| mitkClassMacro (PlanarEllipse, PlanarFigure) |
Pointer | Clone () const |
void | PlaceFigure (const Point2D &point) override |
| Place figure in its minimal configuration (a point at least) onto the given 2D geometry. More...
bool | SetControlPoint (unsigned int index, const Point2D &point, bool createIfDoesNotExist=true) override |
unsigned int | GetMinimumNumberOfControlPoints () const override |
| Ellipse has 3 control points per definition. More...
unsigned int | GetMaximumNumberOfControlPoints () const override |
| Ellipse has 3 control points per definition. More...
void | SetMinimumRadius (double radius) |
| Sets the minimum radius. More...
double | GetMinimumRadius () |
| Gets the minimum radius. More...
void | SetMaximumRadius (double radius) |
| Sets the maximum radius. More...
double | GetMaximumRadius () |
| Gets the minimum radius. More...
void | ActivateMinMaxRadiusContstraints (bool active) |
void | SetTreatAsCircle (bool active) |
| Treat ellipse as circle (equal radii) More...
bool | Equals (const mitk::PlanarFigure &other) const override |
| Compare two PlanarFigure objects Note: all subclasses have to implement the method on their own. More...
| mitkClassMacro (PlanarFigure, BaseData) |
Pointer | Clone () const |
virtual void | SetPlaneGeometry (mitk::PlaneGeometry *geometry) |
| Sets the 2D geometry on which this figure will be placed. More...
virtual const PlaneGeometry * | GetPlaneGeometry () const |
| Returns (previously set) 2D geometry of this figure. More...
virtual bool | IsClosed () const |
| True if the planar figure is closed. More...
virtual bool | IsPlaced () const |
| True if the planar figure has been placed (and can be displayed/interacted with). More...
virtual bool | AddControlPoint (const Point2D &point, int index=-1) |
| Adds / inserts new control-points. More...
virtual bool | SetCurrentControlPoint (const Point2D &point) |
unsigned int | GetNumberOfControlPoints () const |
| Returns the current number of 2D control points defining this figure. More...
virtual bool | SelectControlPoint (unsigned int index) |
| Selects currently active control points. More...
virtual bool | DeselectControlPoint () |
| Deselect control point; no control point active. More...
virtual int | GetSelectedControlPoint () const |
| Return currently selected control point. More...
Point2D | GetControlPoint (unsigned int index) const |
| Returns specified control point in 2D world coordinates. More...
virtual int | GetControlPointForPolylinePoint (int indexOfPolylinePoint, int polyLineIndex) const |
| Returns the id of the control-point that corresponds to the given polyline-point. More...
Point3D | GetWorldControlPoint (unsigned int index) const |
| Returns specified control point in world coordinates. More...
const PolyLineType | GetPolyLine (unsigned int index) |
| Returns the polyline representing the planar figure (for rendering, measurements, etc.). More...
const PolyLineType | GetPolyLine (unsigned int index) const |
| Returns the polyline representing the planar figure (for rendering, measurements, etc.). More...
const PolyLineType | GetHelperPolyLine (unsigned int index, double mmPerDisplayUnit, unsigned int displayHeight) |
| Returns the polyline that should be drawn the same size at every scale (for text, angles, etc.). More...
void | SetPreviewControlPoint (const Point2D &point) |
| Sets the position of the PreviewControlPoint. Automatically sets it visible. More...
void | ResetPreviewContolPoint () |
| Marks the PreviewControlPoint as invisible. More...
bool | IsPreviewControlPointVisible () const |
| Returns whether or not the PreviewControlPoint is visible. More...
Point2D | GetPreviewControlPoint () const |
| Returns the coordinates of the PreviewControlPoint. More...
virtual unsigned int | GetNumberOfFeatures () const |
| Returns the number of features available for this PlanarFigure (such as, radius, area, ...). More...
const char * | GetFeatureName (unsigned int index) const |
| Returns the name (identifier) of the specified features. More...
const char * | GetFeatureUnit (unsigned int index) const |
| Returns the physical unit of the specified features. More...
double | GetQuantity (unsigned int index) const |
bool | IsFeatureActive (unsigned int index) const |
| Returns true if the feature with the specified index exists and is active (an inactive feature may e.g. be the area of a non-closed polygon. More...
bool | IsFeatureVisible (unsigned int index) const |
| Returns true if the feature with the specified index exists and is set visible. More...
void | SetFeatureVisible (unsigned int index, bool visible) |
| Defines if the feature with the specified index will be shown as an Annotation in the RenderWindow. More...
virtual void | EvaluateFeatures () |
| Calculates quantities of all features of this planar figure. More...
void | UpdateOutputInformation () override |
| Intherited from parent. More...
void | SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion () override |
| Intherited from parent. More...
bool | RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion () override |
| Intherited from parent. More...
bool | VerifyRequestedRegion () override |
| Intherited from parent. More...
void | SetRequestedRegion (const itk::DataObject *data) override |
| Intherited from parent. More...
virtual unsigned short | GetPolyLinesSize () |
| Returns the current number of polylines
virtual unsigned short | GetHelperPolyLinesSize () const |
| Returns the current number of helperpolylines
virtual bool | IsHelperToBePainted (unsigned int index) const |
| Returns whether a helper polyline should be painted or not. More...
virtual bool | ResetOnPointSelect () |
| Returns true if the planar figure is reset to "add points" mode when a point is selected. More...
virtual bool | ResetOnPointSelectNeeded () const |
virtual void | RemoveControlPoint (unsigned int index) |
| removes the point with the given index from the list of controlpoints. More...
virtual void | RemoveLastControlPoint () |
| Removes last control point. More...
void | ResetNumberOfControlPoints (int numberOfControlPoints) |
| Set the initial number of control points of the planar figure. More...
virtual std::vector< std::string > | GetClassHierarchy () const |
virtual const char * | GetClassName () const |
BaseProperty::ConstPointer | GetConstProperty (const std::string &propertyKey, const std::string &contextName="", bool fallBackOnDefaultContext=true) const override |
| Get property by its key. More...
std::vector< std::string > | GetPropertyKeys (const std::string &contextName="", bool includeDefaultContext=false) const override |
| Query keys of existing properties. More...
std::vector< std::string > | GetPropertyContextNames () const override |
| Query names of existing contexts. More...
BaseProperty * | GetNonConstProperty (const std::string &propertyKey, const std::string &contextName="", bool fallBackOnDefaultContext=true) override |
| Get property by its key. More...
void | SetProperty (const std::string &propertyKey, BaseProperty *property, const std::string &contextName="", bool fallBackOnDefaultContext=false) override |
| Add new or change existent property. More...
void | RemoveProperty (const std::string &propertyKey, const std::string &contextName="", bool fallBackOnDefaultContext=false) override |
| Removes a property. If the property does not exist, nothing will be done. More...
const mitk::TimeGeometry * | GetTimeGeometry () const |
| Return the TimeGeometry of the data as const pointer. More...
mitk::TimeGeometry * | GetTimeGeometry () |
| Return the TimeGeometry of the data as pointer. More...
const mitk::TimeGeometry * | GetUpdatedTimeGeometry () |
| Return the TimeGeometry of the data. More...
virtual void | Expand (unsigned int timeSteps) |
| Expands the TimeGeometry to a number of TimeSteps. More...
const mitk::BaseGeometry * | GetUpdatedGeometry (int t=0) |
| Return the BaseGeometry of the data at time t. More...
mitk::BaseGeometry * | GetGeometry (int t=0) const |
| Return the geometry, which is a TimeGeometry, of the data as non-const pointer. More...
void | UpdateOutputInformation () override |
| Update the information for this BaseData (the geometry in particular) so that it can be used as an output of a BaseProcess. More...
void | CopyInformation (const itk::DataObject *data) override |
| Copy information from the specified data set. More...
virtual bool | IsInitialized () const |
| Check whether the data has been initialized, i.e., at least the Geometry and other header data has been set. More...
virtual void | Clear () |
| Calls ClearData() and InitializeEmpty();. More...
virtual bool | IsEmptyTimeStep (unsigned int t) const |
| Check whether object contains data (at a specified time), e.g., a set of points may be empty. More...
virtual bool | IsEmpty () const |
| Check whether object contains data (at least at one point in time), e.g., a set of points may be empty. More...
void | ExecuteOperation (Operation *operation) override |
| overwrite if the Data can be called by an Interactor (StateMachine). More...
virtual void | SetGeometry (BaseGeometry *aGeometry3D) |
| Set the BaseGeometry of the data, which will be referenced (not copied!). Assumes the data object has only 1 time step ( is a 3D object ) and creates a new TimeGeometry which saves the given BaseGeometry. If an TimeGeometry has already been set for the object, it will be replaced after calling this function. More...
virtual void | SetTimeGeometry (TimeGeometry *geometry) |
| Set the TimeGeometry of the data, which will be referenced (not copied!). More...
virtual void | SetClonedGeometry (const BaseGeometry *aGeometry3D) |
| Set a clone of the provided Geometry as Geometry of the data. Assumes the data object has only 1 time step ( is a 3D object ) and creates a new TimeGeometry. If an TimeGeometry has already been set for the object, it will be replaced after calling this function. More...
virtual void | SetClonedTimeGeometry (const TimeGeometry *geometry) |
| Set a clone of the provided TimeGeometry as TimeGeometry of the data. More...
virtual void | SetClonedGeometry (const BaseGeometry *aGeometry3D, unsigned int time) |
| Set a clone of the provided geometry as BaseGeometry of a given time step. More...
mitk::PropertyList::Pointer | GetPropertyList () const |
| Get the data's property list. More...
void | SetPropertyList (PropertyList *propertyList) |
| Set the data's property list. More...
mitk::BaseProperty::Pointer | GetProperty (const char *propertyKey) const |
| Get the property (instance of BaseProperty) with key propertyKey from the PropertyList, and set it to this, respectively;. More...
void | SetProperty (const char *propertyKey, BaseProperty *property) |
virtual void | SetOrigin (const Point3D &origin) |
| Convenience method for setting the origin of the BaseGeometry instances of all time steps. More...
itk::SmartPointer< mitk::BaseDataSource > | GetSource () const |
| Get the process object that generated this data object. More...
unsigned int | GetTimeSteps () const |
| Get the number of time steps from the TimeGeometry As the base data has not a data vector given by itself, the number of time steps is defined over the time sliced geometry. In sub classes, a better implementation could be over the length of the data vector. More...
itk::ModifiedTimeType | GetMTime () const override |
| Get the modified time of the last change of the contents this data object or its geometry. More...
void | Graft (const DataObject *) override |
| itkTypeMacroNoParent (OperationActor) virtual ~OperationActor() |
| Identifiable () |
| Identifiable (const UIDType &uid) |
| Identifiable (const Identifiable &)=delete |
| Identifiable (Identifiable &&) noexcept |
virtual | ~Identifiable () |
Identifiable & | operator= (const Identifiable &)=delete |
Identifiable & | operator= (Identifiable &&other) noexcept |
virtual UIDType | GetUID () const |
| Get unique ID of an object. More...
| ~IPropertyOwner () override |
virtual | ~IPropertyProvider () |