Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  2023.12.00
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NmitkFind image slices visible on a given plane
 CDocumentationExampleThis is a class for showing how to document your code using doxygen
 CFolderNodeStruct to store each (Folder) Node of the hierarchy tree structure
 CInteractionEventListGenerates a list of InteractionEvents based on an XML file-
 CIsoDoseLevelVectorSimple vector that stores dose iso levels
 CMaskImageFilterMask an image with a mask
 CMatchPointBrowserConstantsStructure to define a namespace for constants used privately within this view
 CmitkVtkImageOverwriteA vtk Filter based on vtkImageReslice with the aditional feature to write a slice into the given input volume. All optimizations for e.g. the plane directions or interpolation are stripped away, the algorithm only interpolates nearest neighbor and uses the non optimized execute function of vtkImageReslice. Note that any interpolation doesn't make sense for round trip use extract->edit->overwrite, because it is nearly impossible to invert the interpolation. There are two use cases for the Filter which are specified by the overwritemode property:
 CnnUNetDownloadWorkerClass to execute some functions from the Segmentation Plugin in a seperate thread
 CoclImageFormatsA class handling the (un)supported OpenCL Image formats
 COclResourceServiceDeclaration of the OpenCL Resources micro-service
 COpenCLActivatorCustom activator for the OpenCL Module in order to register and provide the OclResourceService
 CQClickableLabelA QLabel with multiple hotspots, that can be clicked
 CQmitkAbstractDataStorageInspectorThis abstract class is a convenient base class for easy implementation of widgets that offer a specific view onto a given DataStorage instance to inspect its contents. One may also get the selection in this inspector of the data storage
 CQmitkAbstractMultiWidgetThe 'QmitkAbstractMultiWidget' is a 'QWidget' that can be subclassed to display multiple render windows at once. Render windows can dynamically be added and removed to change the layout of the multi widget. A subclass of this multi widget can be used inside a 'QmitkAbstractMultiWidgetEditor'
 CQmitkAbstractNodeSelectionWidgetAbstract base class for the selection of data from a data storage
 CQmitkAbstractRenderEditorA convenient base class for MITK render window BlueBerry Editors
 CQmitkAbstractTrackingDeviceWidgetAbstract class to configure a tracking device. Inherited widgets should be registered in the Microservice (TrackingDeviceCollectionWidget), If done so, they will be included in the QmitkTrackingDeviceConfigurationWidget of the Tracking Toolbox
 CQmitkAbstractViewA convenient base class for MITK related BlueBerry Views
 CQmitkAlgorithmProfileViewerWidget that views the information and profile of an algorithm stored in an DLLInfo object
 CQmitkAlgorithmSettingsConfigWidget that views the information and profile of an algorithm stored in an DLLInfo object
 CQmitkApplicationCursorQt specific implementation of ApplicationCursorImplementation
 CQmitkBinaryThresholdToolGUIGUI for mitk::BinaryThresholdTool
 CQmitkBinaryThresholdToolGUIBaseBase GUI for mitk::BinaryThresholdTool
 CQmitkBinaryThresholdULToolGUIGUI for mitk::BinaryThresholdTool
 CQmitkCallbackFromGUIThreadQt specific implementation of mitk::CallbackFromGUIThreadImplementation
 CQmitkChartDataThis class holds the relevant properties for the chart generation with C3 such as labels and diagram type. It is derived from QObject, because we need Q_PROPERTIES to send Data via QWebChannel to JavaScript
 CQmitkChartWidgetQmitkChartWidget is a widget to display various charts based on the javascript chart library plotly
 CQmitkCmdLineModuleMenuComboBoxSubclass of ctkMenuComboBox to listen to ctkCmdLineModuleManager moduleRegistered and moduleUnregistered signals, and update the menu accordingly
 CQmitkColoredNodeDescriptorSynchronizes the magic color #00ff00 of the given SVG icon to the mitk::DataNode color
 CQmitkComboBoxStepThroughExtension of QComboBox which offers stepping through the values
 CQmitkCopyToClipBoardDialogDisplays read-only QTextEdit
 CQmitkCustomWidgetOverlayObject representing a custom widget that is handled and positioned as an overlay
 CQmitkDataGenerationJobBaseQmitkDataGenerationJobBase Base class for generation jobs used by QmitkDataGenerationBase and derived classes
 CQmitkDataGeneratorBaseQmitkDataGeneratorBase BaseClass that implements the organisation of (statistic) data generation for pairs of images and ROIs. The key idea is that this class ensures that for vector of given image ROI pairs (defined by derived classes) a result instance (e.g ImageStatisticsContainer) will be calculated, if needed (e.g. because it is missing or not uptodate anymore), and stored in the data storage passed to a generator instance. While derived classes i.a. specify how to generate the image ROI pairs, how to detect latest results, what the next generation step is and how to remove obsolete data from the storage, the base class takes care of the observation of the data storage and orchestrates the whole checking and generation workflow. In all the generation/orchestration process the data storage, passed to the generator, 1) serves as place where the final results are stored and searched and 2) it resembles the state of the genertion process with these final results and WIP place holder nodes that indicate planed or currently processed generation steps
 CQmitkDataManagerViewA view that shows all data nodes of the data storage in a qt tree view
 CQmitkDataNodeSelectionProviderA BlueBerry selection provider for mitk::DataNode selections
 CQmitkDataStorageComboBoxDisplays all or a subset (defined by a predicate) of nodes of the Data Storage
 CQmitkDataStorageComboBoxWithSelectNoneDisplays all or a subset (defined by a predicate) of nodes of the Data Storage, and additionally, index 0 is always "please select", indicating no selection, and will hence always return a nullptr mitk::DataNode* if asked for the node at index 0
 CQmitkDataStorageDefaultListModelThe 'QmitkDataStorageDefaultListModel' is a basic list model, derived from the 'QmitkAbstractDataStorageModel'. It provides functions to accept a data storage and a node predicate in order to customize the model data nodes. Furthermore it overrides the functions of 'QAbstractItemModel' to create a simple qt list model. This model can be used in conjunction with a 'QmitkDataStorageSelectionConnector'
 CQmitkDataStorageHistoryModelInternal DataStorage model to represent the history of node selections
 CQmitkDataStorageInspectorProviderBaseBase class for DataStorage inspector provider
 CQmitkDataStorageLayerStackModelThe 'QmitkDataStorageLayerStackModel' is a customized table model, derived from the 'QmitkAbstractDataStorageModel'. It provides functions to accept a data storage and a node predicate in order to customize the model data nodes. Furthermore it overrides the functions of 'QAbstractItemModel' to create a customized qt table model. This model can be used in conjunction with a 'QmitkDataStorageSelectionConnector'
 CQmitkDataStorageSimpleTreeModelThe 'QmitkDataStorageSimpleTreeModel' is a basic tree model, derived from the 'QmitkAbstractDataStorageModel'. It provides functions to accept a data storage and a node predicate in order to customize the model data nodes. Furthermore it overrides the functions of 'QAbstractItemModel' to create a simple qt list model.* This model can be used in conjunction with a 'QmitkDataStorageSelectionConnector'. This model is a "light" version of the classic QmitkDataStorgageTreeModel. The differences between both are the following:
 CQmitkDataStorageTableModelOwn includes
 CQmitkDicomExternalDataWidgetQmitkDicomExternalDataWidget is a QWidget providing functionality for dicom import
 CQmitkDicomLocalStorageWidgetQmitkDicomLocalStorageWidget is a QWidget providing functionality for dicom storage and import
 CQmitkDnDDataNodeWidgetA drag 'n' drop widget (QFrame) that checks the mime data of the incoming event. If the drag event is coming from another widget and the mime data is of type 'application/x-qmitk-datanode-ptrs' the node(s) will be dropped and a signal is emitted. A class including this DnD-widget can than handle the vector of dropped nodes appropriately
 CQmitkDnDFrameWidgetEnables loading data into a MITK application via Drag'n Drop
 CQmitkDoseColorDelegateAn item delegate for rendering and editing dose color in a QTableView
 CQmitkDoseValueDelegateAn item delegate for rendering and editing dose values. The delegate assumes that the model uses the role Qt::UserRole+1 to indicate if the returned dose value is an absolute (data(Qt::UserRole+1) == true) or an relative dose (data(Qt::UserRole+1) == false)
 CQmitkDoseVisualStyleDelegateToolkit includes
 CQmitkDrawPaintbrushToolGUIGUI for mitk::PaintbrushTool
 CQmitkEditableContourToolGUIBaseGUI for mitk::EditableContourTool based classes
 CQmitkEditPointDialogA dialog for editing points directly (coordinates) via TextEdits
 CQmitkErasePaintbrushToolGUIGUI for mitk::PaintbrushTool
 CQmitkFiducialRegistrationWidgetIGT Fiducial Registration Widget
 CQmitkFileChooserConvenience Widget showing a line edit with the path of a file or directory and a button which invokes a file choose dialog
 CQmitkFreeIsoDoseLevelWidgetWidget that allows to show and edit the content of an mitk::IsoDoseLevel instance
 CQmitkGPULoaderClass to load and save GPU information for further validation
 CQmitkGPUSpecStruct to store GPU info
 CQmitkGrowCutToolGUIGUI for mitk::GrowCutTool
 CQmitkHistogramUsed to create a histogram that can be shown in a Qwt Plot. See QmitkHistogramWidget for an example of its usage
 CQmitkHistogramVisualizationWidgetWidget for displaying Histograms
 CQmitkIGTCommonHelperSimple and fast access to a pre-configured TrackingDeviceSource
 CQmitkIGTConnectionWidgetSimple and fast access to a pre-configured TrackingDeviceSource
 CQmitkIGTLDeviceCommandWidgetAn object of this class offers an UI to send OpenIGTLink commands
 CQmitkIGTLDeviceSetupConnectionWidgetAn object of this class offers an UI to setup the connection of an OpenIGTLink device
 CQmitkIGTLDeviceSourceManagementWidgetAn object of this class offers an UI to manage OpenIGTLink Device Sources and OpenIGTLink Devices
 CQmitkIGTLDeviceSourceSelectionWidgetThis widget allows the user to select a OpenIGTLink device source
 CQmitkIGTLMessageSourceSelectionWidgetThis widget allows the user to select a OpenIGTLink message source
 CQmitkIGTLoggerWidgetGUI to access the IGT recorder. User can specify the file name where the output shall be stored and how long the recording shall be performed
 CQmitkIGTLStreamingConnectorThis class is used to stream messages from a IGTL message source into the sending queue of a message provider
 CQmitkIGTLStreamingManagementWidgetAn object of this class offers an UI to manage the streaming of message sources
 CQmitkIGTPlayerWidgetGUI to access the IGT Player. User must specify the file name where the input xml-file is located. The NavigationDatas from the xml-file can be played in normal mode or in PointSet mode
 CQmitkInitialValuesDelegateToolkit includes
 CQmitkInitialValuesManagerWidgetWidget that allows to edit the initial values of an model
 CQmitkInitialValuesTypeDelegateAn item delegate for rendering and editing the type of a initial value. It assumes that the type is encoded as int. 0: simple scalar, 1: image
 CQmitkInspectionPositionWidgetWidget that allows manage the positions that should be used to inspect fits
 CQmitkIntensityProfileVisualizationWidgetWidget for displaying intensity profiles
 CQmitkInteractiveTransformationWidgetAn object of this class offers an UI to create a widget to access the advanced tool creation options
 CQmitkIOUtilQmitkIOUtil Provides static helper methods to open and save files with Qt dialogs
 CQmitkKinectParameterWidgetWidget for configuring the Kinect device
 CQmitkLabelColorItemDelegateAn item delegate for rendering and editing label color in a QmitkMultiLabelTreeView
 CQmitkLabelToggleItemDelegateAn item delegate for rendering and editing properties that can be toggled (e.g. visibility)
 CQmitkLassoToolGUIGUI for mitk::NewAddTool
 CQmitkLevelWindowWidgetContextMenuProvides a contextmenu for Level/Window functionality
 CQmitkLineEditLevelWindowWidgetProvides a widget with two lineedit fields, one to change the window value of the current image and one to change the level value of the current image
 CQmitkLiveWireTool2DGUIGUI for mitk::LiveWireTool
 CQmitkMapperSettingsWidgetWidget that views the information and profile of an algorithm stored in an DLLInfo object
 CQmitkMaskStampWidgetGUI for mask stamp functionality
 CQmitkMicronTrackerWidgetImplementation of a configuration widget for Micron Tracking Devices
 CQmitkModelViewSelectionConnectorThe 'QmitkModelViewSelectionConnector' is used to handle the selections of a model-view-pair and to synchornize them with external node selections (e.g. communicated by the application)
 CQmitkMorphologicalOperationsWidgetGUI class for morphological segmentation tools
 CQmitkMultiLabelSegWithPreviewToolGUIBaseGUI for tools based on mitk::AutoMLSegmentationWithPreviewTool
 CQmitkMultiNodeSelectionWidgetWidget that allows to perform and represents a multiple node selection
 CQmitkMultiWidgetLayoutManagerThe layout manager provides different layout-functions that can modify the layout of an QmitkAbstractMultiWidget
 CQmitkMxNMultiWidgetThe 'QmitkMxNMultiWidget' is a 'QmitkAbstractMultiWidget' that is used to display multiple render windows at once. Render windows can dynamically be added and removed to change the layout of the multi widget. This is done by using the 'SetLayout'-function to define a layout. This will automatically add or remove the appropriate number of render window widgets
 CQmitkNavigationDataSourceSelectionWidgetThis widget allows the user to select a NavigationDataSource. Tools of this Source are also shown and the user can select one of these tools
 CQmitkNavigationToolCreationWidgetAn object of this class offers an UI to create or modify NavigationTools
 CQmitkNavigationToolManagementWidgetAn object of this class offers an UI to manage NavigationTools and NavigationToolStorages. This means a user may create, save and load single NavigationTools and/or NavigationToolStorages with this widget
 CQmitkNavigationToolStorageSelectionWidgetThis widget allows the user to select a navigation tool storage
 CQmitkNDIAbstractDeviceWidgetAbstract class of a configuration widget for NDI Devices. For implementations see NDIAuroraWidget or NDIPolarisWidget
 CQmitkNDIAuroraWidgetImplementation of a configuration widget for NDI Aurora Devices
 CQmitkNDIPolarisWidgetImplementation of a configuration widget for NDI Polaris Devices
 CQmitkNDIToolDelegateAn item delegate for rendering and editing mitk::Properties in a QTableView
 CQmitkNewSegmentationDialogDialog for naming labels
 CQmitknnUNetFolderParserClass to store and retreive folder hierarchy information of RESULTS_FOLDER. Only Root node is explicitly stored in m_RootNode. No. of sub levels in the hierachry is defined in the LEVEL constant
 CQmitkNodeDescriptorDecorator class for mitk::DataNode
 CQmitkNodeDescriptorManagerQmitkNodeDescriptorManager manages a set of QmitkNodeDescriptors
 CQmitkNodeSelectionButtonButton class that can be used to display information about a given node. If the given node is a nullptr the node info text will be shown. The node info can be formatted text (e.g. HTML code; like the tooltip text)
 CQmitkNodeSelectionDialogA customized QDialog that displays different data storage inspectors and allows to set and get a current selection by selecting data nodes in the data storage inspectors
 CQmitkNPOptitrackWidgetImplementation of a configuration widget for NP Optitrack Tracking Devices
 CQmitkOpenCVVideoControlsOffers widgets to play/pause/stop a video on a certain render window with the use of an !initialized! QmitkVideoBackground. The QmitkVideoBackground should contain an OpenCVVideoSource is then owned by this widget (and deleted)
 CQmitkOpenIGTLinkWidgetImplementation of a configuration widget to use an Open IGT Link connection to track any device
 CQmitkOtsuTool3DGUIGUI for mitk::OtsuTool3D
 CQmitkOverlayAbstract base class for all overlay-objects in MITK
 CQmitkOverlayContainerWidgetWidget that overrides the paintEvent method to correctly display the Qt based overlays when using the system-environment variable QT_DEVIDE_PIXEL_RATIO
 CQmitkOverlayControllerController that manages the positioning and stacking of QmitkOverlays
 CQmitkPaintbrushToolGUIGUI for mitk::PaintbrushTool
 CQmitkPatientTableModelThe QmitkPatientTableModel is a subclass of the QmitkAbstractSemanticRelationsStorageModel and holds the semantic relations data of the currently selected case
 CQmitkPickingToolGUIGUI for mitk::PickingTool
 CQmitkPointListViewGUI widget for handling mitk::PointSet
 CQmitkPointListWidgetWidget for regular operations on point sets
 CQmitkPolhemusTrackerWidgetImplementation of a configuration widget for Polhemus Tracking Devices
 CQmitkProgressBarQT-Toolkit/GUI dependent class that provides the QT's ProgressBar
 CQmitkPropertiesTableEditorCombines a QTableView along with a QmitkPropertiesTableModel to a reusable Property Editor component
 CQmitkPropertiesTableModelA table model for showing and editing mitk::Properties
 CQmitkPropertyDelegateOwn includes
 CQmitkPropertyListPopUpDisplays the properties from a mitk::PropertyList
 CQmitkPythonScriptEditorHighlighterA script highlighter for Python Scripts
 CQmitkPythonSnippetsWidget that holds snippets and serializes the snippets to a certain places
 CQmitkPythonTextEditorThis is a python text editor with syntax highlightning
 CQmitkRegEvalSettingsWidgetWidget that views the information and profile of an algorithm stored in an DLLInfo object
 CQmitkRenderingManagerQt specific implementation of mitk::RenderingManager
 CQmitkRenderingManagerFactoryQt specific implementation of mitk::RenderingManagerFactory
 CQmitkRenderWindowMITK implementation of the QVTKWidget
 CQmitkRenderWindowMenuThe QmitkRenderWindowMenu is a popup Widget which shows up when the mouse cursor enter a QmitkRenderWindow. The Menu Widget is located in the right top corner of each RenderWindow. It includes different settings. For example the layout design can be changed with the setting button. Switching between full-screen mode and layout design can be done with the full-screen button. The popup Widget can be deactivated with ActivateMenuWidget(false) in QmitkRenderWindow
 CQmitkRenderWindowWidgetThe 'QmitkRenderWindowWidget' is a QFrame that holds a render window and some associates properties, e.g. decorations. Decorations are corner annotation (text and color), frame color or background color and can be set using this class. The 'QmitkRenderWindowWidget' is used inside a 'QmitkAbstractMultiWidget', where a map contains several render window widgets to create the multi widget display. This class uses a CrosshairManager, which allows to use plane geometries as crosshair
 CQmitkScalarBarOverlayObject representing a text that is drawn as an overlay
 CQmitkSegmentAnythingToolGUIGUI for mitk::SegmentAnythingTool
 CQmitkSegWithPreviewToolGUIBaseGUI base clase for tools derived from mitk::SegWithPreviewTool
 CQmitkServiceListWidgetThis widget provides abstraction for the handling of MicroServices
 CQmitkSetupVirtualEnvUtilAbstract Class to Setup a python virtual environment and pip install required packages. Derive this class for creating installer for the respective tool
 CQmitkSimpleBarrierManagerWidgetWidget that allows to edit the constraints of SimpleBarrierConstraintChecker
 CQmitkSimpleBarrierParametersDelegateToolkit includes
 CQmitkSimpleBarrierTypeDelegateAn item delegate for rendering and editing the type of a simple barrier constraint. It assumes that the type is encoded as int. 0: lower border, 1: upper border
 CQmitkSimpleLabelSetListWidgetWidget that offers a simple list that displays all labels (color and name) in the active layer of a LabelSetImage
 CQmitkSingleNodeSelectionWidgetWidget that represents a node selection of (max) one node. It acts like a button. Clicking on it allows to change the selection
 CQmitkSliceNavigationListenerHelper class to allow QmitkAbstractView and derived classes to react on changes of the slice/time navigation. Purpose of the class to be used in view and to give the respective view class (by composition) the possibility to react on changes of the currently selected timepoint or position in the world geometry.
It also offers convenient signals that are only triggered when the selected timepoint or the selected position of the active render window have really changed.
In order to setup this class properly the following things must be regarded:
 CQmitkSlicesInterpolatorGUI for slices interpolation
 CQmitkSliderLevelWindowWidgetProvides a widget with a slider to change the level and window value of the current image
 CQmitkStaticDynamicSegmentationDialogDialog for static / dynamic segmentation node creation
 CQmitkStatisticsModelToStringConverterConverts the content of the statistics model to a string
 CQmitkStatusBarQT-Toolkit/GUI dependent class that provides to send a Message to the QT's StatusBar
 CQmitkStdMultiWidgetThe 'QmitkStdMultiWidget' is a 'QmitkAbstractMultiWidget' that is used to display multiple render windows at once. Render windows are predefined in a 2x2 design with 3 different 2D view planes and a 3D render window
 CQmitkStepperAdapterHelper class to connect Qt-based navigators to instances of Stepper
 CQmitkStructureSensorParameterWidgetWidget for configuring the Structure Sensor device (Occipital, Inc.)
 CQmitkSurfaceStampWidgetGUI for surface-based interpolation
 CQmitkTextOverlayObject representing a text that is drawn as an overlay
 CQmitkToFCompositeFilterWidgetWidget for controlling the ToFCompositeFilter (located in module ToFProcessing)
 CQmitkToFConnectionWidgetWidget allowing to connect to different ToF / range cameras (located in module ToFProcessing)
 CQmitkToFMESAParameterWidgetWidget allowing to connect to different ToF / range cameras (located in module ToFProcessing)
 CQmitkToFPMDParameterWidgetWidget allowing to connect to different ToF / range cameras (located in module ToFProcessing)
 CQmitkToFPointSetWidgetWidget allowing interaction with point sets for measurement and PointSet definition
 CQmitkToFRecorderWidgetWidget allowing to play / record ToF data
 CQmitkToolGUIBase class for GUIs belonging to mitk::Tool classes
 CQmitkToolGUIAreaDummy class for putting into a GUI (mainly using Qt Designer)
 CQmitkToolSelectionBoxDisplay the tool selection state of a mitk::ToolManager
 CQmitkTotalSegmentatorToolGUIGUI for mitk::TotalSegmentatorTool
 CQmitkTotalSegmentatorToolInstallerInstaller class for TotalSegmentator Tool. Class specifies the virtual environment name, install version, packages required to pip install and implements SetupVirtualEnv method
 CQmitkTrackingDeviceConfigurationWidgetAn object of this class offers an UI to configurate a tracking device. If the user finished the configuration process and a fully configurated tracking device is availiabe the object emits a signal "TrackingDeviceConfigurationFinished()". You can then get the tracking device by calling the method GetTrackingDevice()
 CQmitkUSAbstractCustomWidgetAbstract superclass for all custom control widgets of mitk::USDevice classes
 CQmitkUSControlsBModeWidgetWidget for b mode controls of ultrasound devices. This class handles the mitk::USControlInterfaceBMode of mitk::USDevice objects
 CQmitkUSControlsCustomVideoDeviceWidgetWidget for custom controls of mitk::USVideoDevice. This class handles the itk::USVideoDeviceCustomControls of video device objects
 CQmitkUSControlsDopplerWidgetWidget for b mode controls of ultrasound devices. This class handles the mitk::USControlInterfaceDoppler of mitk::USDevice objects
 CQmitkUSControlsProbesWidgetWidget for probes controls of ultrasound devices. This class handles the mitk::USControlInterfaceProbes of mitk::USDevice objects
 CQmitkUSDeviceManagerWidgetThis Widget is used to manage available Ultrasound Devices
 CQmitkUSNewVideoDeviceWidgetThis Widget enables the USer to create and connect Video Devices
 CQmitkVirtualTrackerWidgetImplementation of a configuration widget for a Vitrual Tracking Device
 CUSTelemedScanConverterPluginTelemed API plugin for getting images from scan lines. Implements a COM interface whereat only the function InterimOutBufferCB is used for copying given image buffer into a mitk::Image
 CVectorTraits< double[3]>
 CVectorTraits< double[4]>
 CVectorTraits< float[3]>
 CVectorTraits< float[4]>
 CVectorTraits< itk::Index< 3 > >
 CVectorTraits< itk::Index< 5 > >
 CVectorTraits< itk::IndexValueType[3]>
 CVectorTraits< itk::Point< double, 3 > >
 CVectorTraits< itk::Point< double, 4 > >
 CVectorTraits< itk::Point< float, 3 > >
 CVectorTraits< itk::Point< float, 4 > >
 CVectorTraits< itk::SizeValueType[3]>
 CVectorTraits< itk::Vector< double, 3 > >
 CVectorTraits< itk::Vector< float, 3 > >
 CVectorTraits< itk::Vector< int, 3 > >
 CVectorTraits< mitk::Point< double, 3 > >
 CVectorTraits< mitk::Point< double, 4 > >
 CVectorTraits< mitk::Point< float, 3 > >
 CVectorTraits< mitk::Point< float, 4 > >
 CVectorTraits< mitk::Point< int, 3 > >
 CVectorTraits< mitk::Vector< double, 3 > >
 CVectorTraits< mitk::VnlVector >
 CVectorTraits< unsigned int * >
 CVectorTraits< unsigned int[3]>
 CVectorTraits< vnl_vector_fixed< mitk::ScalarType, 3 > >
 CvtkGLMapperPropVtkProp, wrapping a GLMapper
 CvtkMitkLevelWindowFilterApplies the grayvalue or color/opacity level window to scalar or RGB(A) images
 CvtkMitkRectanglePropRenders a rectangle into a renderwindow as a frame
 CvtkNeverTranslucentTextureVTK Fix to speed up our image rendering
 CvtkNeverTranslucentTextureFactoryFactory for vtkNeverTranslucentTexture (see this class!)