Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
This subcategory includes process (algorithm) classes developed specifically for mitk. More...
Classes | |
class | mitk::ExampleDataStructureWriterService |
class | mitk::AutoCropImageFilter |
Shrink the image borders to a minimum considering a background color. More... | |
class | mitk::BoundingObjectCutAndCast< TPixel > |
Cuts an Boundingobject out of an mitk Image. More... | |
class | mitk::BoundingObjectCutter |
Cuts an Boundingobject out of an mitk Image. More... | |
class | mitk::GeometryDataSource |
Superclass of all classes generating GeometryData (instances of class GeometryData) as output. More... | |
class | mitk::HeightFieldSurfaceClipImageFilter |
Filter for clipping an image with an height-field represented by an mitk::Surface. More... | |
class | mitk::MaskImageFilter |
class | mitk::PadImageFilter |
PadImageFilter class pads the first input image to the size of the second input image. Two Images have to be set. The first image is the image to pad. The second image defines the pad size. It is also possible to use an included binary filter. More... | |
class | mitk::MRNormLinearStatisticBasedFilter |
class | mitk::MRNormTwoRegionsBasedFilter |
class | mitk::BaseDataSource |
Superclass of all classes generating some kind of mitk::BaseData. More... | |
class | mitk::DataNodeSource |
Superclass of all classes generating data tree nodes (instances of class mitk::DataNode) as output. More... | |
class | mitk::ImageChannelSelector |
Provides access to a channel of the input image. More... | |
class | mitk::ImageSliceSelector |
Provides access to a slice of the input image. More... | |
class | mitk::ImageSource |
Superclass of all classes generating Images (instances of class Image) as output. More... | |
class | mitk::ImageTimeSelector |
Provides access to a volume at a specific time of the input image. More... | |
class | mitk::ImageToImageFilter |
Superclass of all classes having one or more Images as input and generating Images as output. More... | |
class | mitk::ImageToSurfaceFilter |
Converts pixel data to surface data by using a threshold The mitkImageToSurfaceFilter is used to create a new surface out of an mitk image. The filter uses a threshold to define the surface. It is based on the vtkMarchingCube algorithm. By default a vtkPolyData surface based on an input threshold for the input image will be created. Optional it is possible to reduce the number of triangles/polygones [SetDecimate(mitk::ImageToSurfaceFilter::DecimatePro) and SetTargetReduction (float _arg)] or smooth the surface-data [SetSmooth(true), SetSmoothIteration(int smoothIteration) and SetSmoothRelaxation(float smoothRelaxation)]. More... | |
class | mitk::PlaneGeometryDataToSurfaceFilter |
Superclass of all classes having a PlaneGeometryData as input and generating Images as output. More... | |
class | mitk::PointSetSource |
Superclass of all classes generating point sets (instances of class mitk::PointSet) as output. More... | |
class | mitk::PointSetToPointSetFilter |
Superclass of all classes/algorithms having one or more PointSets as input and output. More... | |
class | mitk::RGBToRGBACastImageFilter |
class | mitk::SubImageSelector |
Base class of all classes providing access to parts of an image. More... | |
class | mitk::SurfaceSource |
Superclass of all classes generating surfaces (instances of class Surface) as output. More... | |
class | mitk::SurfaceToImageFilter |
Converts surface data to pixel data. Requires a surface and an image, which header information defines the output image. More... | |
class | mitk::SurfaceToSurfaceFilter |
Superclass of all classes getting surfaces (instances of class Surface) as input and generating surfaces as output. More... | |
class | mitk::LookupTableSource |
Base class for all objects which have an object of type mitkLookupTable as output. More... | |
class | mitk::UnstructuredGridSource |
Superclass of all classes generating unstructured grids (instances of class UnstructuredGrid) as output. More... | |
class | mitk::DICOMPMIO |
class | mitk::ExtractDirectedPlaneImageFilterNew |
A filter that can extract a 2D slice from a 3D or 4D image especially if the image`s axes are rotated. More... | |
class | mitk::ExtractImageFilter |
Extracts a 2D slice from a 3D image. More... | |
class | mitk::DICOMSegmentationIO |
class | mitk::LegacyLabelSetImageIO |
class | mitk::MultiLabelSegmentationIO |
class | mitk::LabelSetImageSource |
Superclass of all classes generating labelset images (instances of class LabelSetImage) as output. More... | |
class | mitk::PlanarFigureIO |
class | mitk::ContourModelSetToImageFilter |
Fills a given mitk::ContourModelSet into a given mitk::Image. More... | |
class | mitk::ContourSetToPointSetFilter |
Converts a contour set to a point set. More... | |
class | mitk::ImageLiveWireContourModelFilter |
Calculates a LiveWire contour between two points in an image. More... | |
class | mitk::ManualSegmentationToSurfaceFilter |
Supplies a 3D surface from pre-processed segmentation. More... | |
class | mitk::SurfaceStampImageFilter |
Converts surface data to pixel data. Requires a surface and an image, which header information defines the output image. More... | |
class | mitk::CreateDistanceImageFromSurfaceFilter |
This filter interpolates the 3D surface for a segmented area. The basis for the interpolation are the edge-points of contours that are drawn into an image. More... | |
This subcategory includes process (algorithm) classes developed specifically for mitk.