Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  2024.12.99-d991a09f
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mitk::PointSet Class Reference

Data structure which stores a set of points. More...

#include <mitkPointSet.h>

Inheritance diagram for mitk::PointSet:
Collaboration diagram for mitk::PointSet:


struct  CellDataType
struct  PointDataType
 struct for data of a point More...

Public Types

typedef PointSet Self
typedef BaseData Superclass
typedef itk::SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef itk::SmartPointer< const SelfConstPointer
typedef mitk::ScalarType CoordinateType
typedef mitk::ScalarType InterpolationWeightType
typedef std::vector< unsigned int > SelectedLinesType
 cellDataType, that stores all indexes of the lines, that are selected e.g.: points A,B and C.Between A and B there is a line with index 0. If vector of cellData contains 1 and 2, then the lines between B and C and C and A is selected. More...
typedef SelectedLinesType::iterator SelectedLinesIter
typedef itk::DefaultDynamicMeshTraits< PointDataType, PointDimension, MaxTopologicalDimension, CoordinateType, InterpolationWeightType, CellDataTypeMeshTraits
typedef itk::Mesh< PointDataType, PointDimension, MeshTraitsMeshType
typedef MeshType DataType
typedef Point3D PointType
typedef DataType::PointIdentifier PointIdentifier
typedef DataType::PointsContainer PointsContainer
typedef DataType::PointsContainerIterator PointsIterator
typedef DataType::PointsContainer::ConstIterator PointsConstIterator
typedef DataType::PointDataContainer PointDataContainer
typedef DataType::PointDataContainerIterator PointDataIterator
typedef DataType::PointDataContainerIterator PointDataConstIterator
- Public Types inherited from mitk::BaseData
typedef BaseData Self
typedef itk::DataObject Superclass
typedef itk::SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef itk::SmartPointer< const SelfConstPointer
- Public Types inherited from mitk::Identifiable
using UIDType = std::string

Public Member Functions

virtual std::vector< std::string > GetClassHierarchy () const override
virtual const char * GetClassName () const
Pointer Clone () const
void Expand (unsigned int timeSteps) override
 Expands the TimeGeometry to a number of TimeSteps. More...
void ExecuteOperation (Operation *operation) override
 executes the given Operation More...
virtual int GetSize (unsigned int t=0) const
 returns the current size of the point-list More...
virtual unsigned int GetPointSetSeriesSize () const
virtual DataType::Pointer GetPointSet (int t=0) const
 returns the pointset More...
PointsIterator Begin (int t=0)
PointsConstIterator Begin (int t=0) const
PointsIterator End (int t=0)
PointsConstIterator End (int t=0) const
PointsIterator GetMaxId (int t=0)
 Get an iterator to the max ID element if existent. Return End() otherwise. More...
PointType GetPoint (PointIdentifier id, int t=0) const
 Get the point with ID id in world coordinates. More...
bool GetPointIfExists (PointIdentifier id, PointType *point, int t=0) const
 Get the point with ID id in world coordinates. More...
void SetPoint (PointIdentifier id, PointType point, int t=0)
 Set the given point in world coordinate system into the itkPointSet. More...
void SetPoint (PointIdentifier id, PointType point, PointSpecificationType spec, int t=0)
 Set the given point in world coordinate system with the given PointSpecificationType. More...
void InsertPoint (PointIdentifier id, PointType point, int t=0)
 Set the given point in world coordinate system into the itkPointSet. More...
void InsertPoint (PointIdentifier id, PointType point, PointSpecificationType spec, int t)
 Set the given point in world coordinate system with given PointSpecificationType. More...
PointIdentifier InsertPoint (PointType point, int t=0)
 Insert the given point in world coordinate system with incremented max id at time step t. More...
bool RemovePointIfExists (PointIdentifier id, int t=0)
 Remove point with given id at timestep t, if existent. More...
PointsIterator RemovePointAtEnd (int t=0)
 Remove max id point at timestep t and return iterator to precedent point. More...
bool SwapPointPosition (PointIdentifier id, bool moveUpwards, int t=0)
 Swap a point at the given position (id) with the upper point (moveUpwards=true) or with the lower point (moveUpwards=false). If upper or lower index does not exist false is returned, if swap was successful true. More...
virtual int SearchSelectedPoint (int t=0) const
 searches a selected point and returns the id of that point. If no point is found, then -1 is returned More...
virtual bool IndexExists (int position, int t=0) const
 returns true if a point exists at this position More...
virtual bool GetSelectInfo (int position, int t=0) const
 to get the state selected/unselected of the point on the position More...
virtual void SetSelectInfo (int position, bool selected, int t=0)
virtual PointSpecificationType GetSpecificationTypeInfo (int position, int t) const
 to get the type of the point at the position and the moment More...
virtual int GetNumberOfSelected (int t=0) const
 returns the number of selected points More...
int SearchPoint (Point3D point, ScalarType distance, int t=0) const
 searches a point in the list == point +/- distance More...
bool IsEmptyTimeStep (unsigned int t) const override
 Check whether object contains data (at a specified time), e.g., a set of points may be empty. More...
void UpdateOutputInformation () override
void SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion () override
 Set the RequestedRegion to the LargestPossibleRegion. More...
bool RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion () override
 Determine whether the RequestedRegion is outside of the BufferedRegion. More...
bool VerifyRequestedRegion () override
 Verify that the RequestedRegion is within the LargestPossibleRegion. More...
void SetRequestedRegion (const itk::DataObject *data) override
 Set the requested region from this data object to match the requested region of the data object passed in as a parameter. More...
virtual void OnPointSetChange ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from mitk::BaseData
BaseProperty::ConstPointer GetConstProperty (const std::string &propertyKey, const std::string &contextName="", bool fallBackOnDefaultContext=true) const override
 Get property by its key. More...
std::vector< std::string > GetPropertyKeys (const std::string &contextName="", bool includeDefaultContext=false) const override
 Query keys of existing properties. More...
std::vector< std::string > GetPropertyContextNames () const override
 Query names of existing contexts. More...
BasePropertyGetNonConstProperty (const std::string &propertyKey, const std::string &contextName="", bool fallBackOnDefaultContext=true) override
 Get property by its key. More...
void SetProperty (const std::string &propertyKey, BaseProperty *property, const std::string &contextName="", bool fallBackOnDefaultContext=false) override
 Add new or change existent property. More...
void RemoveProperty (const std::string &propertyKey, const std::string &contextName="", bool fallBackOnDefaultContext=false) override
 Removes a property. If the property does not exist, nothing will be done. More...
const mitk::TimeGeometryGetTimeGeometry () const
 Return the TimeGeometry of the data as const pointer. More...
mitk::TimeGeometryGetTimeGeometry ()
 Return the TimeGeometry of the data as pointer. More...
const mitk::TimeGeometryGetUpdatedTimeGeometry ()
 Return the TimeGeometry of the data. More...
const mitk::BaseGeometryGetUpdatedGeometry (int t=0)
 Return the BaseGeometry of the data at time t. More...
mitk::BaseGeometryGetGeometry (int t=0) const
 Return the geometry, which is a TimeGeometry, of the data as non-const pointer. More...
void UpdateOutputInformation () override
 Update the information for this BaseData (the geometry in particular) so that it can be used as an output of a BaseProcess. More...
void CopyInformation (const itk::DataObject *data) override
 Copy information from the specified data set. More...
virtual bool IsInitialized () const
 Check whether the data has been initialized, i.e., at least the Geometry and other header data has been set. More...
virtual void Clear ()
 Calls ClearData() and InitializeEmpty();. More...
virtual bool IsEmpty () const
 Check whether object contains data (at least at one point in time), e.g., a set of points may be empty. More...
virtual void SetGeometry (BaseGeometry *aGeometry3D)
 Set the BaseGeometry of the data, which will be referenced (not copied!). Assumes the data object has only 1 time step ( is a 3D object ) and creates a new TimeGeometry which saves the given BaseGeometry. If an TimeGeometry has already been set for the object, it will be replaced after calling this function. More...
virtual void SetTimeGeometry (TimeGeometry *geometry)
 Set the TimeGeometry of the data, which will be referenced (not copied!). More...
virtual void SetClonedGeometry (const BaseGeometry *aGeometry3D)
 Set a clone of the provided Geometry as Geometry of the data. Assumes the data object has only 1 time step ( is a 3D object ) and creates a new TimeGeometry. If an TimeGeometry has already been set for the object, it will be replaced after calling this function. More...
virtual void SetClonedTimeGeometry (const TimeGeometry *geometry)
 Set a clone of the provided TimeGeometry as TimeGeometry of the data. More...
virtual void SetClonedGeometry (const BaseGeometry *aGeometry3D, unsigned int time)
 Set a clone of the provided geometry as BaseGeometry of a given time step. More...
mitk::PropertyList::Pointer GetPropertyList () const
 Get the data's property list. More...
void SetPropertyList (PropertyList *propertyList)
 Set the data's property list. More...
mitk::BaseProperty::Pointer GetProperty (const char *propertyKey) const
 Get the property (instance of BaseProperty) with key propertyKey from the PropertyList, and set it to this, respectively;. More...
void SetProperty (const char *propertyKey, BaseProperty *property)
virtual void SetOrigin (const Point3D &origin)
 Convenience method for setting the origin of the BaseGeometry instances of all time steps. More...
itk::SmartPointer< mitk::BaseDataSourceGetSource () const
 Get the process object that generated this data object. More...
unsigned int GetTimeSteps () const
 Get the number of time steps from the TimeGeometry As the base data has not a data vector given by itself, the number of time steps is defined over the time sliced geometry. In sub classes, a better implementation could be over the length of the data vector. More...
itk::ModifiedTimeType GetMTime () const override
 Get the modified time of the last change of the contents this data object or its geometry. More...
void Graft (const DataObject *) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from mitk::OperationActor
 itkTypeMacroNoParent (OperationActor) virtual ~OperationActor()
- Public Member Functions inherited from mitk::Identifiable
 Identifiable ()
 Identifiable (const UIDType &uid)
 Identifiable (const Identifiable &)=delete
 Identifiable (Identifiable &&) noexcept
virtual ~Identifiable ()
Identifiableoperator= (const Identifiable &)=delete
Identifiableoperator= (Identifiable &&other) noexcept
virtual UIDType GetUID () const
 Get unique ID of an object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from mitk::IPropertyOwner
 ~IPropertyOwner () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from mitk::IPropertyProvider
virtual ~IPropertyProvider ()

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * GetStaticNameOfClass ()
static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from mitk::BaseData
static const char * GetStaticNameOfClass ()

Static Public Attributes

static const unsigned int PointDimension
static const unsigned int MaxTopologicalDimension

Protected Types

typedef std::vector< DataType::Pointer > PointSetSeries

Protected Member Functions

virtual itk::LightObject::Pointer InternalClone () const override
 PointSet ()
 PointSet (const PointSet &other)
 ~PointSet () override
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, itk::Indent indent) const override
 print content of the object to os More...
void ClearData () override
 reset to non-initialized state, release memory More...
void InitializeEmpty () override
 Pure virtual; Must be used in subclasses to get a data object to a valid state. Should at least create one empty object and call Superclass::InitializeTimeGeometry() to ensure an existing valid geometry. More...
bool SwapPointContents (PointIdentifier id1, PointIdentifier id2, int t=0)
 swaps point coordinates and point data of the points with identifiers id1 and id2 More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from mitk::BaseData
 BaseData ()
 BaseData (const BaseData &other)
 ~BaseData () override
virtual void InitializeTimeGeometry (unsigned int timeSteps=1)
 Initialize the TimeGeometry for a number of time steps. The TimeGeometry is initialized empty and evenly timed. In many cases it will be necessary to overwrite this in sub-classes. More...
void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, itk::Indent indent) const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from mitk::Identifiable
virtual void SetUID (const UIDType &uid)

Protected Attributes

PointSetSeries m_PointSetSeries
DataType::PointsContainer::Pointer m_EmptyPointsContainer
bool m_CalculateBoundingBox
 flag to indicate the right time to call SetBounds More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from mitk::BaseData
bool m_LastRequestedRegionWasOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion
unsigned int m_SourceOutputIndexDuplicate
bool m_Initialized

Detailed Description

Data structure which stores a set of points.

3D points are grouped within a point set; for time resolved usage, one point set is created and maintained per time step. A point entry consists of the point coordinates and point data.

The point data includes a point ID (unique identifier to address this point within the point set), the selection state of the point and the type of the point.

For further information about different point types see mitk::PointSpecificationType in mitkVector.h.

Inserting a point is accompanied by an event, containing an index. The new point is inserted into the list at the specified position. At the same time an internal ID is generated and stored for the point. Points at specific time steps are accessed by specifying the time step number (which defaults to 0).

The points of itk::PointSet stores the points in a pointContainer (MapContainer). The points are best accessed by using a ConstIterator (as defined in MapContainer); avoid access via index.

The class internally uses an itk::Mesh for each time step.


The default mappers for this data structure are mitk::PointSetGLMapper2D and mitk::PointSetVtkMapper3D. See these classes for display options which can can be set via properties.


PointSet issues the following events, for which observers can register (the below events are grouped into a class hierarchy as indicated by indentation level; e.g. PointSetSizeChangeEvent comprises PointSetAddEvent and PointSetRemoveEvent):

PointSetEvent subsumes all PointSet events PointSetMoveEvent issued when a point of the PointSet is moved PointSetSizeChangeEvent subsumes add and remove events PointSetAddEvent issued when a point is added to the PointSet PointSetRemoveEvent issued when a point is removed from the PointSet

Definition at line 71 of file mitkPointSet.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ConstPointer

Definition at line 74 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ CoordinateType

◆ DataType

Definition at line 127 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ InterpolationWeightType

◆ MeshTraits

◆ MeshType

Definition at line 125 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ PointDataConstIterator

typedef DataType::PointDataContainerIterator mitk::PointSet::PointDataConstIterator

Definition at line 135 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ PointDataContainer

typedef DataType::PointDataContainer mitk::PointSet::PointDataContainer

Definition at line 133 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ PointDataIterator

typedef DataType::PointDataContainerIterator mitk::PointSet::PointDataIterator

Definition at line 134 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ Pointer

Definition at line 74 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ PointIdentifier

typedef DataType::PointIdentifier mitk::PointSet::PointIdentifier

Definition at line 129 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ PointsConstIterator

typedef DataType::PointsContainer::ConstIterator mitk::PointSet::PointsConstIterator

Definition at line 132 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ PointsContainer

typedef DataType::PointsContainer mitk::PointSet::PointsContainer

Definition at line 130 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ PointSetSeries

typedef std::vector<DataType::Pointer> mitk::PointSet::PointSetSeries

Definition at line 281 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ PointsIterator

typedef DataType::PointsContainerIterator mitk::PointSet::PointsIterator

Definition at line 131 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ PointType

Definition at line 128 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ SelectedLinesIter

typedef SelectedLinesType::iterator mitk::PointSet::SelectedLinesIter

Definition at line 105 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ SelectedLinesType

typedef std::vector<unsigned int> mitk::PointSet::SelectedLinesType

cellDataType, that stores all indexes of the lines, that are selected e.g.: points A,B and C.Between A and B there is a line with index 0. If vector of cellData contains 1 and 2, then the lines between B and C and C and A is selected.

Definition at line 104 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ Self

Definition at line 74 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ Superclass

Definition at line 74 of file mitkPointSet.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PointSet() [1/2]

mitk::PointSet::PointSet ( )

◆ PointSet() [2/2]

mitk::PointSet::PointSet ( const PointSet other)

◆ ~PointSet()

mitk::PointSet::~PointSet ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Begin() [1/2]

PointsIterator mitk::PointSet::Begin ( int  t = 0)

◆ Begin() [2/2]

PointsConstIterator mitk::PointSet::Begin ( int  t = 0) const

◆ ClearData()

void mitk::PointSet::ClearData ( )

reset to non-initialized state, release memory

Reimplemented from mitk::BaseData.

◆ Clone()

Pointer mitk::PointSet::Clone ( ) const

◆ End() [1/2]

PointsIterator mitk::PointSet::End ( int  t = 0)

◆ End() [2/2]

PointsConstIterator mitk::PointSet::End ( int  t = 0) const

◆ ExecuteOperation()

void mitk::PointSet::ExecuteOperation ( Operation operation)

executes the given Operation

Reimplemented from mitk::BaseData.

◆ Expand()

void mitk::PointSet::Expand ( unsigned int  timeSteps)

Expands the TimeGeometry to a number of TimeSteps.

The method expands the TimeGeometry to the given number of TimeSteps, filling newly created elements with empty geometries. Sub-classes should override this method to handle the elongation of their data vectors, too. Note that a shrinking is neither possible nor intended.

Reimplemented from mitk::BaseData.

◆ GetClassHierarchy()

virtual std::vector<std::string> mitk::PointSet::GetClassHierarchy ( ) const

Reimplemented from mitk::BaseData.

Definition at line 74 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ GetClassName()

virtual const char* mitk::PointSet::GetClassName ( ) const

Reimplemented from mitk::BaseData.

◆ GetMaxId()

PointsIterator mitk::PointSet::GetMaxId ( int  t = 0)

Get an iterator to the max ID element if existent. Return End() otherwise.

◆ GetNumberOfSelected()

virtual int mitk::PointSet::GetNumberOfSelected ( int  t = 0) const

returns the number of selected points

◆ GetPoint()

PointType mitk::PointSet::GetPoint ( PointIdentifier  id,
int  t = 0 
) const

Get the point with ID id in world coordinates.

check if the ID exists. If it doesn't exist, then return 0,0,0

◆ GetPointIfExists()

bool mitk::PointSet::GetPointIfExists ( PointIdentifier  id,
PointType point,
int  t = 0 
) const

Get the point with ID id in world coordinates.

If a point exists for the ID id, the point is returned in the parameter point and the method returns true. If the ID does not exist, the method returns false

◆ GetPointSet()

virtual DataType::Pointer mitk::PointSet::GetPointSet ( int  t = 0) const

returns the pointset

◆ GetPointSetSeriesSize()

virtual unsigned int mitk::PointSet::GetPointSetSeriesSize ( ) const

◆ GetSelectInfo()

virtual bool mitk::PointSet::GetSelectInfo ( int  position,
int  t = 0 
) const

to get the state selected/unselected of the point on the position

◆ GetSize()

virtual int mitk::PointSet::GetSize ( unsigned int  t = 0) const

returns the current size of the point-list

◆ GetSpecificationTypeInfo()

virtual PointSpecificationType mitk::PointSet::GetSpecificationTypeInfo ( int  position,
int  t 
) const

to get the type of the point at the position and the moment

◆ GetStaticNameOfClass()

static const char* mitk::PointSet::GetStaticNameOfClass ( )

Definition at line 74 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ IndexExists()

virtual bool mitk::PointSet::IndexExists ( int  position,
int  t = 0 
) const

returns true if a point exists at this position

◆ InitializeEmpty()

void mitk::PointSet::InitializeEmpty ( )

Pure virtual; Must be used in subclasses to get a data object to a valid state. Should at least create one empty object and call Superclass::InitializeTimeGeometry() to ensure an existing valid geometry.

Reimplemented from mitk::BaseData.

◆ InsertPoint() [1/3]

void mitk::PointSet::InsertPoint ( PointIdentifier  id,
PointType  point,
int  t = 0 

Set the given point in world coordinate system into the itkPointSet.

◆ InsertPoint() [2/3]

void mitk::PointSet::InsertPoint ( PointIdentifier  id,
PointType  point,
PointSpecificationType  spec,
int  t 

Set the given point in world coordinate system with given PointSpecificationType.

◆ InsertPoint() [3/3]

PointIdentifier mitk::PointSet::InsertPoint ( PointType  point,
int  t = 0 

Insert the given point in world coordinate system with incremented max id at time step t.

◆ InternalClone()

virtual itk::LightObject::Pointer mitk::PointSet::InternalClone ( ) const

Definition at line 266 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ IsEmptyTimeStep()

bool mitk::PointSet::IsEmptyTimeStep ( unsigned int  t) const

Check whether object contains data (at a specified time), e.g., a set of points may be empty.

Returns IsInitialized()==false by default for compatibility reasons. Override in sub-classes that support distinction between empty/non-empty state.

Reimplemented from mitk::BaseData.

◆ New()

static Pointer mitk::PointSet::New ( )

◆ OnPointSetChange()

virtual void mitk::PointSet::OnPointSetChange ( )

Definition at line 263 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ PrintSelf()

void mitk::PointSet::PrintSelf ( std::ostream &  os,
itk::Indent  indent 
) const

print content of the object to os

◆ RemovePointAtEnd()

PointsIterator mitk::PointSet::RemovePointAtEnd ( int  t = 0)

Remove max id point at timestep t and return iterator to precedent point.

◆ RemovePointIfExists()

bool mitk::PointSet::RemovePointIfExists ( PointIdentifier  id,
int  t = 0 

Remove point with given id at timestep t, if existent.

◆ RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion()

bool mitk::PointSet::RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion ( )

Determine whether the RequestedRegion is outside of the BufferedRegion.

This method returns true if the RequestedRegion is outside the BufferedRegion (true if at least one pixel is outside). This is used by the pipeline mechanism to determine whether a filter needs to re-execute in order to satisfy the current request. If the current RequestedRegion is already inside the BufferedRegion from the previous execution (and the current filter is up to date), then a given filter does not need to re-execute

Implements mitk::BaseData.

◆ SearchPoint()

int mitk::PointSet::SearchPoint ( Point3D  point,
ScalarType  distance,
int  t = 0 
) const

searches a point in the list == point +/- distance

pointis in world coordinates.
distanceis in mm.
treturns -1 if no point is found or the position in the list of the first match

◆ SearchSelectedPoint()

virtual int mitk::PointSet::SearchSelectedPoint ( int  t = 0) const

searches a selected point and returns the id of that point. If no point is found, then -1 is returned

◆ SetPoint() [1/2]

void mitk::PointSet::SetPoint ( PointIdentifier  id,
PointType  point,
int  t = 0 

Set the given point in world coordinate system into the itkPointSet.

◆ SetPoint() [2/2]

void mitk::PointSet::SetPoint ( PointIdentifier  id,
PointType  point,
PointSpecificationType  spec,
int  t = 0 

Set the given point in world coordinate system with the given PointSpecificationType.

◆ SetRequestedRegion()

void mitk::PointSet::SetRequestedRegion ( const itk::DataObject *  data)

Set the requested region from this data object to match the requested region of the data object passed in as a parameter.

This method is implemented in the concrete subclasses of BaseData.

Implements mitk::BaseData.

◆ SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion()

void mitk::PointSet::SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion ( )

Set the RequestedRegion to the LargestPossibleRegion.

This forces a filter to produce all of the output in one execution (i.e. not streaming) on the next call to Update().

Implements mitk::BaseData.

◆ SetSelectInfo()

virtual void mitk::PointSet::SetSelectInfo ( int  position,
bool  selected,
int  t = 0 

◆ SwapPointContents()

bool mitk::PointSet::SwapPointContents ( PointIdentifier  id1,
PointIdentifier  id2,
int  t = 0 

swaps point coordinates and point data of the points with identifiers id1 and id2

◆ SwapPointPosition()

bool mitk::PointSet::SwapPointPosition ( PointIdentifier  id,
bool  moveUpwards,
int  t = 0 

Swap a point at the given position (id) with the upper point (moveUpwards=true) or with the lower point (moveUpwards=false). If upper or lower index does not exist false is returned, if swap was successful true.

◆ UpdateOutputInformation()

void mitk::PointSet::UpdateOutputInformation ( )

◆ VerifyRequestedRegion()

bool mitk::PointSet::VerifyRequestedRegion ( )

Verify that the RequestedRegion is within the LargestPossibleRegion.

If the RequestedRegion is not within the LargestPossibleRegion, then the filter cannot possibly satisfy the request. This method returns true if the request can be satisfied (even if it will be necessary to process the entire LargestPossibleRegion) and returns false otherwise. This method is used by PropagateRequestedRegion(). PropagateRequestedRegion() throws a InvalidRequestedRegionError exception if the requested region is not within the LargestPossibleRegion.

Implements mitk::BaseData.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_CalculateBoundingBox

bool mitk::PointSet::m_CalculateBoundingBox

flag to indicate the right time to call SetBounds

Definition at line 290 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ m_EmptyPointsContainer

DataType::PointsContainer::Pointer mitk::PointSet::m_EmptyPointsContainer

Definition at line 285 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ m_PointSetSeries

PointSetSeries mitk::PointSet::m_PointSetSeries

Definition at line 283 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ MaxTopologicalDimension

const unsigned int mitk::PointSet::MaxTopologicalDimension

Definition at line 84 of file mitkPointSet.h.

◆ PointDimension

const unsigned int mitk::PointSet::PointDimension

Definition at line 83 of file mitkPointSet.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: