| mitkClassMacro (LabeledImageLookupTable, LookupTable) |
Pointer | Clone () const |
LabeledImageLookupTable & | operator= (const LookupTable &other) override |
| implementation necessary because operator made private in itk::Object More...
virtual void | SetColorForLabel (const LabelType &label, const double &r, const double &g, const double &b, const double a=1.0) |
virtual double * | GetColorForLabel (const LabelType &label) |
mitk::LevelWindow | GetLevelWindow () |
virtual std::vector< std::string > | GetClassHierarchy () const |
virtual const char * | GetClassName () const |
Pointer | Clone () const |
virtual vtkSmartPointer< vtkLookupTable > | GetVtkLookupTable () const |
| GetVtkLookupTable Getter for the internally wrapped vtkLookupTable. More...
virtual RawLookupTableType * | GetRawLookupTable () const |
| GetRawLookupTable Getter for the raw lookuptable array. More...
virtual void | SetVtkLookupTable (vtkSmartPointer< vtkLookupTable > lut) |
| SetVtkLookupTable Setter for the internal lookuptable. More...
virtual void | ChangeOpacityForAll (float opacity) |
| ChangeOpacityForAll Set the opacity for all table values. More...
virtual void | ChangeOpacity (int index, float opacity) |
| ChangeOpacity Set the opacity for a specific table index. More...
virtual void | GetColor (double value, double rgb[3]) |
| GetColor convenience method wrapping the vtkLookupTable::GetColor() method. More...
virtual void | GetTableValue (int index, double rgba[4]) |
| GetTableValue convenience method wrapping the vtkLookupTable::GetTableValue() method. More...
virtual void | SetTableValue (int index, double rgba[4]) |
| SetTableValue convenience method wrapping the vtkLookupTable::SetTableValue() method. More...
virtual void | SetWindow (float _arg) |
virtual void | SetLevel (float _arg) |
virtual void | SetOpacity (float _arg) |
virtual bool | operator== (const mitk::LookupTable &LookupTable) const |
| equality operator implementation More...
virtual bool | operator!= (const LookupTable &LookupTable) const |
| non equality operator implementation More...
void | UpdateOutputInformation () override |
| Updates the output information of the current object by calling updateOutputInformation of the data objects source object. More...
void | SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion () override |
| Sets the requested Region to the largest possible region. This method is not implemented, since this is the default behavior of the itk pipeline and we do not support the requested-region mechanism for lookup-tables. More...
bool | RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion () override |
| Checks, if the requested region lies outside of the buffered region by calling verifyRequestedRegion(). More...
bool | VerifyRequestedRegion () override |
| Checks if the requested region is completely contained in the buffered region. Since we always want to process the lookup table as a whole, this method always returns true. More...
void | SetRequestedRegion (const itk::DataObject *data) override |
| This method has no effect for lookup tables, since we do not support the region-mechanism. More...
| LookupTable () |
| ~LookupTable () override |
void | CreateColorTransferFunction (vtkColorTransferFunction *&colorFunction) |
void | CreateOpacityTransferFunction (vtkPiecewiseFunction *&opacityFunction) |
void | CreateGradientTransferFunction (vtkPiecewiseFunction *&gradientFunction) |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkColorTransferFunction > | CreateColorTransferFunction () |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPiecewiseFunction > | CreateOpacityTransferFunction () |
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPiecewiseFunction > | CreateGradientTransferFunction () |
virtual void | SetType (const LookupTableType type) |
| Set the look-up table type by enum (or integer). More...
virtual void | SetType (const std::string &typeName) |
| Set the look-up table type by string. More...
virtual LookupTableType | GetActiveType () const |
| Return the current look-up table type. More...
virtual std::string | GetActiveTypeAsString () const |
| Return the current look-up table type as a string. More...