More...
class | GIFLocalIntensity |
| Calculates the local intensity features. More...
class | GIFNeighbourhoodGreyLevelDifference |
class | GIFNeighbourhoodGreyToneDifferenceFeatures |
| Calculates the Neighbourhood Grey Tone Difference Features. More...
class | GIFNeighbouringGreyLevelDependenceFeature |
| Calculates the Neighbouring Grey Level Dependence Features. More...
class | GIFVolumetricDensityStatistics |
| Calculates Volumetric Density Features. More...
class | GIFVolumetricStatistics |
| Calculates simpel shape-related features. More...
class | Gizmo |
class | GizmoInteractor |
class | GizmoMapper2D |
class | GizmoObjectFactory |
class | GLMapper |
| Base class of all OpenGL-based mappers. More...
class | GradientBackground |
struct | GreyLevelDistanceZoneFeatures |
class | GridRepresentationProperty |
class | GridVolumeMapperProperty |
class | GroupAddedEvent |
class | GroupModifiedEvent |
class | GroupRemovedEvent |
class | GroupTagProperty |
| Property class that has no value. More...
class | GrowCutSegmentationFilter |
| A filter that performs a growcut image segmentation. More...
class | GrowCutTool |
class | Handle |
| Helper Class for realizing the handles of bounding object encapsulated by a geometry data. More...
class | HasMethodGetStaticNameOfClass |
class | HasTypeSuperclass |
class | HeightFieldSurfaceClipImageFilter |
| Filter for clipping an image with an height-field represented by an mitk::Surface. More...
class | HistogramGenerator |
| Provides an easy way to calculate an itk::Histogram for a mitk::Image. More...
class | HistogramStatisticsCalculator |
| Computes basic histogram statistics such as Uniformity, UPP (Uniformity of positive entries), Entropy and Median (approximation) More...
class | HotspotMaskGenerator |
| The HotspotMaskGenerator class is used when a hotspot has to be found in an image. A hotspot is the region of the image where the mean intensity is maximal (=brightest spot). It is usually used in PET scans. The identification of the hotspot is done as follows: First a cubic (or circular, if image is 2d) mask of predefined size is generated. This mask is then convolved with the input image (in fourier domain). The maximum value of the convolved image then corresponds to the hotspot. If a maskGenerator is set, only the pixels of the convolved image where the corresponding mask is == label are searched for the maximum value. More...
struct | IContextMenuAction |
struct | IDataStorageInspectorProvider |
| The common interface for all DataStorage inspector providers. More...
struct | IDataStorageReference |
struct | IDataStorageService |
class | Identifiable |
| Base class of identifiable objects. More...
class | IDICOMTagsOfInterest |
| Interface of DICOM tags of interest service. More...
struct | IFileIO |
| Common interface for all MITK file reader and writer. More...
struct | IFileReader |
| The common interface for all MITK file readers. More...
struct | IFileWriter |
| The common interface of all MITK file writers. More...
class | IgnorePixelMaskGenerator |
| The IgnorePixelMaskGenerator class is used to generate a mask that is zero for specific pixel values in the input image. This class requires an input image. More...
struct | ILifecycleAwarePart |
| Interface for a MITK Workbench part which wants to be notified about lifecycle changes. More...
struct | ILinkedRenderWindowPart |
| Extends the IRenderWindowPart interface with methods for controlling linked render windows. More...
class | Image |
| Image class for storing images. More...
class | ImageAccessorBase |
struct | ImageAccessorWaitLock |
| This struct allows to make ImageAccessors wait for this particular ImageAccessor object. More...
class | ImageBasedParameterizationDelegate |
class | ImageCaster |
| This class is just a proxy for global functions which are needed by the python wrapping process since global functions cannot be wrapped. Static method can be wrapped though. More...
class | ImageChannelSelector |
| Provides access to a channel of the input image. More...
class | ImageDataItem |
| Internal class for managing references on sub-images. More...
class | ImageDescriptor |
| An object to hold all essential information about an Image object. More...
class | ImageGenerationHelper |
class | ImageGenerator |
| generator for synthetic MITK images This is a helper class to generate synthetic MITK images (random or gradient). More...
class | ImageLiveWireContourModelFilter |
| Calculates a LiveWire contour between two points in an image. More...
struct | ImageMappingInterpolator |
class | ImageMaskGenerator |
class | ImagePixelAccessor |
| Provides templated image access for all inheriting classes. More...
class | ImagePixelReadAccessor |
| Gives locked and index-based read access for a particular image part. The class provides several set- and get-methods, which allow an easy pixel access. It needs to know about pixel type and dimension of its image at compile time. More...
class | ImagePixelWriteAccessor |
| Gives locked and index-based write access for a particular image part. The class provides several set- and get-methods, which allow an easy pixel access. It needs to know about pixel type and dimension of its image at compile time. More...
class | ImageReadAccessor |
| ImageReadAccessor class to get locked read access for a particular image part. More...
class | ImageSerializer |
| Serializes mitk::Image for mitk::SceneIO. More...
class | ImageSliceSelector |
| Provides access to a slice of the input image. More...
class | ImageSource |
| Superclass of all classes generating Images (instances of class Image) as output. More...
class | ImageStatisticsCalculator |
struct | ImageStatisticsConstants |
class | ImageStatisticsContainer |
| Container class for storing a StatisticsObject for each time step. More...
class | ImageStatisticsContainerManager |
| Returns the StatisticsContainer that was computed on given input (image/mask/planar figure) and is added as DataNode in a DataStorage. More...
class | ImageStatisticsHolder |
| Class holding the statistics information about a single mitk::Image. More...
class | ImageTimeSelector |
| Provides access to a volume at a specific time of the input image. More...
class | ImageToContourFilter |
| A filter that can extract contours out of a 2D binary image. More...
class | ImageToContourModelFilter |
| Base class for all filters with mitk::Image as input and mitk::ContourModel. More...
class | ImageToImageFilter |
| Superclass of all classes having one or more Images as input and generating Images as output. More...
class | ImageToItk |
class | ImageToPlanarFigureFilter |
| Superclass of all classes having one or more Images as input and generating PlanarFigures as output. More...
class | ImageToPointCloudFilter |
| The filter extracts the edge pixels of an image as points and stores them in an UnstructuredGrid. Every pixel which grey value is between the mean +- standard deviation * (2 or 3), will be extracted as point. The DetectionMethod can be set to choose if the doubled or tripled standard deviation is used. More...
class | ImageToSurfaceFilter |
| Converts pixel data to surface data by using a threshold The mitkImageToSurfaceFilter is used to create a new surface out of an mitk image. The filter uses a threshold to define the surface. It is based on the vtkMarchingCube algorithm. By default a vtkPolyData surface based on an input threshold for the input image will be created. Optional it is possible to reduce the number of triangles/polygones [SetDecimate(mitk::ImageToSurfaceFilter::DecimatePro) and SetTargetReduction (float _arg)] or smooth the surface-data [SetSmooth(true), SetSmoothIteration(int smoothIteration) and SetSmoothRelaxation(float smoothRelaxation)]. More...
class | ImageToUnstructuredGridFilter |
| Converts an Image into an UnstructuredGrid represented by Points. The filter uses a Threshold to extract every pixel, with value higher than the threshold, as point. If no threshold is set, every pixel is extracted as a point. More...
struct | ImageTypeTrait |
struct | ImageTypeTrait< itk::VariableLengthVector< TPixelType >, VDimension > |
struct | ImageTypeTrait< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, VDimension >, 0 > |
struct | ImageTypeTrait< T, 0 > |
class | ImageVtkLegacyIO |
class | ImageVtkMapper2D |
| Mapper to resample and display 2D slices of a 3D image. More...
class | ImageVtkReadAccessor |
| ImageVtkReadAccessor class provides any image read access which is required by Vtk methods. More...
class | ImageVtkWriteAccessor |
| ImageVtkWriteAccessor class provides any image write access which is required by Vtk methods. More...
class | ImageVtkXmlIO |
class | ImageWriteAccessor |
| ImageWriteAccessor class to get locked write-access for a particular image part. More...
class | ImageWriter |
| Writer for mitk::Image. More...
class | ImageWriterFactory |
struct | IMimeTypeProvider |
| The IMimeTypeProvider service interface allows to query all registered mime types. More...
struct | IModelFitProvider |
| The common interface for all model providers for model fitting. More...
class | IndexedValueFunctorBase |
class | IndexedValueFunctorPolicy |
class | InitialParameterizationDelegateBase |
class | INodeSelectionListener |
| Interface for listening to node selections sent via the INodeSelectionService. More...
class | INodeSelectionService |
| A simple messaging service for sending and receiving data node selections for certain contexts. More...
class | IntensityQuantifier |
class | InteractionEvent |
struct | InteractionEventConst |
| Constants to describe Mouse Events and special Key Events. More...
class | InteractionEventHandler |
class | InteractionEventObserver |
| Base class to implement InteractionEventObservers. More...
class | InteractionKeyEvent |
| Handles key events Takes a std::string for pressed key or special key description, mitk::ModifierKeys for modifiers. More...
class | InteractionPositionEvent |
| Super class for all position events. More...
class | InteractionSchemeSwitcher |
class | InteractionTestHelper |
| Creates everything needed to load and playback interaction events. More...
class | InternalEvent |
| Class to create events from within the application to signal about internal events. More...
class | IntLookupTable |
class | IntLookupTableProperty |
class | IntProperty |
class | IntPropertyExtension |
| Property extension for mitk::IntProperty. More...
class | InvalidPathNodeException |
class | IOAdapter |
| IOAdapter class is an adapter class for instantiation of IO process objects. Additional this interface defines the function CanReadFile(). This interface allows the target (object) the access to the adaptee (IO process object). More...
class | IOAdapterBase |
| IOAdapterBase class is an abstract adapter class for IO process objects. More...
struct | IOConstants |
| The IOConstants struct. More...
struct | IOMetaInformationPropertyConstants |
| The IOMetaInformationPropertyConstants struct. More...
class | IOMimeTypes |
| The IOMimeTypes class. More...
class | IOUtil |
| A utility class to load and save data from/to the local file system. More...
class | IOVolumeSplitReason |
class | IPersistable |
class | IPersistenceService |
class | IPreferences |
| Interface to application preferences. More...
class | IPreferencesService |
| A service for persistent application preferences. More...
class | IPreferencesStorage |
| The backend for persistent preferences. More...
class | IPropertyAliases |
| Interface of property aliases service. More...
class | IPropertyDescriptions |
| Interface of property descriptions service. More...
class | IPropertyDeserialization |
| Interface of property deserialization service. More...
class | IPropertyExtensions |
| Interface of property extensions service. More...
class | IPropertyFilters |
| Interface of property filters service. More...
class | IPropertyOwner |
class | IPropertyPersistence |
| Interface of property persistence service. More...
class | IPropertyProvider |
class | IPropertyRelations |
| Interface of property relations service. More...
class | IPythonService |
struct | IRenderingManager |
| An interface for accessing a mitk::RenderingManager instance. More...
struct | IRenderWindowPart |
| Interface for a MITK Workbench Part providing a render window. More...
struct | IRenderWindowPartListener |
| Interface for berry::IViewPart implementations to be notified about mitk::IRenderWindowPart lifecycle changes. More...
class | IsoDoseLevel |
| Stores values needed for the representation/visualization of dose iso levels. More...
class | IsoDoseLevelSet |
| Stores values needed for the representation/visualization of dose iso levels. More...
class | IsoDoseLevelSetProperty |
| Property class for dose iso level sets. More...
class | IsoDoseLevelVectorProperty |
| Property class for dose iso level vector. More...
struct | isPrimitiveType |
| This is an implementation of a type trait to provide a compile-time check for PixelType used in the instantiation of an itk::Image. More...
struct | isPrimitiveType< char > |
| Partial specialization (char) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | isPrimitiveType< double > |
| Partial specialization (double) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | isPrimitiveType< float > |
| Partial specialization (float) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | isPrimitiveType< int > |
| Partial specialization (int) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | isPrimitiveType< long int > |
| Partial specialization (long int) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | isPrimitiveType< long unsigned int > |
| Partial specialization (long unsigned int) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | isPrimitiveType< short > |
| Partial specialization (short) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | isPrimitiveType< signed char > |
| Partial specialization (signed char) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | isPrimitiveType< unsigned char > |
| Partial specialization (unsigned char) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | isPrimitiveType< unsigned int > |
| Partial specialization (unsigned int) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | isPrimitiveType< unsigned short > |
| Partial specialization (unsigned short) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
class | ITKDICOMSeriesReaderHelper |
class | ITKEventObserverGuard |
| Convenience class that helps to manage the lifetime of itk event observers. More...
class | ItkImageFileIOFactory |
| Create instances of ItkImageFileReader objects using an object factory. More...
class | ItkImageFileReader |
| Reader to read file formats supported by itk. More...
class | ITKImageImport |
| Pipelined import of itk::Image. More...
class | ItkImageIO |
class | ItkLoggingAdapter |
| Adapter that overwrites the standard itk logging output window and sends the logging messages to the MITK. More...
class | ItkMatrixHack |
| Internal hack to set m_MatrixMTime of itk::MatrixOffsetTransformBase correctly after changing the matrix. For internal use only. More...
struct | IZombieViewPart |
| Interface for MITK Workbench Views with special Zombie state handling. More...
class | Label |
| A data structure describing a label. More...
class | LabelAddedEvent |
class | LabelAnnotation3D |
| Can display a high amount of 3D labels to a PointSet. More...
class | LabeledImageLookupTable |
class | LabeledImageToSurfaceFilter |
class | LabeledImageVolumeCalculator |
| Class for calculating the volume (or area) for each label in a labeled image. More...
class | LabelHighlightGuard |
class | LabelModifiedEvent |
class | LabelRemovedEvent |
class | LabelsChangedEvent |
class | LabelSetImage |
| LabelSetImage class for handling labels and layers in a segmentation session. More...
class | LabelSetImageSerializer |
| Serializes mitk::LabelSetImage for mitk::SceneIO. More...
class | LabelSetImageSource |
| Superclass of all classes generating labelset images (instances of class LabelSetImage) as output. More...
class | LabelSetImageSurfaceStampFilter |
class | LabelSetImageToSurfaceFilter |
class | LabelSetImageToSurfaceThreadedFilter |
class | LabelSetImageVtkMapper2D |
| Mapper to resample and display 2D slices of a 3D labelset image. More...
class | LabelStatisticsImageFilter |
class | LandmarkProjector |
| Base-class of landmark-projectors, which project the target landmarks to create source landmarks. More...
class | LandmarkProjectorBasedCurvedGeometry |
| Superclass of AbstractTransformGeometry sub-classes defined by a set of landmarks. More...
class | LassoTool |
| A 2D segmentation tool to draw polygon structures. More...
class | LayoutAnnotationRenderer |
| The LayoutAnnotationRenderer is used for the layouted placement of mitk::Annotation Objects. More...
class | LegacyFileReaderService |
class | LegacyFileWriterService |
class | LegacyLabelSetImageIO |
class | LevelWindow |
| The LevelWindow class Class to store level/window values. More...
class | LevelWindowManager |
| Provides access to the LevelWindowProperty object and LevelWindow of the "current" image. More...
class | LevelWindowPreset |
class | LevelWindowProperty |
| The LevelWindowProperty class Property for the mitk::LevelWindow. More...
class | LevenbergMarquardtModelFitFunctor |
class | LimitedLinearUndo |
| A linear undo model with one undo and one redo stack. More...
class | Line |
| Describes a line. More...
class | LinearModel |
class | LinearModelFactory |
class | LineOperation |
| Operation, that holds everything necessary for an operation on a line. Stores everything for de-/ selecting, inserting , moving and removing a line. More...
class | LiveWireTool2D |
| A 2D segmentation tool based on a LiveWire approach. More...
struct | LocaleSwitch |
| Convenience class to temporarily change the current locale. More...
class | LocalStorageHandler |
| Templated class for management of LocalStorage implementations in Mappers. More...
class | LogBackend |
| Log backend implementation for MITK. More...
class | LogBackendBase |
| Interface for log backends that can be registered in the MITK log mechanism. More...
class | LogBackendCout |
| Default backend of the MITK log mechanism. More...
class | LogBackendText |
| Abstract superclass for text-based log backends. More...
struct | LogMessage |
| A single log message (log event) of the MITK log mechanism. More...
class | LogoAnnotation |
| Displays a logo on the renderwindow. More...
class | LookupTable |
| The LookupTable class mitk wrapper for a vtkLookupTable. More...
class | LookupTableProperty |
| The LookupTableProperty class Property to associate mitk::LookupTable to an mitk::DataNode. More...
class | LookupTablePropertySerializer |
| Base class for objects that serialize BaseData types. More...
class | LookupTablePropertySerializerFactory |
class | LookupTablePropertySerializerRegistrationMethod |
class | LookupTableSource |
| Base class for all objects which have an object of type mitkLookupTable as output. More...
class | ManualPlacementAnnotationRenderer |
| The ManualPlacementAnnotationRenderer is used for the simple placement of mitk::Annotation Objects. More...
class | ManualSegmentationToSurfaceFilter |
| Supplies a 3D surface from pre-processed segmentation. More...
class | ManualSelectingDICOMReaderService |
class | MAPAlgorithmHelper |
| MAPAlgorithmHelper. More...
class | MAPAlgorithmInfoObject |
| berry wrapper for a MatchPoint algorithm deployment info More...
class | MAPAlgorithmInfoSelection |
| Used by plugins to communicate selections of deployed algorithms. More...
struct | MapCompositePixelType |
| Object for compile-time translation of a composite pixel type into an itk::ImageIOBase::IOPixelType information. More...
struct | MapCompositePixelType< itk::CovariantVector< C, N > > |
struct | MapCompositePixelType< itk::DiffusionTensor3D< C > > |
struct | MapCompositePixelType< itk::FixedArray< C, N > > |
struct | MapCompositePixelType< itk::Matrix< C, N > > |
struct | MapCompositePixelType< itk::RGBAPixel< C > > |
struct | MapCompositePixelType< itk::RGBPixel< C > > |
struct | MapCompositePixelType< itk::VariableLengthVector< C > > |
struct | MapCompositePixelType< itk::Vector< C, N > > |
class | Mapper |
| Base class of all mappers, Vtk as well as OpenGL mappers. More...
struct | MapPixelComponentType |
struct | MapPixelType |
| Object for compile-time translation of a pixel type into an itk::ImageIOBase::IOPixelType information. More...
struct | MapPixelType< T, true > |
| Partial specialization for setting the IOPixelType for primitive types to SCALAR. More...
class | MAPRegistrationWrapper |
| MAPRegistrationWrapper Wrapper class to allow the handling of MatchPoint registration objects as mitk data (e.g. in the data explorer). More...
class | MAPRegistrationWrapperIO |
class | MAPRegistrationWrapperObjectFactory |
class | MAPRegistrationWrapperSerializer |
| Serializes mitk::MAPRegistrationWrapper for mitk::SceneIO. More...
class | MaskAndCutRoiImageFilter |
| Cuts a region of interest (ROI) out of an image. More...
class | MaskCleaningOperation |
| Executes operations to clean-up Masks. More...
class | MaskedAlgorithmHelper |
| MaskedAlgorithmHelper Helper class as an easy bridge to set mitk images as masks for registration algorithms. It is assumed that the Image indicates the mask by pixel values != 0. More...
class | MaskedDynamicImageStatisticsGenerator |
class | MaskGenerator |
| Base Class for all Mask Generators. Mask generators are classes that provide functionality for the creation of binary (or unsigned short) masks that can be applied to an image. See derived classes for more information. More...
class | MaskImageFilter |
class | MaskUtilities |
| Utility class for mask operations. It checks whether an image and a mask are compatible (spacing, orientation, etc...) and it can also crop an image to the LargestPossibleRegion of the Mask. More...
class | Material |
class | Matrix |
class | MaximumCurveDescriptionParameter |
class | MeanResidenceTimeDescriptionParameter |
class | MedSAMTool |
| Medical Segment Anything Model interactive 2D tool class. More...
class | MemoryIsLockedException |
class | Message |
| Event/message/notification class. More...
class | Message1 |
class | Message2 |
class | Message3 |
class | Message4 |
class | MessageAbstractDelegate |
class | MessageAbstractDelegate1 |
class | MessageAbstractDelegate2 |
class | MessageAbstractDelegate3 |
class | MessageAbstractDelegate4 |
class | MessageBase |
class | MessageDelegate |
class | MessageDelegate1 |
class | MessageDelegate2 |
class | MessageDelegate3 |
class | MessageDelegate4 |
class | MimeType |
| The MimeType class represents a registered mime-type. It is an immutable wrapper for mitk::CustomMimeType that makes memory handling easier by providing a stack-object for the user. More...
class | MimeTypeProvider |
struct | MimeTypeTrackerTypeTraits |
class | MitkCESTIOMimeTypes |
| Provides the custom mime types for MitkCEST. More...
class | MitkDICOMPMIOMimeTypes |
| Provides the custom mime types for dicom qi objects loaded with DCMQI. More...
class | MitkDICOMSEGIOMimeTypes |
| Provides the custom mime types for dicom qi objects loaded with DCMQI. More...
class | mitkModelTestFixture |
class | MITKRegistrationHelper |
| MITKRegistrationHelper. More...
class | MITKRegistrationWrapperMapper2D |
class | MITKRegistrationWrapperMapper3D |
class | MITKRegistrationWrapperMapperBase |
class | ModalityProperty |
| Enumerates all known modalities. More...
class | ModelBase |
| Base class for (dynamic) models. A model can be used to calculate its signal given the discrete time grid of the signal and the parameters of the model.
A model has 3 types of parameters:
. More...
class | ModelBasedValueFunctorBase |
class | ModelDataGenerationFunctor |
class | ModelFactoryBase |
struct | ModelFitConstants |
class | ModelFitCostFunctionInterface |
class | ModelFitFunctorBase |
class | ModelFitFunctorPolicy |
class | ModelFitInfoSignalGenerationFunctor |
struct | ModelFitPlotData |
class | ModelFitProviderBase |
| Base class for model fit provider. More...
class | ModelFitResultRelationRule |
class | ModelGenerator |
class | ModelParameterizerBase |
struct | ModelParams |
| nnUNet parameter request object holding all model parameters for input. Also holds output temporary directory path. More...
class | ModelSignalImageGenerator |
class | ModelTraitsInterface |
class | ModifiedLock |
| ModifiedLock manages the calls of Modified() functions. More...
struct | MonaiAppMetadata |
| Struct to store MonaiLabel server metadata including all model infos. More...
class | MonaiLabel2DTool |
| MonaiLabel segmentation 2D tool. More...
class | MonaiLabel3DTool |
| MonaiLabel segmentation 3D tool. More...
struct | MonaiLabelRequest |
| Request class to pack model and other necessary server information from GUI. More...
class | MonaiLabelTool |
| MonaiLabel segmentation tool base class. More...
struct | MonaiModelInfo |
| Struct to hold featured models individual info. More...
class | MorphologicalOperations |
| Encapsulates several morphological operations that can be performed on segmentations. The Operations do also support 2D images; but 2D images will not work with coronal or sagittal structuring elements, as the expect a 3rd dimension. More...
class | MouseDoubleClickEvent |
class | MouseMoveEvent |
class | MousePressEvent |
class | MouseReleaseEvent |
class | MouseWheelEvent |
class | MovieGenerator |
class | MovieGeneratorWin32 |
class | MRNormLinearStatisticBasedFilter |
class | MRNormTwoRegionsBasedFilter |
class | MultiComponentImageDataComparisonFilter |
| Filter for comparing two multi channel mitk::Image objects by channel wise by pixel values. More...
class | MultiLabelIOHelper |
| The MultiLabelIOHelper is a static helper class that supports serialization of mitk::LabelSetImage. More...
class | MultiLabelMaskGenerator |
| Class that allows to generate masks (for statistic computation) out of multi label segmentations. More...
class | MultilabelObjectFactory |
class | MultiLabelSegmentationIO |
class | MultiLabelSegmentationVtkMapper3D |
| Mapper to resample and display 2D slices of a 3D labelset image. More...
class | MultiModalAffineDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm |
class | MultiModalRigidDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm |
class | MultiModalTranslationDefaultRegistrationAlgorithm |
class | MultiStepper |
| Helper class to step through a list. More...
class | MVConstrainedCostFunctionDecorator |
| This class is used to add constraints to any multi valued model fit cost function. More...
class | MVModelFitCostFunction |
class | nnUNetTool |
| nnUNet segmentation tool. More...
class | NodePredicateAnd |
| Composite predicate that forms a logical AND relation from its child predicates. More...
class | NodePredicateBase |
| Interface for evaluation conditions used in the DataStorage class GetSubset() method. More...
class | NodePredicateCompositeBase |
| Base class for all predicates that can have child predicates (e.g. AND/OR) More...
class | NodePredicateData |
| Predicate that evaluates if the given DataNodes data object pointer equals a given pointer. More...
class | NodePredicateDataProperty |
| Predicate that evaluates if the data of a given DataNode has a specific property. If the second parameter is nullptr, it will only be checked whether there is a property with the specified name for the data instance of the node. More...
class | NodePredicateDataType |
| Predicate that evaluates if the given DataNodes data object is of a specific data type. More...
class | NodePredicateDataUID |
| Predicate that compares the data UID of the given DataNode to a specific UID. More...
class | NodePredicateDimension |
| Predicate that evaluates if the given DataNodes data object has the specified dimension, for datasets where dimension is applicable. More...
class | NodePredicateFunction |
| Predicate that transfers the check to a specific Callable. More...
class | NodePredicateGeometry |
| Predicate that evaluates if the given DataNode's data object has the same geometry (in terms of spacing, origin, orientation) like the reference geometry. More...
class | NodePredicateNot |
| Composite predicate that negates its child predicate Changed: NodePredicateNot now derives from NodePredicateCompositeBase though it really holds only one subpredicate at any time. But logically any Predicate that has one or more subpredicate is a CompositePredicate. More...
class | NodePredicateOr |
| Composite predicate that forms a logical OR relation from its child predicates. More...
class | NodePredicateProperty |
| Predicate that evaluates if the given DataNode has a specific property. If the second parameter is nullptr, it will only be checked whether there is a property with the specified name. If a renderer is specified in the third parameter the renderer-specific property will be checked. If this parameter is nullptr or not specified, then the non-renderer-specific property will be checked. More...
class | NodePredicateSubGeometry |
| Predicate that evaluates if the given DataNode's data object has a geometry that is a sub geometry of the reference geometry. Sub geometry means that both geometries have the same voxel grid (same spacing, same axes, origin is on voxel grid), but the bounding box of the checked geometry is contained or equal to the bounding box of the reference geometry.
One can either check the whole time geometry of the data node by defining a reference time geometry or check against one given2 reference base geometry. If the predicate should check against a base geometry, you can specify the timepoint of the data's time geometry that should be checked. If no timepoint is defined the predicate will evaluate the data geometry in the first timestep. Evaluates to "false" for unsupported or undefined data objects/geometries. More...
struct | NodeSelectionConstants |
class | NodeSelectionService |
class | NonBlockingAlgorithm |
class | NonBlockingAlgorithmEvent |
class | NonStaticArithmeticOperation |
class | NoPropertyRelationException |
class | NormalDirectionConsistencySorter |
| Makes sure that the order of files is along the image plane normals. More...
class | NormalizedSumOfSquaredDifferencesFitCostFunction |
class | NullLogStream |
| Simulates a std::cout stream but does nothing. More...
class | OneTissueCompartmentModel |
class | OneTissueCompartmentModelFactory |
class | OneTissueCompartmentModelParameterizer |
class | Operation |
| Base class of all Operation-classes. More...
class | OperationActor |
| abstract class, that can be used by Undo to undo an operation. More...
class | OperationEndEvent |
class | OperationEvent |
| Represents a pair of operations: undo and the according redo. More...
class | OtsuSegmentationFilter |
| A filter that performs a multiple threshold otsu image segmentation. More...
class | OtsuTool3D |
class | PadImageFilter |
| PadImageFilter class pads the first input image to the size of the second input image. Two Images have to be set. The first image is the image to pad. The second image defines the pad size. It is also possible to use an included binary filter. More...
class | PaintbrushTool |
| Paintbrush tool for InteractiveSegmentation. More...
class | ParamapPresetsParser |
class | ParameterFitImageGeneratorBase |
class | ParameterToolEvent |
| Tool event with 1 parameter. More...
class | PersistenceActivator |
class | PersistenceService |
class | PickingTool |
| Extracts a single region from a segmentation image and creates a new image with same geometry of the input image. More...
class | PixelBasedDescriptionParameterImageGenerator |
class | PixelBasedParameterFitImageGenerator |
class | PixelType |
| Class for defining the data type of pixels. More...
struct | PixelTypeLength |
struct | PixelTypeList |
struct | PixelTypeList< EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType, EmptyType > |
struct | PixelTypeSwitch |
struct | PixelTypeSwitch< TypeList, Index, true > |
struct | PixelTypeTrait |
| Compile-time trait for resolving the ValueType from an ItkImageType. More...
struct | PixelTypeTrait< false, T > |
| Partial specialization for the PixelTypeTrait. More...
class | PlanarAngle |
| Implementation of PlanarFigure to display an angle through three control points. More...
class | PlanarArrow |
| Implementation of PlanarFigure representing an arrow through two control points. More...
class | PlanarBezierCurve |
class | PlanarCircle |
| Implementation of PlanarFigure representing a circle either through two control points or by one control point (fixed radius mode) The mode is defined by the chosen constructor. More...
class | PlanarCross |
| Implementation of PlanarFigure modeling a cross with two orthogonal lines on a plane. More...
class | PlanarDoubleEllipse |
| Planar representing a double ellipse. The double ellipse is either represented by 4 control points (center, outer major axis, outer minor axis and inner major axis) or be one control point (center, fixed size mode). The mode is selected via the constructor. More...
class | PlanarEllipse |
| Implementation of PlanarFigure representing a circle through two control points. More...
class | PlanarFigure |
| Base-class for geometric planar (2D) figures, such as lines, circles, rectangles, polygons, etc. More...
class | PlanarFigureControlPointStyleProperty |
| Defines the rendering style of control points for PlanarFigure objects. More...
class | PlanarFigureInteractor |
| Interaction with mitk::PlanarFigure objects via control-points. More...
class | PlanarFigureIO |
class | PlanarFigureMapper2D |
| OpenGL-based mapper to render display sub-class instances of mitk::PlanarFigure. More...
class | PlanarFigureMaskGenerator |
| Derived from MaskGenerator. This class is used to convert a mitk::PlanarFigure into a binary image mask. More...
class | PlanarFigureObjectFactory |
class | PlanarFigureSerializer |
| Serializes mitk::Surface for mitk::SceneIO. More...
class | PlanarFigureSource |
| Base class for all filters which have an object of type mitk::PlanarFigure as output. More...
class | PlanarFigureToPlanarFigureFilter |
| Base class for all filters which have an object of type mitk::PlanarFigure as input and output. More...
class | PlanarFigureVtkMapper3D |
class | PlanarFourPointAngle |
| Implementation of PlanarFigure representing a four point angle, which is defined by two non-intersecting lines in 2D. Each of those lines is defined by two control points. More...
class | PlanarLine |
| Implementation of PlanarFigure representing a line through two control points. More...
class | PlanarPolygon |
| Implementation of PlanarFigure representing a polygon with two or more control points. More...
class | PlanarRectangle |
| Implementation of PlanarFigure representing a polygon with two or more control points. More...
class | PlanarSubdivisionPolygon |
| Implementation of PlanarFigure representing a polygon with two or more control points. More...
class | Plane |
| Plane surface representation. More...
class | PlaneFit |
class | PlaneGeometry |
| Describes a two-dimensional, rectangular plane. More...
class | PlaneGeometryData |
| Data class containing PlaneGeometry objects. More...
class | PlaneGeometryDataMapper2D |
| Vtk-based 2D mapper for rendering a crosshair with the plane geometry. More...
class | PlaneGeometryDataToSurfaceFilter |
| Superclass of all classes having a PlaneGeometryData as input and generating Images as output. More...
class | PlaneGeometryDataVtkMapper3D |
| Vtk-based mapper to display a PlaneGeometry in a 3D window. More...
class | PlaneLandmarkProjector |
| Thin-plate-spline-based landmark-based curved geometry. More...
class | PlaneOperation |
| Operation for setting a plane (defined by its origin and normal) More...
class | PlaneOrientationProperty |
class | PlanePositionManagerService |
class | PlaneProposer |
| The PlaneProposer creates a new plane based on an input point cloud. More...
class | PlotDataCurve |
class | Point |
class | Point2dProperty |
class | Point3dProperty |
class | Point3iProperty |
class | Point4dProperty |
class | PointLocator |
class | PointOperation |
| Operation that handles all actions on one Point. Stores everything for Adding, Moving and Deleting a Point. More...
class | PointSet |
| Data structure which stores a set of points. More...
class | PointSetDataInteractor |
| Implementation of the PointSetInteractor. More...
class | PointSetDifferenceStatisticsCalculator |
| Class for calculating the difference between two corresponding point sets. The user can access the single distances between corresponding points as well as a complete statistic (mean, sd, rms, median, max, min) The point sets must be of equal size! More...
class | PointSetIOFactory |
| Create instances of PointSetReader objects using an object factory. More...
class | PointSetReader |
| reads xml representations of mitk::PointSets from a file More...
class | PointSetReaderService |
class | PointSetSerializer |
| Serializes mitk::Surface for mitk::SceneIO. More...
class | PointSetShapeProperty |
class | PointSetSource |
| Superclass of all classes generating point sets (instances of class mitk::PointSet) as output. More...
class | PointSetStatisticsCalculator |
| Class for calculating statistics (like standard derivation, RMS, mean, etc.) for a PointSet. More...
class | PointSetToPointSetFilter |
| Superclass of all classes/algorithms having one or more PointSets as input and output. More...
class | PointSetVtkMapper2D |
| Vtk-based 2D mapper for PointSet. More...
class | PointSetVtkMapper3D |
| Vtk-based mapper for PointSet. More...
class | PointSetWriter |
| XML-based writer for mitk::PointSets. More...
class | PointSetWriterFactory |
class | PointSetWriterService |
struct | PreferenceListReaderOptionsFunctor |
| Option callback functor with a preference list/ black list option selection strategy. More...
class | Preferences |
| Implementation of the IPreferences interface. More...
class | PreferencesService |
| Implementation of the IPreferencesService interface. More...
class | ProcessExecutor |
| You may register an observer for an ExternalProcessOutputEvent, ExternalProcessStdOutEvent or ExternalProcessStdErrEvent in order to get notified of any output. More...
class | ProcessingError |
class | ProgressBar |
| Sending a message to the applications ProgressBar. More...
class | ProgressBarImplementation |
| GUI independent Interface for all Gui dependent implementations of a ProgressBar. More...
class | PropertyAliases |
class | PropertyDescriptions |
class | PropertyDeserialization |
class | PropertyEditor |
class | PropertyExtension |
| Base class for all property extensions. More...
class | PropertyExtensions |
class | PropertyFilter |
| Consists of blacklist and whitelist entries. More...
class | PropertyFilters |
class | PropertyKeyPath |
| Class that can be used to specify nested or wild carded property keys. E.g. for the use in context of the property persistence service or the property relation service.
Following assumptions are made /preconditions are defined: More...
class | PropertyList |
| Key-value list holding instances of BaseProperty. More...
class | PropertyListDeserializer |
| Deserializes a mitk::PropertyList. More...
class | PropertyListDeserializerV1 |
| Deserializes a mitk::PropertyList. More...
class | PropertyListReplacedObserver |
class | PropertyListSerializer |
| Serializes a mitk::PropertyList. More...
class | PropertyListsXmlFileReaderAndWriter |
class | PropertyObserver |
class | PropertyPersistence |
class | PropertyPersistenceInfo |
| Property persistence info. This class is used to specify the way the persistance of a property of BaseData derived instances is handled. The info specifies the key for property, as well as the mime type the info is defined for and should be used. Additionally the functions for deserialization and serialization of the property can be defined. As default. More...
class | PropertyRelationRuleBase |
class | PropertyRelations |
class | PropertyView |
class | ProportionalTimeGeometry |
class | ProportionalTimeGeometryToXML |
class | ProvisioningInfo |
class | PseudoLogStream |
| Simulates a std::cout stream. More...
class | PythonCommandObserver |
class | PythonService |
struct | PythonVariable |
class | QMAPAlgorithmModel |
class | RandomImageSampler |
class | RawImageFileReader |
| Reader to read raw image files. More...
class | RawImageFileReaderService |
class | ReduceContourSetFilter |
| A filter that reduces the number of points of contours represented by a mitk::Surface. More...
class | ReducedChiSquareFitCostFunction |
class | ReferenceCountWatcher |
| Keeps track of the reference count of an object even if it is destroyed. More...
class | RegEvalStyleProperty |
class | RegEvaluationMapper2D |
| Mapper to resample and display 2D slices of registration evaluation visualization. More...
class | RegEvaluationObject |
| RegEvaluationObject Class that contains all data to realize an evaluation of registrations via images. More...
class | RegEvaluationObjectFactory |
class | RegEvalWipeStyleProperty |
class | RegionGrowingTool |
| A slice based region growing tool. More...
class | RegVisColorStyleProperty |
class | RegVisDirectionProperty |
class | RegVisStyleProperty |
class | RemeshFilter |
| Encapsulates mitk::Remesh function as filter. More...
class | RendererAccess |
class | RenderingManager |
| Manager for coordinating the rendering process. More...
class | RenderingManagerFactory |
| Factory interface for facilitating the usage of a platform-specific mitk::RenderingManager instance. More...
class | RenderingModeProperty |
class | RenderingTestHelper |
class | RenderWindow |
| mitkRenderWindow integrates the MITK rendering mechanism into VTK and is NOT QT dependent More...
class | RenderWindowBase |
| Base class of MITK RenderWindows. More...
class | RenderWindowFrame |
class | RenderWindowLayerController |
class | RenderWindowViewDirectionController |
class | ResliceMethodProperty |
class | RestorePlanePositionOperation |
class | ResultAvailable |
class | RGBToRGBACastImageFilter |
class | ROI |
| A collection of region of interests (ROIs). More...
class | ROIBasedParameterFitImageGenerator |
class | ROIIO |
class | ROIIOModuleActivator |
class | ROIMapper2D |
class | ROIMapper3D |
class | ROIMapperLocalStorage |
| Common base class for both 2-d and 3-d ROI mapper local storages. More...
class | ROIObjectFactory |
class | ROISerializer |
class | RotationOperation |
| Operation, that holds everything necessary for an rotation operation on mitk::BaseData. More...
struct | RTConstants |
struct | RTCTKEventConstants |
class | RTDoseReaderService |
| RTDoseReaderService reads DICOM files of modality RTDOSE. More...
class | RTPlanReaderService |
| RTPlanReaderService reads DICOM files of modality RTPLAN. More...
class | RTStructureSetReaderService |
struct | RTUIConstants |
class | ScalarListLookupTable |
| Data class for modelfit properties that store a map of lists (e.g. static parameters). More...
class | ScalarListLookupTablePropertySerializer |
| Serializer for the ScalarListLookupTableProperty so it can be written and read from file. More...
class | ScaleLegendAnnotation |
| Displays configurable scales on the renderwindow. The scale is determined by the image spacing. More...
class | ScaleOperation |
| The ScaleOperation is an operation to scale any mitk::BaseGeometry. More...
class | SceneIO |
class | SceneReader |
class | SceneReaderV1 |
class | SegmentAnythingProcessExecutor |
| You may register an observer for an ExternalProcessOutputEvent, ExternalProcessStdOutEvent or ExternalProcessStdErrEvent in order to get notified of any output. More...
class | SegmentAnythingPythonService |
| Segment Anything Model Python process handler class. More...
class | SegmentAnythingTool |
| Segment Anything Model interactive 2D tool class. More...
class | SegmentationInterpolationAlgorithm |
| Interface class for interpolation algorithms. More...
class | SegmentationInterpolationController |
| Generates interpolations of 2D slices. More...
class | SegmentationObjectFactory |
class | SegmentationSink |
class | SegmentationsProcessingTool |
| Batch processing of all selected segmentations/data. More...
class | SegmentationTaskList |
| A list of segmentation tasks. More...
class | SegmentationTaskListIO |
class | SegmentationTaskListSerializer |
class | SegTool2D |
| Abstract base class for segmentation tools. More...
class | SegWithPreviewTool |
| Base class for any auto segmentation tool that provides a preview of the new segmentation. More...
class | ShapeBasedInterpolationAlgorithm |
| Shape-based binary image interpolation. More...
class | ShowSegmentationAsSmoothedSurface |
class | ShowSegmentationAsSurface |
class | SimpleBarrierConstraintChecker |
| This class implements constraints as simple barrier functions. More...
class | SimpleFunctorBase |
class | SimpleFunctorPolicy |
class | SimpleHistogram |
| Abstract superclass for histograms with double values. Classes which are deriving from this class can be cached in the same way. More...
class | SimpleHistogramCache |
class | SimpleImageHistogram |
class | SimpleUnstructuredGridHistogram |
class | SimpleVolumeDICOMSeriesReaderService |
class | SinglePointDataInteractor |
| Implementation of the single point interaction. More...
class | SlicedData |
| Super class of data objects consisting of slices. More...
class | SlicedGeometry3D |
| Describes the geometry of a data object consisting of slices. More...
class | SliceNavigationController |
| Controls the selection of the slice the associated BaseRenderer will display. More...
class | SmartPointerProperty |
| Property containing a smart-pointer. More...
class | SortByImagePositionPatient |
| Sort by distance of image origin along image normal (for use in DICOMTagBasedSorter). More...
class | SourceImageRelationRule |
class | SplineVtkMapper3D |
| Vtk-based mapper for Splines. More...
class | SquaredDifferencesFitCostFunction |
class | StandaloneDataStorage |
| Data management class that handles 'was created by' relations. More...
class | StandardFileLocations |
| Provides a method to look for configuration and option files etc. More...
class | StandardToftsModel |
| Implementation of the Model function of the Tofts pharmacokinetic model, using an Aterial Input Function The Model calculates the Concentration-Time-Curve as a convolution of the plasma curve Cp (the AIF) and a tissue specific residue function (in this case an exponential: R(t) = ktrans * exp(-ktrans/ve * (t)) ). C(t) = vp * Cp(t) + conv(Cp(t),R(t)) The parameters ktrans, ve and ve are subject to the fitting routine. More...
class | StandardToftsModelFactory |
class | StandardToftsModelParameterizer |
class | StateMachineAction |
| Represents an action, that is executed after a certain event (in statemachine-mechanism) TODO: implement: Is used to connect the Action-Id in an XML Statemachine description with a functor in the. More...
class | StateMachineCondition |
| Represents a condition, that has to be fulfilled in order to execute a state machine transition after a certain event. More...
class | StateMachineContainer |
class | StateMachineState |
class | StateMachineTransition |
| Connects two states, and holds references to corresponding actions and conditions. More...
struct | StaticNameOfClass |
struct | StaticNameOfClass< T, true > |
class | StatisticsImageFilter |
class | StatisticsToImageRelationRule |
class | StatisticsToMaskRelationRule |
class | StatusBar |
| Sending a message to the applications StatusBar. More...
class | StatusBarImplementation |
| GUI independent Interface for all Gui dependent implementations of a StatusBar. More...
class | StdFunctionCommand |
class | Stepper |
| Helper class to step through a list. More...
class | STLFileIOFactory |
| Create instances of STLFileReader objects using an object factory. More...
class | STLFileReader |
| Reader to read files in stl-format. More...
class | StringLookupTable |
class | StringLookupTableProperty |
class | StringProperty |
| Property for strings. More...
class | SubImageSelector |
| Base class of all classes providing access to parts of an image. More...
class | SubtractContourTool |
| Fill the inside of a contour with 1. More...
class | SumOfSquaredDifferencesFitCostFunction |
class | Surface |
| Class for storing surfaces (vtkPolyData). More...
class | SurfaceDeformationDataInteractor3D |
| SurfaceDeformation interaction with objects in 3D windows. More...
class | SurfaceInterpolationController |
class | SurfaceOperation |
class | SurfaceSerializer |
| Serializes mitk::Surface for mitk::SceneIO. More...
class | SurfaceSource |
| Superclass of all classes generating surfaces (instances of class Surface) as output. More...
class | SurfaceStampImageFilter |
| Converts surface data to pixel data. Requires a surface and an image, which header information defines the output image. More...
class | SurfaceStlIO |
class | SurfaceToImageFilter |
| Converts surface data to pixel data. Requires a surface and an image, which header information defines the output image. More...
class | SurfaceToPointSetFilter |
| This filter converts the input surface into a point set. The output point set contains every point exactly one time (no duplicated points like in the stl-format). More...
class | SurfaceToSurfaceFilter |
| Superclass of all classes getting surfaces (instances of class Surface) as input and generating surfaces as output. More...
class | SurfaceVtkIO |
class | SurfaceVtkLegacyIO |
class | SurfaceVtkMapper2D |
| Vtk-based mapper for cutting 2D slices out of Surfaces. More...
class | SurfaceVtkMapper3D |
| Vtk-based mapper for Surfaces. More...
class | SurfaceVtkWriter |
| VTK-based writer for mitk::Surface. More...
class | SurfaceVtkWriterFactory |
class | SurfaceVtkXmlIO |
class | SUVbwFunctorPolicy |
class | SVModelFitCostFunction |
class | TActionFunctor |
| Base class of ActionFunctors, to provide an easy to connect actions with functions. More...
class | TemporalJoinImagesFilter |
class | TemporoSpatialStringProperty |
| Property for time and space resolved string values. More...
class | TestCaller |
| A test caller for parameterized tests. More...
class | TestDICOMLoading |
class | TestFailedException |
| Indicate a failed test. More...
class | TestFixture |
| Test fixture for parameterized tests. More...
class | TestingRenderingManager |
class | TestingRenderingManagerFactory |
class | TestManager |
class | TestModel |
class | TestModelFactory |
class | TestNotRunException |
| Specialized mitk::Exception for skipped tests. More...
class | TextAnnotation2D |
| Displays text on the renderwindow. More...
class | TextAnnotation3D |
| Displays at 3D position, always facing the camera. More...
class | ThinPlateSplineCurvedGeometry |
| Thin-plate-spline-based landmark-based curved geometry. More...
class | ThreeDnTDICOMSeriesReader |
| Extends DICOMITKSeriesGDCMReader by sorting/grouping into 3D+t image blocks. More...
class | ThreeStepLinearModel |
class | ThreeStepLinearModelFactory |
class | ThreeStepLinearModelParameterizer |
class | TimeFramesRegistrationHelper |
class | TimeGeometry |
class | TimeNavigationController |
| Controls the time-related properties of the time stepper, according to the given input world time geometry. More...
class | TimeToPeakCurveDescriptionParameter |
class | TNodePredicateDataType |
| Tests for type compatibility (dynamic_cast). More...
class | Tool |
| Base class of all tools used by mitk::ToolManager. More...
class | ToolCommand |
| A command to get tool process feedback. More...
class | ToolManager |
| Manages and coordinates instances of mitk::Tool. More...
class | ToolManagerProvider |
| Micro Service Singleton to get an instance of mitk::ToolManager. More...
class | TotalSegmentatorTool |
| TotalSegmentator segmentation tool. More...
class | TransferFunction |
| The TransferFunction class A wrapper class for VTK scalar opacity, gradient opacity, and color transfer functions. More...
class | TransferFunctionInitializer |
| Wrapper class for VTK scalar opacity, gradient opacity, and color transfer functions. More...
class | TransferFunctionProperty |
| The TransferFunctionProperty class Property class for the mitk::TransferFunction. More...
class | TransferFunctionPropertySerializer |
class | TransformationOperation |
| Executes a transformation operations on one or two images. More...
class | TwoCompartmentExchangeModel |
| Implementation of the analytical model function of the Physiological Pharmacokinetic Brix model, using an Aterial Input Function The Model calculates the Concentration-Time-Curve as a convolution of the Aterial Input funciton CA(t) and a tissue specific residue function R(t). The Residue funktion consists of two parts: The Residue funktion Qp(t) of the Blood Plasma p and the residue funktion Qi(t) of the interstitial volume I. Ctotal(t) = vp * Cp(t) + fi * Ci(t) = [vp * Qp(t) + fi * Qi(t)] conv CA(t) = Qtotal(t) conv CA(t) where vp=Vp/VT and fi=Vi/VT are the portion of Plasma/interstitial volume Vp/VI of the total volume VT respectively. The Residuefunctions are described by Qp(t) = F/Vp * PS/Vp * 1/(l2 - l1) [ µ2 exp(l1*t) - µ1 exp(l2*t)] sig(t) Qi(t) = F/Vp * PS/Vi * 1/(l1 - l2) [ exp(l1*t) - exp(l2*t)] sig(t) = F/Vp * PS/Vp * vp/fi * 1/(l1 - l2) [ exp(l1*t) - exp(l2*t)] sig(t) with l1/2 = -1/2 (PS/Vp * vp/fi + PS/Vp + F/Vp) +/- sqrt((PS/Vp * vp/fi + PS/Vp + F/Vp)² - 4* F/Vp * PS/Vp * vp/fi) µ1/2 = F/Vp * Vp/PS + 1 + Vp/PS* l1/2. More...
class | TwoCompartmentExchangeModelFactory |
class | TwoCompartmentExchangeModelFactoryBase |
class | TwoCompartmentExchangeModelParameterizer |
class | TwoParameterToolEvent |
| Tool event with 1 parameter. More...
class | TwoStepLinearModel |
class | TwoStepLinearModelFactory |
class | TwoStepLinearModelParameterizer |
class | TwoTissueCompartmentFDGModel |
class | TwoTissueCompartmentFDGModelFactory |
class | TwoTissueCompartmentFDGModelParameterizer |
class | TwoTissueCompartmentModel |
class | TwoTissueCompartmentModelFactory |
class | TwoTissueCompartmentModelFactoryBase |
class | TwoTissueCompartmentModelParameterizer |
class | UIDGenerator |
| Generated unique IDs. More...
class | UIDManipulator |
| Change the unique ID of an mitk::Identifiable. More...
class | UIntProperty |
class | UndoController |
class | UndoModel |
| superclass for all UndoModels More...
class | UndoStackItem |
| Represents an entry of the undo or redo stack. More...
class | UnstructuredGrid |
| Class for storing unstructured grids (vtkUnstructuredGrid) More...
class | UnstructuredGridClusteringFilter |
| This filter uses the DBSCAN algorithm for clustering an mitk::UnstructuredGrid. "MinPts" defines the number of neighbours which are required to be a kernel point if a point is in range of a kernel point but hasn't enough neighbours this point is added to the cluster but is a density reachable point and the cluster ends at this point. "eps" is the range in which the neighbours are searched. If "Meshing" is set the clusteres UnstructuredGrid is meshed and visible in 2D renderwindows. More...
class | UnstructuredGridMapper2D |
| OpenGL-based mapper to display a 2d cut through a poly data OpenGL-based mapper to display a 2D cut through a poly data. The result is normally a line. This class can be added to any data object, which is rendered in 3D via a vtkPolyData. More...
class | UnstructuredGridSource |
| Superclass of all classes generating unstructured grids (instances of class UnstructuredGrid) as output. More...
class | UnstructuredGridToUnstructuredGridFilter |
class | UnstructuredGridVtkMapper3D |
| Vtk-based mapper for UnstructuredGrid. More...
class | UShortProperty |
class | ValueBasedParameterizationDelegate |
class | Vector |
class | Vector3DProperty |
class | VectorImageMapper2D |
class | VectorProperty |
| Providing a std::vector as property. More...
struct | VectorPropertyDataType |
| Helper for VectorProperty to determine a good ITK ClassName. More...
struct | VectorPropertyDataType< double > |
struct | VectorPropertyDataType< int > |
class | VectorPropertySerializer |
| Serializes a VectorProperty. More...
class | VerboseLimitedLinearUndo |
| A limited linear undo model providing GUI elements with stack status information. More...
class | VideoRecorder |
| Record the contents of a render window as video using FFmpeg as external command-line application. More...
class | VideoSource |
class | VolumeCalculator |
| Calculates the volume of a mitk::Image. The given volume is in milliliters or as a voxel count. Voxels are counted if their gray value is above a threshold (see SetThreshold), the default threshold is 0. More...
class | VolumeMapperVtkSmart3D |
| Vtk-based mapper for VolumeData. More...
class | VtiFileIOFactory |
| Create instances of VtiFileReader objects using an object factory. More...
class | VtiFileReader |
| Reader to read image files in vtk file format. More...
class | VtkAnnotation |
| The VtkAnnotation class is the base for all Annotation which are using the VTK framework to render the elements. More...
class | VtkAnnotation2D |
| The VtkAnnotation2D class is the basis for all VTK based Annotation which create a vtkActor2D element that will be drawn on the renderer. More...
class | VtkAnnotation3D |
| The VtkAnnotation3D class is the basis for all VTK based Annotation which create any 3D element as a vtkProp that will be drawn on the renderer. More...
class | VtkEventAdapter |
class | vtkEventProvider |
| Integrates into the VTK event mechanism to generate MITK specific events. This class is NON-QT dependent pandon to the current MITK event handling code in QmitkRenderWindow. More...
class | VtkGLMapperWrapper |
| Vtk-based 2D mapper for PointSet. More...
class | VtkImageIOFactory |
| Create instances of VtkImageReader objects using an object factory. More...
class | VtkImageReader |
| Reader to read image files in vtk file format. More...
class | VtkInteractorStyle |
| Implements the handling of events that are missing for MITK interaction. More...
class | VtkInterpolationProperty |
class | VtkLayerController |
class | VtkLoggingAdapter |
| Adapter that overwrites the standard vtk logging output window and sends the logging messages to the MITK logging instead. More...
class | VtkMapper |
| Base class of all Vtk Mappers in order to display primitives by exploiting Vtk functionality. More...
class | vtkPointSetXMLParser |
| Implementation of the vtkXMLParser interface for reading mitk::PointSets. More...
class | VtkPropRenderer |
| VtkPropRenderer. More...
class | VtkRepresentationProperty |
class | VtkResliceInterpolationProperty |
class | VtkScalarModeProperty |
class | VtkSurfaceIOFactory |
| Create instances of VtkSurfaceReader objects using an object factory. More...
class | VtkSurfaceReader |
| Reader to read surface files in vtk-format. More...
class | VtkWidgetRendering |
| Mechanism for rendering a vtkWidget in the foreground of a RenderWindow. More...
class | WeakPointer |
class | WeakPointerProperty |
| Property containing a smart-pointer. More...
class | WeightedPointTransform |
| This class implements an extension of the weighted point based registration algorithm from A. Danilchenko, R. Balachandran and J. M. Fitzpatrick. More...
class | WorkbenchCommandConstants |
struct | WorkbenchUtil |
| Utility class for loading data, opening editors and other tasks in a MITK Workbench. More...
class | XML2EventParser |
class | XMLPreferencesStorage |
| See IPreferencesStorage. More...
class | XnatSessionTracker |
MITKNEWMODULE_EXPORT bool | Equal (mitk::ExampleDataStructure *leftHandSide, mitk::ExampleDataStructure *rightHandSide, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
| Returns true if the example data structures are considered equal. More...
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (BoundingShapeInteractionEvent, itk::AnyEvent) |
MITKBOUNDINGSHAPE_EXPORT void | RegisterBoundingShapeObjectFactory () |
std::vector< mitk::Point3D > | GetCornerPoints (mitk::BaseGeometry::Pointer geometry, bool visualizationOffset) |
| helper function for calculating corner points of the bounding object from a given geometry More...
mitk::Point3D | CalcAvgPoint (mitk::Point3D a, mitk::Point3D b) |
| helper function for calculating the average of two points More...
std::vector< int > | GetHandleIndices (int index) |
MITKCEST_EXPORT bool | IsAnyCESTImage (const Image *cestImage) |
MITKCEST_EXPORT bool | IsCESTorWasabiImage (const Image *cestImage) |
MITKCEST_EXPORT bool | IsCESTT1Image (const Image *cestImage) |
MITKCEST_EXPORT NodePredicateBase::Pointer | CreateAnyCESTImageNodePredicate () |
MITKCEST_EXPORT NodePredicateBase::Pointer | CreateCESTorWasabiImageNodePredicate () |
MITKCEST_EXPORT NodePredicateBase::Pointer | CreateCESTT1ImageNodePredicate () |
MITKCEST_EXPORT bool | IsNotNormalizedCESTImage (const Image *cestImage) |
const std::string MITKCEST_EXPORT | CEST_PROPERTY_NAME_B1Amplitude () |
const std::string MITKCEST_EXPORT | CEST_PROPERTY_NAME_DutyCycle () |
double MITKCEST_EXPORT | GetCESTB1Amplitude (const IPropertyProvider *provider) |
double MITKCEST_EXPORT | GetCESTFrequency (const IPropertyProvider *provider) |
void MITKCEST_EXPORT | SetCESTFrequencyMHz (IPropertyOwner *owner, double freqInMHz) |
double MITKCEST_EXPORT | GetCESTPulseDuration (const IPropertyProvider *provider) |
double MITKCEST_EXPORT | GetCESTDutyCycle (const IPropertyProvider *provider) |
MITKCEST_EXPORT std::vector< ScalarType > | ExtractCESTOffset (const BaseData *image) |
MITKCEST_EXPORT std::vector< ScalarType > | ExtractCESTT1Time (const BaseData *image) |
MITKCLCORE_EXPORT FeatureID | CreateFeatureID (FeatureID templateID, std::string name) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (ContourModelEvent, itk::AnyEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (ContourModelShiftEvent, ContourModelEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (ContourModelSizeChangeEvent, ContourModelEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (ContourModelAddEvent, ContourModelSizeChangeEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (ContourModelRemoveEvent, ContourModelSizeChangeEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (ContourModelExpandTimeBoundsEvent, ContourModelEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (ContourModelClosedEvent, ContourModelEvent) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT void | ToJSON (nlohmann::json &j, AffineTransform3D::ConstPointer transform) |
| Write transform (4x4 matrix) as JSON array with 16 elements. More...
MITKCORE_EXPORT void | FromJSON (const nlohmann::json &j, AffineTransform3D::Pointer transform) |
| Read transform from JSON array (16 elements, resp. 4x4 matrix). More...
template<typename ArrayType , typename TCoordRep , unsigned int NVectorDimension> |
void | FillArray (itk::FixedArray< TCoordRep, NVectorDimension > &toArray, const ArrayType &array) |
| Copies elements of an array to this Vector. More...
template<typename ArrayType , typename TCoordRep , unsigned int NVectorDimension> |
itk::FixedArray< TCoordRep, NVectorDimension > | FillArray (const ArrayType &array) |
| Copies elements of an array to this Vector. More...
template<typename ArrayType , typename TCoordRep , unsigned int NVectorDimension> |
void | ToArray (ArrayType &array, const itk::FixedArray< TCoordRep, NVectorDimension > &vectorOrPoint) |
| Copies the elements of this into an array. More...
template<typename ArrayType , typename TCoordRep , unsigned int NVectorDimension> |
ArrayType | ToArray (const itk::FixedArray< TCoordRep, NVectorDimension > &vectorOrPoint) |
| Copies the elements of this into an array. More...
template<class Tout > |
void | FillVector3D (Tout &out, mitk::ScalarType x, mitk::ScalarType y, mitk::ScalarType z) |
template<class Tout > |
void | FillVector4D (Tout &out, mitk::ScalarType x, mitk::ScalarType y, mitk::ScalarType z, mitk::ScalarType t) |
template<typename TArrayType1 , typename TArrayType2 > |
bool | EqualArray (TArrayType1 &arrayType1, TArrayType2 &arrayType2, int size, ScalarType eps=mitk::eps, bool verbose=false) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::BaseGeometry &leftHandSide, const mitk::BaseGeometry &rightHandSide, ScalarType coordinateEps, ScalarType directionEps, bool verbose=false) |
| Equal A function comparing two geometries for being identical. More...
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::BaseGeometry &leftHandSide, const mitk::BaseGeometry &rightHandSide, ScalarType eps=mitk::eps, bool verbose=false) |
| Equal A function comparing two geometries for being identical. More...
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::BaseGeometry::TransformType &leftHandSide, const mitk::BaseGeometry::TransformType &rightHandSide, ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
| Equal A function comparing two transforms (TransformType) for being identical. More...
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::BaseGeometry::BoundingBoxType &leftHandSide, const mitk::BaseGeometry::BoundingBoxType &rightHandSide, ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
| Equal A function comparing two bounding boxes (BoundingBoxType) for being identical. More...
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | IsSubGeometry (const mitk::BaseGeometry &testGeo, const mitk::BaseGeometry &referenceGeo, ScalarType coordinateEps, ScalarType directionEps, bool verbose=false) |
| A function checks if a test geometry is a sub geometry of a given reference geometry. More...
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | IsSubGeometry (const mitk::BaseGeometry &testGeo, const mitk::BaseGeometry &referenceGeo, ScalarType eps=mitk::eps, bool verbose=false) |
| A function checks if a test geometry is a sub geometry of a given reference geometry. More...
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (RendererResetEvent, itk::AnyEvent) |
std::string MITKCORE_EXPORT | ConvertCompositePixelValueToString (Image::Pointer image, itk::Index< 3 > index) |
| Converts composite pixel values to a displayable string. More...
void | swap (CustomMimeType &l, CustomMimeType &r) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (DataInteractorEvent, itk::AnyEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (StartInteraction, DataInteractorEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (ResultReady, DataInteractorEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (InteractorChangedEvent, itk::AnyEvent) |
| Definition of an itk::Event that is invoked when a DataInteractor is set on this DataNode. More...
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &i, DataNode::Pointer &dtn) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &o, DataNode::Pointer &dtn) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT DataNode::Pointer | FindTopmostVisibleNode (const DataStorage::SetOfObjects::ConstPointer nodes, const Point3D worldPosition, const TimePointType timePoint, const BaseRenderer *baseRender) |
| returns the topmost visible node of a given list of nodes. The function returns a node that is visible and has the highest layer of a set of given nodes. The property list, which is used to find the visibility- and layer-property is specified by the given base renderer. More...
template<typename DifferenceType > |
bool | DifferenceBiggerOrEqualEps (DifferenceType diff, mitk::ScalarType epsilon=mitk::eps) |
template<typename ElementToOutput1 , typename ElementToOutput2 > |
void | ConditionalOutputOfDifference (ElementToOutput1 elem1, ElementToOutput2 elem2, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose, bool isEqual) |
bool | Equal (ScalarType scalar1, ScalarType scalar2, ScalarType eps=mitk::eps, bool verbose=false) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const mitk::Exception &e) |
void | swap (FileReaderSelector &fws1, FileReaderSelector &fws2) |
void | swap (FileWriterSelector &fws1, FileWriterSelector &fws2) |
template<typename T > |
void | from_json (const nlohmann::json &, GenericLookupTable< T > &) |
template<typename T > |
void | to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const GenericLookupTable< T > &t) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::GeometryData &leftHandSide, const mitk::GeometryData &rightHandSide, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
| Equal Compare two GeometryData objects for equality, returns true if found equal. More...
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::GeometryTransformHolder &leftHandSide, const mitk::GeometryTransformHolder &rightHandSide, ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::GeometryTransformHolder *leftHandSide, const mitk::GeometryTransformHolder *rightHandSide, ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
template<typename T > |
std::vector< std::string > | GetClassHierarchy () |
template<> |
std::vector< std::string > | GetClassHierarchy< void > () |
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::Image &leftHandSide, const mitk::Image &rightHandSide, ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
| Equal A function comparing two images for being equal in meta- and imagedata. More...
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension, class ItkOutputImageType > |
void | _CastToItkImage2Access (const itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > *itkInputImage, itk::SmartPointer< ItkOutputImageType > &itkOutputImage) |
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension, class ItkOutputImageType > |
void | _CastToItkImage2Access (const itk::VectorImage< TPixel, VImageDimension > *itkInputImage, itk::SmartPointer< ItkOutputImageType > &itkOutputImage) |
template<typename ItkOutputImageType > |
void MITKCORE_EXPORT | CastToItkImage (const mitk::Image *mitkImage, itk::SmartPointer< ItkOutputImageType > &itkOutputImage) |
| Cast an mitk::Image to an itk::Image with a specific type. More...
template<typename TPixelType , unsigned int VImageDimension> |
void MITKCORE_EXPORT | CastToItkImage (const mitk::Image *mitkImage, itk::SmartPointer< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, VImageDimension >> &itkOutputImage) |
| Cast an mitk::Image to an itk::VectorImage with a specific type. More...
template<typename ItkOutputImageType > |
void | CastToMitkImage (const itk::SmartPointer< ItkOutputImageType > &itkimage, itk::SmartPointer< mitk::Image > &mitkoutputimage) |
| Cast an itk::Image (with a specific type) to an mitk::Image. More...
template<typename ItkOutputImageType > |
void | CastToMitkImage (const ItkOutputImageType *itkimage, itk::SmartPointer< mitk::Image > &mitkoutputimage) |
| Cast an itk::Image (with a specific type) to an mitk::Image. More...
template<class TPixel > |
mitk::ScalarType | FastSinglePixelAccess (mitk::PixelType, mitk::Image::Pointer im, ImageDataItem *item, itk::Index< 3 > idx, mitk::ScalarType &val, int component=0) |
template<class TPixel > |
mitk::ScalarType | FastSinglePixelAccess (mitk::PixelType, mitk::Image::ConstPointer im, const ImageDataItem *item, itk::Index< 3 > idx, mitk::ScalarType &val, int component=0) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT Image::ConstPointer | SelectImageByTimeStep (const Image *image, unsigned int timestep) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT Image::Pointer | SelectImageByTimeStep (Image *image, unsigned int timestep) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT Image::ConstPointer | SelectImageByTimePoint (const Image *image, TimePointType timePoint) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT Image::Pointer | SelectImageByTimePoint (Image *image, TimePointType timePoint) |
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VDimension> |
ImageTypeTrait< TPixel, VDimension >::ImageType::Pointer | ImageToItkImage (mitk::Image *mitkImage) |
| Convert a MITK image to an ITK image. More...
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VDimension> |
ImageTypeTrait< TPixel, VDimension >::ImageType::ConstPointer | ImageToItkImage (const mitk::Image *mitkImage) |
| Convert a MITK image to an ITK image. More...
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | operator== (const InteractionEvent &a, const InteractionEvent &b) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | operator!= (const InteractionEvent &a, const InteractionEvent &b) |
InteractionEvent::MouseButtons | operator| (InteractionEvent::MouseButtons a, InteractionEvent::MouseButtons b) |
InteractionEvent::MouseButtons & | operator|= (InteractionEvent::MouseButtons &a, InteractionEvent::MouseButtons &b) |
InteractionEvent::ModifierKeys | operator| (InteractionEvent::ModifierKeys a, InteractionEvent::ModifierKeys b) |
InteractionEvent::ModifierKeys & | operator|= (InteractionEvent::ModifierKeys &a, InteractionEvent::ModifierKeys &b) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (InteractionSchemeChangedEvent, itk::AnyEvent) |
| Can be observed by GUI class to update button states when type is changed programmatically. More...
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
void | to_json (BasicJsonType &j, const IOVolumeSplitReason::ReasonType &e) |
template<typename BasicJsonType > |
void | from_json (const BasicJsonType &j, IOVolumeSplitReason::ReasonType &e) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT void | to_json (nlohmann::json &j, IOVolumeSplitReason::ConstPointer reason) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT void | to_json (nlohmann::json &j, IOVolumeSplitReason::Pointer reason) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT void | from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, IOVolumeSplitReason &reason) |
template<typename ItkOutputImageType > |
Image::Pointer | ImportItkImage (const itk::SmartPointer< ItkOutputImageType > &itkimage, const BaseGeometry *geometry=nullptr, bool update=true) |
| Imports an itk::Image (with a specific type) as an mitk::Image. More...
template<typename ItkOutputImageType > |
Image::Pointer | ImportItkImage (const ItkOutputImageType *itkimage, const BaseGeometry *geometry=nullptr, bool update=true) |
| Imports an itk::Image (with a specific type) as an mitk::Image. More...
template<typename ItkOutputImageType > |
Image::Pointer | GrabItkImageMemory (itk::SmartPointer< ItkOutputImageType > &itkimage, mitk::Image *mitkImage=nullptr, const BaseGeometry *geometry=nullptr, bool update=true) |
| Grabs the memory of an itk::Image (with a specific type) and puts it into an mitk::Image. More...
template<typename ItkOutputImageType > |
Image::Pointer | GrabItkImageMemory (ItkOutputImageType *itkimage, mitk::Image *mitkImage=nullptr, const BaseGeometry *geometry=nullptr, bool update=true) |
| Grabs the memory of an itk::Image (with a specific type) and puts it into an mitk::Image. More...
template<typename ItkOutputImageType > |
Image::Pointer | GrabItkImageMemoryChannel (ItkOutputImageType *itkimage, const TimeGeometry *geometry=nullptr, mitk::Image *mitkImage=nullptr, bool update=true) |
| Grabs the memory of an itk::Image (with a specific type) and puts it into an mitk::Image. More...
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::vector< TimePointType > | ConvertMetaDataObjectToTimePointList (const itk::MetaDataObjectBase *data) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT itk::MetaDataObjectBase::Pointer | ConvertTimePointListToMetaDataObject (const mitk::TimeGeometry *timeGeometry) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT void | to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const LevelWindow &lw) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT void | from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, LevelWindow &lw) |
template<typename Target > |
Target | lexical_cast (const std::string &arg) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (UndoStackEvent, itk::ModifiedEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (UndoEmptyEvent, UndoStackEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (RedoEmptyEvent, UndoStackEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (UndoNotEmptyEvent, UndoStackEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (RedoNotEmptyEvent, UndoStackEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (UndoFullEvent, UndoStackEvent) |
| Additional unused events, if anybody wants to put an artificial limit to the possible number of items in the stack. More...
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (RedoFullEvent, UndoStackEvent) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const BoolLookupTable &) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const FloatLookupTable &) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const IntLookupTable &) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const StringLookupTable &) |
template<typename TCoordRep , unsigned int NRows, unsigned int NCols> |
bool | MatrixEqualRMS (const vnl_matrix_fixed< TCoordRep, NRows, NCols > &matrix1, const vnl_matrix_fixed< TCoordRep, NRows, NCols > &matrix2, mitk::ScalarType epsilon=mitk::eps) |
| Check for matrix equality with a user defined accuracy. As an equality metric the root mean squared error (RMS) of all elements is calculated. More...
template<typename TCoordRep , unsigned int NRows, unsigned int NCols> |
bool | MatrixEqualRMS (const itk::Matrix< TCoordRep, NRows, NCols > &matrix1, const itk::Matrix< TCoordRep, NRows, NCols > &matrix2, mitk::ScalarType epsilon=mitk::eps) |
| Check for matrix equality with a user defined accuracy. As an equality metric the root mean squared error (RMS) of all elements is calculated. More...
template<typename TCoordRep , unsigned int NRows, unsigned int NCols> |
bool | MatrixEqualElementWise (const vnl_matrix_fixed< TCoordRep, NRows, NCols > &matrix1, const vnl_matrix_fixed< TCoordRep, NRows, NCols > &matrix2, mitk::ScalarType epsilon=mitk::eps) |
| Check for element-wise matrix equality with a user defined accuracy. More...
template<typename TCoordRep , unsigned int NRows, unsigned int NCols> |
bool | MatrixEqualElementWise (const itk::Matrix< TCoordRep, NRows, NCols > &matrix1, const itk::Matrix< TCoordRep, NRows, NCols > &matrix2, mitk::ScalarType epsilon=mitk::eps) |
| Check for element-wise matrix equality with a user defined accuracy. More...
template<class TTransformType > |
void | TransferVtkMatrixToItkTransform (const vtkMatrix4x4 *vtkmatrix, TTransformType *itkTransform) |
template<class TTransformType > |
void | TransferItkTransformToVtkMatrix (const TTransformType *itkTransform, vtkMatrix4x4 *vtkmatrix) |
template<class TTransformType1 , class TTransformType2 > |
void | ConvertItkTransform (const TTransformType1 *sourceTransform, TTransformType2 *destTransform) |
template<class TMatrixType > |
void | GetRotation (const mitk::BaseGeometry *geometry, TMatrixType &itkmatrix) |
template<class TTransformType > |
void | GetWorldToItkPhysicalTransform (const mitk::BaseGeometry *geometry, TTransformType *itkTransform) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT void | swap (MimeType &m1, MimeType &m2) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MimeType &mimeType) |
template<typename T > |
std::string | PixelComponentTypeToString () |
template<typename PixelT > |
std::string | PixelTypeToString () |
MITKCORE_EXPORT mitk::PixelType | MakePixelType (vtkImageData *vtkimagedata) |
| deduct the PixelType for a given vtk image More...
template<typename ComponentT , typename PixelT > |
PixelType | MakePixelType (std::size_t numOfComponents) |
| A template method for creating a pixel type. More...
template<typename ComponentT , typename PixelT , std::size_t numOfComponents> |
PixelType | MakePixelType () |
| A template method for creating a pixel type. More...
template<typename ItkImageType > |
PixelType | MakePixelType (std::size_t numOfComponents) |
| A template method for creating a MITK pixel type na ITK image type. More...
template<typename ItkImageType > |
PixelType | MakePixelType () |
| A template method for creating a MITK pixel type from an ITK image pixel type and dimension. More...
PixelType | MakePixelType (const itk::ImageIOBase *imageIO) |
| Create a MITK pixel type based on a itk::ImageIOBase object. More...
template<typename T > |
PixelType | MakeScalarPixelType () |
| An interface to the MakePixelType method for creating scalar pixel types. More...
template<class TCoordRep , unsigned int NPointDimension> |
void | to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension > &p) |
template<class TCoordRep , unsigned int NPointDimension> |
void | from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension > &p) |
template<typename TCoordRep , unsigned int NPointDimension> |
bool | Equal (const itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension > &point1, const itk::Point< TCoordRep, NPointDimension > &point2, TCoordRep eps=mitk::eps, bool verbose=false) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::PointSet *leftHandSide, const mitk::PointSet *rightHandSide, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose, bool checkGeometry=true) |
| Equal A function comparing two pointsets for being identical. More...
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::PointSet &leftHandSide, const mitk::PointSet &rightHandSide, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose, bool checkGeometry=true) |
| Equal A function comparing two pointsets for being identical. More...
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (PointSetEvent, itk::AnyEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (PointSetMoveEvent, PointSetEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (PointSetSizeChangeEvent, PointSetEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (PointSetAddEvent, PointSetSizeChangeEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (PointSetRemoveEvent, PointSetSizeChangeEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (PointSetExtendTimeRangeEvent, PointSetEvent) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PropertyKeyPath &path) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::string | PropertyKeyPathToPropertyRegEx (const PropertyKeyPath &tagPath) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::string | PropertyKeyPathToPersistenceKeyRegEx (const PropertyKeyPath &tagPath) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::string | PropertyKeyPathToPersistenceKeyTemplate (const PropertyKeyPath &tagPath) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::string | PropertyKeyPathToPersistenceNameTemplate (const PropertyKeyPath &tagPath) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT PropertyKeyPath | PropertyNameToPropertyKeyPath (const std::string &propertyName) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::string | PropertyKeyPathToPropertyName (const PropertyKeyPath &tagPath) |
std::string MITKCORE_EXPORT | GeneratePropertyNameForDICOMTag (unsigned int group, unsigned int element) |
bool MITKCORE_EXPORT | GetBackwardsCompatibleDICOMProperty (unsigned int group, unsigned int element, std::string const &backwardsCompatiblePropertyName, PropertyList const *propertyList, std::string &propertyValue) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT IPropertyPersistence * | CreateTestInstancePropertyPersistence () |
MITKCORE_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PropertyPersistenceInfo &info) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT IPropertyRelations * | CreateTestInstancePropertyRelations () |
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::ProportionalTimeGeometry &leftHandSide, const mitk::ProportionalTimeGeometry &rightHandSide, ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
| Equal A function comparing two ProportionalTimeGeometries for being identical. More...
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (RenderingManagerEvent, itk::AnyEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (RenderingManagerViewsInitializedEvent, RenderingManagerEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (FocusChangedEvent, itk::AnyEvent) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (mitk::Surface *leftHandSide, mitk::Surface *rightHandSide, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
| Equal Compare two surfaces for equality, returns true if found equal. More...
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (mitk::Surface &leftHandSide, mitk::Surface &rightHandSide, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
| Equal Compare two surfaces for equality, returns true if found equal. More...
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (vtkPolyData *leftHandSide, vtkPolyData *rightHandSide, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
| Equal Compare two vtk PolyDatas for equality, returns true if found equal. More...
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (vtkPolyData &leftHandSide, vtkPolyData &rightHandSide, mitk::ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
| Equal Compare two vtk PolyDatas for equality, returns true if found equal. More...
TemporoSpatialStringProperty::Pointer MITKCORE_EXPORT | ExtractTimeStepFromTemporoSpatialStringProperty (const TemporoSpatialStringProperty *tsProperty, TimeStepType ts) |
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::TimeGeometry &leftHandSide, const mitk::TimeGeometry &rightHandSide, ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
| Equal A function comparing two instances of TimeGeometry for being identical. More...
MITKCORE_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::TimeGeometry &leftHandSide, const mitk::TimeGeometry &rightHandSide, ScalarType coordinateEps, ScalarType directionEps, bool verbose) |
| Compare two instances of TimeGeometry. More...
template<class TOutputRegion , class TInputRegion > |
void | GenerateTimeInInputRegion (const mitk::TimeGeometry *outputTimeGeometry, const TOutputRegion &outputRegion, const mitk::TimeGeometry *inputTimeGeometry, TInputRegion &inputRegion) |
template<class TOutputData , class TInputData > |
void | GenerateTimeInInputRegion (const TOutputData *output, TInputData *input) |
| convert the start- and end-index-time of output in start- and end-index-time of input1 and input2 via millisecond-time More...
template<class TCoordRep , unsigned int NVectorDimension> |
void | to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const Vector< TCoordRep, NVectorDimension > &v) |
template<class TCoordRep , unsigned int NVectorDimension> |
void | from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, Vector< TCoordRep, NVectorDimension > &v) |
template<typename TCoordRep , unsigned int NPointDimension> |
bool | Equal (const itk::Vector< TCoordRep, NPointDimension > &vector1, const itk::Vector< TCoordRep, NPointDimension > &vector2, TCoordRep eps=mitk::eps, bool verbose=false) |
bool | Equal (const mitk::VnlVector &vector1, const mitk::VnlVector &vector2, ScalarType eps=mitk::eps, bool verbose=false) |
template<typename TCoordRep , unsigned int NPointDimension> |
bool | Equal (const vnl_vector_fixed< TCoordRep, NPointDimension > &vector1, const vnl_vector_fixed< TCoordRep, NPointDimension > &vector2, TCoordRep eps=mitk::eps, bool verbose=false) |
template<class Tin , class Tout > |
void | itk2vtk (const Tin &in, Tout &out) |
template<class Tin , class Tout > |
void | vtk2itk (const Tin &in, Tout &out) |
template<class Tin , class Tout > |
void | vnl2vtk (const vnl_vector< Tin > &in, Tout *out) |
template<class Tin , class Tout > |
void | vtk2vnl (const Tin *in, vnl_vector< Tout > &out) |
template<class Tin , class Tout , unsigned int n> |
void | vnl2vtk (const vnl_vector_fixed< Tin, n > &in, Tout *out) |
template<class Tin , class Tout , unsigned int n> |
void | vtk2vnl (const Tin *in, vnl_vector_fixed< Tout, n > &out) |
template<typename U , typename V , unsigned int NRows, unsigned int NColumns> |
void | TransferMatrix (const itk::Matrix< U, NRows, NColumns > &in, itk::Matrix< V, NRows, NColumns > &out) |
TestImageType::Pointer MITKTESTINGHELPER_EXPORT | GenerateTestImage (int factor=1) |
TestMaskType::Pointer MITKTESTINGHELPER_EXPORT | GenerateTestMask () |
Image::Pointer MITKTESTINGHELPER_EXPORT | GenerateTestFrame (double timePoint) |
Image::Pointer MITKTESTINGHELPER_EXPORT | GenerateTestMaskMITK () |
Image::Pointer MITKTESTINGHELPER_EXPORT | GenerateDynamicTestImageMITK () |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (AffineInteractionEvent, itk::AnyEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (ScaleEvent, AffineInteractionEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (RotateEvent, AffineInteractionEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (TranslateEvent, AffineInteractionEvent) |
std::string MITKDICOM_EXPORT | GenerateNameFromDICOMProperties (const mitk::IPropertyProvider *provider) |
MITKDICOM_EXPORT mitk::DICOMImageFrameList | ConvertToDICOMImageFrameList (const DICOMDatasetAccessingImageFrameList &input) |
MITKDICOM_EXPORT mitk::DICOMDatasetList | ConvertToDICOMDatasetList (const DICOMDatasetAccessingImageFrameList &input) |
MITKDICOM_EXPORT mitk::DICOMDatasetAccessingImageFrameList | ConvertToDICOMDatasetAccessingImageFrameList (const DICOMDatasetList &input) |
std::string | PixelSpacingInterpretationToString (const PixelSpacingInterpretation &value) |
| Convert mitk::PixelSpacingInterpretation to a human readable string. More...
std::string | ReaderImplementationLevelToString (const ReaderImplementationLevel &enumValue) |
| Convert mitk::ReaderImplementationLevel to a human readable string. More...
DICOMFilePathList MITKDICOM_EXPORT | GetDICOMFilesInSameDirectory (const std::string &filePath) |
DICOMFilePathList MITKDICOM_EXPORT | FilterForDICOMFiles (const DICOMFilePathList &fileList) |
DICOMFilePathList MITKDICOM_EXPORT | FilterDICOMFilesForSameSeries (const std::string &refFilePath, const DICOMFilePathList &fileList) |
MITKDICOM_EXPORT mitk::BaseProperty::Pointer | GetDICOMPropertyForDICOMValuesFunctor (const DICOMCachedValueLookupTable &cacheLookupTable) |
MITKDICOM_EXPORT std::map< std::string, BaseProperty::Pointer > | GetPropertyByDICOMTagPath (const PropertyList *list, const DICOMTagPath &path) |
MITKDICOM_EXPORT std::map< std::string, BaseProperty::Pointer > | GetPropertyByDICOMTagPath (const BaseData *data, const DICOMTagPath &path) |
template<typename TNumericReturnType > |
TNumericReturnType | ConvertDICOMStrToValue (const std::string &dcmValueString) |
template<typename TNumericType > |
std::string | ConvertValueToDICOMStr (const TNumericType value) |
void | DICOMStringToOrientationVectors (const std::string &s, Vector3D &right, Vector3D &up, bool &successful) |
| Convert DICOM string describing a point two Vector3D. More...
bool | DICOMStringToSpacing (const std::string &s, ScalarType &spacingX, ScalarType &spacingY) |
Point3D | DICOMStringToPoint3D (const std::string &s, bool &successful) |
| Convert DICOM string describing a point to Point3D. More...
MITKDICOM_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DICOMTagPath &path) |
MITKDICOM_EXPORT std::string | DICOMTagPathToPropertyRegEx (const DICOMTagPath &tagPath) |
MITKDICOM_EXPORT std::string | DICOMTagPathToPersistenceKeyRegEx (const DICOMTagPath &tagPath) |
MITKDICOM_EXPORT std::string | DICOMTagPathToPersistenceKeyTemplate (const DICOMTagPath &tagPath) |
MITKDICOM_EXPORT std::string | DICOMTagPathToPersistenceNameTemplate (const DICOMTagPath &tagPath) |
MITKDICOM_EXPORT std::string | DICOMTagPathToDCMTKSearchPath (const DICOMTagPath &tagPath) |
MITKDICOM_EXPORT DICOMTagPath | PropertyNameToDICOMTagPath (const std::string &propertyName) |
MITKDICOM_EXPORT std::string | DICOMTagPathToPropertyName (const DICOMTagPath &tagPath) |
DICOMTagPathMapType MITKDICOM_EXPORT | GetCurrentDICOMTagsOfInterest () |
DICOMTagPathMapType MITKDICOM_EXPORT | GetDefaultDICOMTagsOfInterest () |
MITKIMAGESTATISTICS_EXPORT ImageStatisticsContainer::ImageStatisticsObject::StatisticNameVector | GetAllStatisticNames (const ImageStatisticsContainer *container) |
MITKIMAGESTATISTICS_EXPORT ImageStatisticsContainer::ImageStatisticsObject::StatisticNameVector | GetAllStatisticNames (std::vector< ImageStatisticsContainer::ConstPointer > containers) |
MITKIMAGESTATISTICS_EXPORT DataNode::Pointer | CreateImageStatisticsNode (ImageStatisticsContainer::Pointer statistic, const std::string &name="statistics") |
mitk::NodePredicateBase::Pointer MITKIMAGESTATISTICS_EXPORT | GetImageStatisticsImagePredicate () |
| Gets a predicate for the ImageStatistics plugin input image. More...
mitk::NodePredicateBase::Pointer MITKIMAGESTATISTICS_EXPORT | GetImageStatisticsMaskPredicate () |
| Gets a predicate for the ImageStatistics plugin input mask. More...
mitk::NodePredicateBase::Pointer MITKIMAGESTATISTICS_EXPORT | GetImageStatisticsPlanarFigurePredicate () |
| Gets a predicate for the ImageStatistics plugin planar figure. More...
MITKIMAGESTATISTICS_EXPORT IntensityProfile::Pointer | ComputeIntensityProfile (Image::Pointer image, PlanarFigure::Pointer planarFigure) |
| Compute intensity profile of an image for each pixel along the first PolyLine of a given planar figure. More...
MITKIMAGESTATISTICS_EXPORT IntensityProfile::Pointer | ComputeIntensityProfile (Image::Pointer image, PlanarLine::Pointer planarLine, unsigned int numSamples, InterpolateImageFunction::Enum interpolator=InterpolateImageFunction::NearestNeighbor) |
| Compute intensity profile of an image for each sample along a planar line. More...
MITKIMAGESTATISTICS_EXPORT IntensityProfile::Pointer | ComputeIntensityProfile (Image::Pointer image, const Point3D &startPoint, const Point3D &endPoint, unsigned int numSamples, InterpolateImageFunction::Enum interpolator=InterpolateImageFunction::NearestNeighbor) |
| Compute intensity profile of an image for each sample between two points. More...
MITKIMAGESTATISTICS_EXPORT IntensityProfile::InstanceIdentifier | ComputeGlobalMaximum (IntensityProfile::ConstPointer intensityProfile, IntensityProfile::MeasurementType &max) |
| Compute global maximum of an intensity profile. More...
MITKIMAGESTATISTICS_EXPORT IntensityProfile::InstanceIdentifier | ComputeGlobalMinimum (IntensityProfile::ConstPointer intensityProfile, IntensityProfile::MeasurementType &min) |
| Compute global minimum of an intensity profile. More...
MITKIMAGESTATISTICS_EXPORT void | ComputeIntensityProfileStatistics (IntensityProfile::ConstPointer intensityProfile, ImageStatisticsContainer::ImageStatisticsObject &stats) |
| Compute statistics of an intensity profile. More...
MITKIMAGESTATISTICS_EXPORT IntensityProfile::InstanceIdentifier | ComputeCenterOfMaximumArea (IntensityProfile::ConstPointer intensityProfile, IntensityProfile::InstanceIdentifier radius) |
| Compute center of maximum area under the curve of an intensity profile. More...
MITKIMAGESTATISTICS_EXPORT std::vector< IntensityProfile::MeasurementType > | CreateVectorFromIntensityProfile (IntensityProfile::ConstPointer intensityProfile) |
| Convert an intensity profile to a standard library vector. More...
MITKIMAGESTATISTICS_EXPORT IntensityProfile::Pointer | CreateIntensityProfileFromVector (const std::vector< IntensityProfile::MeasurementType > &vector) |
| Convert a standard library vector to an intensity profile. More...
void MITKLOG_EXPORT | RegisterBackend (LogBackendBase *backend) |
| Register a backend in the MITK log mechanism. More...
void MITKLOG_EXPORT | UnregisterBackend (LogBackendBase *backend) |
| Unregister a backend. More...
void MITKLOG_EXPORT | DistributeToBackends (LogMessage &message) |
| Distribute the given message to all registered backends. More...
void MITKLOG_EXPORT | EnableBackends (LogBackendBase::OutputType type) |
| Enable the output of a backend. More...
void MITKLOG_EXPORT | DisableBackends (LogBackendBase::OutputType type) |
| Disable the output of a backend. More...
bool MITKLOG_EXPORT | IsBackendEnabled (LogBackendBase::OutputType type) |
| Check whether the output of this backend is enabled. More...
MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT Image::Pointer | StitchImages (std::vector< Image::ConstPointer > inputs, std::vector<::map::core::RegistrationBase::ConstPointer > registrations, const BaseGeometry *resultGeometry, const double &paddingValue=0, itk::StitchStrategy stitchStrategy=itk::StitchStrategy::Mean, mitk::ImageMappingInterpolator::Type interpolatorType=mitk::ImageMappingInterpolator::Linear) |
MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT Image::Pointer | StitchImages (std::vector< Image::ConstPointer > inputs, std::vector< MAPRegistrationWrapper::ConstPointer > registrations, const BaseGeometry *resultGeometry, const double &paddingValue=0, itk::StitchStrategy stitchStrategy=itk::StitchStrategy::Mean, mitk::ImageMappingInterpolator::Type interpolatorType=mitk::ImageMappingInterpolator::Linear) |
MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT Image::Pointer | StitchImages (std::vector< Image::ConstPointer > inputs, const BaseGeometry *resultGeometry, const double &paddingValue=0, itk::StitchStrategy stitchStrategy=itk::StitchStrategy::Mean, mitk::ImageMappingInterpolator::Type interpolatorType=mitk::ImageMappingInterpolator::Linear) |
mitk::MAPRegistrationWrapper::Pointer MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT | GenerateIdentityRegistration3D () |
void MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT | GetGridGeometryFromNode (const mitk::DataNode *regNode, mitk::Geometry3D::Pointer &gridDesc, unsigned int &gridFrequ) |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT | Generate3DDeformationGrid (const mitk::BaseGeometry *gridDesc, unsigned int gridFrequence, const map::core::RegistrationKernelBase< 3, 3 > *regKernel=nullptr) |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT | Generate3DDeformationGlyph (const mitk::BaseGeometry *gridDesc, const map::core::RegistrationKernelBase< 3, 3 > *regKernel) |
bool MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT | GridIsOutdated (const mitk::DataNode *regNode, const itk::TimeStamp &reference) |
bool MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT | PropertyIsOutdated (const mitk::DataNode *regNode, const std::string &propName, const itk::TimeStamp &reference) |
const MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT map::core::RegistrationKernelBase< 3, 3 > * | GetRelevantRegKernelOfNode (const mitk::DataNode *regNode) |
MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT mitk::DataNode::Pointer | generateRegistrationResultNode (const std::string &nodeName, mitk::MAPRegistrationWrapper::Pointer resultReg, const std::string &algorithmUID, const std::string &movingDataUID, const std::string &targetDataUID) |
MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT mitk::DataNode::Pointer | generateMappedResultNode (const std::string &nodeName, mitk::BaseData::Pointer mappedData, const std::string ®UID, const std::string &inputDataUID, const bool refinedGeometry, const std::string &interpolator="Unkown") |
| mapEventMacro (FrameRegistrationEvent, ::map::events::TaskBatchEvent, MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT) |
| mapEventMacro (FrameMappingEvent, ::map::events::TaskBatchEvent, MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT) |
bool MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT | CheckUID (const mitk::DataNode *node, const NodeUIDType &uid) |
bool MITKMATCHPOINTREGISTRATION_EXPORT | CheckUID (const mitk::BaseData *data, const NodeUIDType &uid) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT ModelBase::TimeGridType | ExtractTimeGrid (const Image *image) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT ModelBase::TimeGridType | ExtractTimeGrid (const TimeGeometry *geometry) |
double | fresnel_c (double x) |
double | fresnel_s (double x) |
double | fresnel_c2 (double x) |
double | fresnel_s2 (double x) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT std::string | generateModelFitResultImagePath (const std::string &outputPathTemplate, const std::string ¶meterName) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT void | storeParameterResultImage (const std::string &outputPathTemplate, const std::string ¶meterName, mitk::Image *image, mitk::modelFit::Parameter::Type parameterType=mitk::modelFit::Parameter::ParameterType) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT void | storeModelFitResultImage (const std::string &outputPathTemplate, const std::string ¶meterName, mitk::Image *image, mitk::modelFit::Parameter::Type nodeType, const mitk::modelFit::ModelFitInfo *modelFitInfo) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT void | storeModelFitGeneratorResults (const std::string &outputPathTemplate, mitk::ParameterFitImageGeneratorBase *generator, const mitk::modelFit::ModelFitInfo *fitSession) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT void | previewModelFitGeneratorResults (const std::string &outputPathTemplate, mitk::ParameterFitImageGeneratorBase *generator) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT ModelTraitsInterface::ParameterValueType | ReadVoxel (const mitk::Image *image, const mitk::Point3D &position, unsigned int timestep=0, bool noThrow=true) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT ModelTraitsInterface::ParameterValueType | ReadVoxel (const mitk::Image *image, const ::itk::Index< 3 > &index, unsigned int timestep=0, bool noThrow=true) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT ParameterValueMapType | ExtractParameterValueMapFromModelFit (const mitk::modelFit::ModelFitInfo *fitInfo, const mitk::Point3D &position) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT ParameterValueMapType | ExtractParameterValueMapFromModelFit (const mitk::modelFit::ModelFitInfo *fitInfo, const ::itk::Index< 3 > &index) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT ModelTraitsInterface::ParametersType | ConvertParameterMapToParameterVector (const ParameterValueMapType &valueMap, const ModelTraitsInterface *pTraitInterface) |
void | CheckYMinMaxFromPlotDataValues (const PlotDataValues &data, double &min, double &max) |
void | CheckXMinMaxFromPlotDataValues (const PlotDataValues &data, double &min, double &max) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT PlotDataCurve::Pointer | GenerateModelSignalPlotData (const mitk::Point3D &position, const mitk::modelFit::ModelFitInfo *fitInfo, const mitk::ModelBase::TimeGridType &timeGrid, mitk::ModelParameterizerBase *parameterizer=nullptr) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT PlotDataCurveCollection::Pointer | GenerateAdditionalModelFitPlotData (const mitk::Point3D &position, const mitk::modelFit::ModelFitInfo *fitInfo, const mitk::ModelBase::TimeGridType &timeGrid) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT PlotDataCurve::Pointer | GenerateImageSamplePlotData (const mitk::Point3D &position, const mitk::Image *image, const mitk::ModelBase::TimeGridType &timeGrid) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const ScalarListLookupTable &l) |
| Adds the string representation of the given ScalarListLookupTable to the given stream. More...
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT void | to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const ScalarListLookupTable &lut) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT void | from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, ScalarListLookupTable &lut) |
| mitkDeclareGenericProperty (ScalarListLookupTableProperty, ScalarListLookupTable, MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT bool | TimeGridIsMonotonIncreasing (const ModelBase::TimeGridType timeGrid) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT ModelBase::ModelResultType | InterpolateSignalToNewTimeGrid (const ModelBase::ModelResultType &inputSignal, const ModelBase::TimeGridType &inputGrid, const ModelBase::TimeGridType &outputGrid) |
MITKMODELFIT_EXPORT ModelBase::TimeGridType | GenerateSupersampledTimeGrid (const mitk::ModelBase::TimeGridType &grid, const unsigned int samplingRate) |
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::Label &leftHandSide, const mitk::Label &rightHandSide, ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
| Equal A function comparing two labels for being equal in data. More...
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::LabelSetImage &leftHandSide, const mitk::LabelSetImage &rightHandSide, ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
| Equal A function comparing two label set images for being equal in meta- and imagedata. More...
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::LabelSetImage::ConstLabelVectorType &leftHandSide, const mitk::LabelSetImage::ConstLabelVectorType &rightHandSide, ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
| Equal A function comparing two vectors of labels for being equal in data. More...
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT void | TransferLabelContentAtTimeStep (const LabelSetImage *sourceImage, LabelSetImage *destinationImage, const TimeStepType timeStep, LabelValueMappingVector labelMapping={ {1, 1} }, MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle mergeStyle=MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle::Replace, MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle overwriteStlye=MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle::RegardLocks) |
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT void | TransferLabelContent (const LabelSetImage *sourceImage, LabelSetImage *destinationImage, LabelValueMappingVector labelMapping={ {1, 1} }, MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle mergeStyle=MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle::Replace, MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle overwriteStlye=MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle::RegardLocks) |
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT void | TransferLabelContentAtTimeStep (const Image *sourceImage, Image *destinationImage, const mitk::ConstLabelVector &destinationLabelVector, const TimeStepType timeStep, mitk::Label::PixelType sourceBackground=LabelSetImage::UNLABELED_VALUE, mitk::Label::PixelType destinationBackground=LabelSetImage::UNLABELED_VALUE, bool destinationBackgroundLocked=false, LabelValueMappingVector labelMapping={ {1, 1} }, MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle mergeStyle=MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle::Replace, MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle overwriteStlye=MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle::RegardLocks) |
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT void | TransferLabelContent (const Image *sourceImage, Image *destinationImage, const mitk::ConstLabelVector &destinationLabelVector, mitk::Label::PixelType sourceBackground=LabelSetImage::UNLABELED_VALUE, mitk::Label::PixelType destinationBackground=LabelSetImage::UNLABELED_VALUE, bool destinationBackgroundLocked=false, LabelValueMappingVector labelMapping={ {1, 1} }, MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle mergeStyle=MultiLabelSegmentation::MergeStyle::Replace, MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle overwriteStlye=MultiLabelSegmentation::OverwriteStyle::RegardLocks) |
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT Image::Pointer | ConvertLabelSetImageToImage (LabelSetImage::ConstPointer labelSetImage) |
| Convert mitk::LabelSetImage to mitk::Image (itk::VectorImage) More...
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT LabelSetImage::Pointer | ConvertImageToLabelSetImage (Image::Pointer image) |
| Convert mitk::Image to mitk::LabelSetImage, templating and differentation between itk::Image and itk::VectorImage is internal. More...
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT LabelSetImage::Pointer | ConvertImageVectorToLabelSetImage (const std::vector< mitk::Image::Pointer > &images, const TimeGeometry *timeGeometry) |
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT std::vector< mitk::Image::Pointer > | SplitVectorImage (const Image *vecImage) |
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT LabelSetImage::LabelVectorType | GenerateLabelSetWithMappedValues (const LabelSetImage::ConstLabelVectorType &, LabelValueMappingVector labelMapping) |
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT Image::Pointer | ConvertImageToGroupImage (const Image *inputImage, mitk::LabelSetImage::LabelValueVectorType &foundLabels) |
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT bool | CheckForLabelValueConflictsAndResolve (const mitk::LabelSetImage::LabelValueVectorType &newValues, mitk::LabelSetImage::LabelValueVectorType &usedLabelValues, mitk::LabelSetImage::LabelValueVectorType &correctedLabelValues) |
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT Image::Pointer | CreateLabelMask (const LabelSetImage *segmentation, LabelSetImage::LabelValueType labelValue, bool createBinaryMap=true) |
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT std::pair< Image::Pointer, IDToLabelClassNameMapType > | CreateLabelClassMap (const LabelSetImage *segmentation, LabelSetImage::GroupIndexType groupID, const LabelSetImage::LabelValueVectorType &selectedLabels) |
MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT std::pair< Image::Pointer, IDToLabelClassNameMapType > | CreateLabelClassMap (const LabelSetImage *segmentation, LabelSetImage::GroupIndexType groupID) |
mitk::NodePredicateBase::Pointer MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT | GetMultiLabelSegmentationPredicate (const mitk::BaseGeometry *referenceGeometry=nullptr) |
| Gets a predicate for a valid multi label segmentation node. More...
mitk::NodePredicateBase::Pointer MITKMULTILABEL_EXPORT | GetSegmentationReferenceImagePredicate () |
| Gets a predicate for the images that can be used as reference for a segmentation. More...
double MITKPET_EXPORT | computeSUVbwScaleFactor (double injectedActivity, double bodyweight, double decayTime, double halfLife) |
double MITKPET_EXPORT | computeSUVbw (double value, double injectedActivity, double bodyweight, double decayTime, double halfLife) |
std::vector< double > MITKPET_EXPORT | GetRadionuclideHalfLife (mitk::BaseData *data) |
std::string MITKPET_EXPORT | GetRadionuclideNames (mitk::BaseData *data) |
std::vector< double > MITKPET_EXPORT | GetRadionuclideTotalDose (mitk::BaseData *data) |
double MITKPET_EXPORT | GetPatientsWeight (mitk::BaseData *data) |
DecayTimeMapType MITKPET_EXPORT | DeduceDecayTime_AcquisitionMinusStartSliceResolved (mitk::BaseData *data) |
MITKPHARMACOKINETICS_EXPORT ModelBase::StaticParameterValuesType | convertArrayToParameter (itk::Array< double > array) |
MITKPHARMACOKINETICS_EXPORT itk::Array< double > | convertParameterToArray (ModelBase::StaticParameterValuesType) |
itk::Array< double > | convoluteAIFWithExponential (mitk::ModelBase::TimeGridType timeGrid, mitk::AIFBasedModelBase::AterialInputFunctionType aif, double lambda) |
itk::Array< double > | convoluteAIFWithConstant (mitk::ModelBase::TimeGridType timeGrid, mitk::AIFBasedModelBase::AterialInputFunctionType aif, double constant) |
MITKPLANARFIGURE_EXPORT bool | Equal (const mitk::PlanarFigure &leftHandSide, const mitk::PlanarFigure &rightHandSide, ScalarType eps, bool verbose) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (PlanarFigureEvent, itk::AnyEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (StartPlacementPlanarFigureEvent, PlanarFigureEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (EndPlacementPlanarFigureEvent, PlanarFigureEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (SelectPlanarFigureEvent, PlanarFigureEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (StartInteractionPlanarFigureEvent, PlanarFigureEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (EndInteractionPlanarFigureEvent, PlanarFigureEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (StartHoverPlanarFigureEvent, PlanarFigureEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (EndHoverPlanarFigureEvent, PlanarFigureEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (ContextMenuPlanarFigureEvent, PlanarFigureEvent) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (PointMovedPlanarFigureEvent, PlanarFigureEvent) |
MITKQTWIDGETS_EXPORT void | PutPreferredDataStorageInspector (const DataStorageInspectorIDType &id) |
MITKQTWIDGETS_EXPORT DataStorageInspectorIDType | GetPreferredDataStorageInspector () |
MITKQTWIDGETS_EXPORT void | PutVisibleDataStorageInspectors (const VisibleDataStorageInspectorMapType &inspectors) |
MITKQTWIDGETS_EXPORT VisibleDataStorageInspectorMapType | GetVisibleDataStorageInspectors () |
MITKQTWIDGETS_EXPORT void | PutShowFavoritesInspector (bool show) |
MITKQTWIDGETS_EXPORT bool | GetShowFavoritesInspector () |
MITKQTWIDGETS_EXPORT void | PutShowHistoryInspector (bool show) |
MITKQTWIDGETS_EXPORT bool | GetShowHistoryInspector () |
MITKREGISTRATIONONTOLOGY_EXPORT void | FindClosestSegmentationMask () |
MITKREMESHING_EXPORT Surface::Pointer | Remesh (const Surface *surface, TimeStepType t, int numVertices, double gradation, int subsampling=10, double edgeSplitting=0.0, int optimizationLevel=1, bool forceManifold=false, bool boundaryFixing=false) |
| Remesh a surface and store the result in a new surface. More...
MITKROI_EXPORT void | to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const ROI::Element &roi) |
MITKROI_EXPORT void | from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, ROI::Element &roi) |
void MITKRT_EXPORT | ConfigureNodeAsDoseNode (mitk::DataNode *doseNode, const mitk::IsoDoseLevelSet *colorPreset, mitk::DoseValueAbs referenceDose, bool showColorWashGlobal=true) |
void MITKRT_EXPORT | ConfigureNodeAsIsoLineNode (mitk::DataNode *doseOutlineNode, const mitk::IsoDoseLevelSet *colorPreset, mitk::DoseValueAbs referenceDose, bool showIsolinesGlobal=true) |
IsoDoseLevelSet::Pointer MITKRT_EXPORT | GenerateIsoLevels_Virtuos () |
template<typename NUMBER_TYPE , typename STRING_ARRAY , typename DOUBLE_ARRAY > |
void | StringsToNumbers (unsigned int count, const STRING_ARRAY &strings, DOUBLE_ARRAY &numbers) |
| itkEventMacroDeclaration (ToolEvent, itk::ModifiedEvent) |
| Basic tool event without any parameters Can simply be inherited using the itkEventMacro, e.g. More...
MITK_GUI_COMMON_PLUGIN IRenderingManager * | MakeRenderingManagerInterface (RenderingManager::Pointer manager) |