Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  2024.06.99-f6a54466
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
Here is a list of all groups:
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 Classes related to the Segmentation pluginA couple of classes related to the Segmentation plugin
 MITK ModulesThis group includes all MITK Modules
 AlgorithmsExtGeneral purpose algorithms
 CoreThis category includes classes of the MITK Core module
 DataTypesExtMITK data types and related classes
 The DICOM ModuleDICOM This module contains a number of classes for DICOM image loading within MITK
 IOExtReader, writer, and mapper extensions for MITK
 LegacyIOLegay reader and writer extensions for MITK
 MapperExtMITK mapper classes for data type extensions
 PlanarFigurePlanar figure data types
 QtWidgetsBasic Qt widgets and classes for MITK
 Micro Services ClassesThis category includes classes related to the C++ Micro Services component
 Utility ClassesThis category includes utility classes which can be used by others
 BlueBerry PluginsThis group includes all BlueBerry Plugins
 org.blueberry.core.commandsProvides an infrastructure for executing commands in the Workbench
 org.blueberry.core.expressionsEvaluates complex expressions defined in XML
 org.blueberry.core.jobsA generic jobs API for running background tasks in a BlueBerry application
 org.blueberry.core.runtimeProvides runtime services
 org.blueberry.ui.qtThis is the user interface plugin. It provides a Qt based framework to build a BlueBerry workbench
 org.blueberry.ui.qt.helpProvides access to Qt Help information from inside the Workbench
 org.blueberry.ui.qt.logProvides a Logging View for BlueBerry applications
 org.blueberry.ui.qt.objectinspectorA debugging plug-in providing a BlueBerry View for inspecting berry::Object instances and their associated smart-pointers
 MITK PluginsThis group includes all MITK Plugins
 org.mitk.core.jobsDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.core.servicesProvides basic MITK services
 org.mitk.gui.commonProvides common interfaces and utility classes for MITK Worbkench Views and Editors
 org.mitk.gui.qt.surfaceregistrationDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.applicationProvides utility classes for MITK application developers
 org.mitk.gui.qt.basicimageprocessingDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.cestDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.commonProvides Qt GUI specific utility classes for MITK View and Editor developers
 org.mitk.gui.qt.datamanagerThis is the datamanager plugin. It provides means to query mitk::DataStorage objects and to change properties of the contained nodes
 org.mitk.gui.qt.datamanagerlightThis is the datamanagerlight plugin. It provides means to query mitk::DataStorage objects and to change properties of the contained nodes
 org.mitk.gui.qt.dicombrowser PluginDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.dicominspectorDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.extDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.mitkworkbenchThis plug-in is responsible for initializing the MITK Workbench to demonstrate the fitting module ModelFit and a simple fit generator your plugin here your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.imagecropperThis is the image cropper plugin. It can crop images
 org.mitk.gui.qt.imagenavigatorDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitkDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.registration.evaluatorDescribe your plugin here
 de.dkfz.matchpoint.mitkDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.mapperDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.mapperDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.measurementtoolboxThis is the measurementtoolbox plugin
 org.mitk.gui.qt.mitkworkbench.welcomeThis plug-in is responsible for MITK Workbench welcome screen and alike
 org.mitk.gui.qt.overlaymanagerThis is the overlaymanager plugin. Annotations that have been added to the OverlayManager can be viewed and modified. The plugin also allows to add new annotations
 org.mitk.gui.qt.pharmacokinetics.concentration.mriDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.pharmacokinetics.curvedescriptorDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.pharmacokinetics.mriDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.pharmacokinetics.petDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.pointsetinteractionDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.gui.qt.stdmultiwidgeteditorContributes a QmitkStdMultiWidget based render window editor to the MITK Workbench
 org.mitk.gui.qt.volumevisualizationThis is the volume visualization plugin
 org.mitk.gui.qt.xnatThis plug-in is a new possibility of communication with a XNAT server in MITK. It takes data from the server, shows it as hierarchy in the main window of the plug-in as editor and it works like a normal browser. There is also a view, where the XNAT hierarchy is displayed as tree structure. Editor and view can communicate with each other, so the editor updates for a selection in the view. The session data must be written in Preferences -> XNAT Session
 MITK Example PluginsThis group includes all MITK example plugins demonstrating specific framework features
 org.mitk.example.gui.customviewerThe custom viewer plug-in implements simple viewer functionality presented in a customized look and feel. It was developed to demonstrate extensibility and customizability of the BlueBerry application framework
 org.mitk.example.gui.customviewer.viewsContributes BlueBerry Views for the code example A highly customized viewer
 org.mitk.example.gui.extensionpointcontributionA minimal applictaion that contributes an extension to an extension point
 org.mitk.example.gui.extensionpointdefinitionA minimal applictaion that defines an extension point and collects extensions
 org.mitk.example.gui.imagingExample plug-in demonstrating various imaging related techniques
 org.mitk.example.gui.minimalapplicationA minimal applictaion plug-in
 org.mitk.example.gui.multipleperspectivesAn example application plug-in with multiple perspectives
 org.mitk.example.gui.regiongrowingDescribe your plugin here
 org.mitk.example.gui.selectionservicemitkAn example application plug-in with a minimal selection service based on MITK elements
 org.mitk.example.gui.selectionservicemitk.viewsContributes Views for the BlueBerry example MITK DataNode Selections
 org.mitk.example.gui.selectionserviceqtAn example application plug-in with a minimal selection service based on QT elements
 MITK TestingIn this group, the API documentation of methods useful for testing is collected. The more general concepts of testing in MITK are described on the General: Tests in MITK page
 CMake FunctionsThis category includes CMake utility functions for external projects
 InternalThis subcategory includes the internal classes of the org.mitk.gui.qt.aicpregistration plugin. Other plugins must not rely on these classes. They contain implementation details and their interface may change at any time. We mean it
 GeometryOrganizes geometries over arbitrary defined time steps