Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  2016.11.0
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
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1 /*===================================================================
3  The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
5  Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center,
6  Division of Medical and Biological Informatics.
7  All rights reserved.
9  This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
10  even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
13  See LICENSE.txt or for details.
15  ===================================================================*/
18 #include "mitkMouseMoveEvent.h"
20 #include "mitkInteractionConst.h" // TODO: refactor file
21 #include "mitkInternalEvent.h"
22 #include "mitkOperationEvent.h"
23 #include "mitkRenderingManager.h"
24 #include <mitkPointOperation.h>
25 //
26 #include "mitkBaseRenderer.h"
27 #include "mitkDispatcher.h"
29 #include "mitkUndoController.h"
32 {
33  // Condition which is evaluated before transition is taken
34  // following actions in the statemachine are only executed if it returns TRUE
35  CONNECT_CONDITION("isoverpoint", CheckSelection);
36  CONNECT_FUNCTION("addpoint", AddPoint);
37  CONNECT_FUNCTION("selectpoint", SelectPoint);
39  CONNECT_FUNCTION("unselectAll", UnSelectAll);
40  CONNECT_FUNCTION("initMove", InitMove);
41  CONNECT_FUNCTION("movePoint", MovePoint);
42  CONNECT_FUNCTION("finishMovement", FinishMove);
43  CONNECT_FUNCTION("removePoint", RemovePoint);
44 }
47 {
48  unsigned int timeStep = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(GetDataNode()->GetData());
49  ScalarType timeInMs = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTime();
51  // disallow adding of new points if maximum number of points is reached
52  if (m_MaxNumberOfPoints > 1 && m_PointSet->GetSize(timeStep) >= m_MaxNumberOfPoints)
53  {
54  return;
55  }
56  // To add a point the minimal information is the position, this method accepts all InteractionsPositionEvents
57  InteractionPositionEvent *positionEvent = dynamic_cast<InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent);
58  if (positionEvent != NULL)
59  {
60  mitk::Point3D itkPoint = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld();
62  this->UnselectAll(timeStep, timeInMs);
64  int lastPosition = 0;
66  it = m_PointSet->Begin(timeStep);
67  end = m_PointSet->End(timeStep);
68  while (it != end)
69  {
70  if (!m_PointSet->IndexExists(lastPosition, timeStep))
71  break;
72  ++it;
73  ++lastPosition;
74  }
76  // Insert a Point to the PointSet
77  // 2) Create the Operation inserting the point
79  PointOperation *doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpINSERT, timeInMs, itkPoint, lastPosition);
81  // 3) If Undo is enabled, also create the inverse Operation
82  if (m_UndoEnabled)
83  {
84  PointOperation *undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpREMOVE, timeInMs, itkPoint, lastPosition);
85  // 4) Do and Undo Operations are combined in an Operation event which also contains the target of the operations
86  // (here m_PointSet)
87  OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(m_PointSet, doOp, undoOp, "Add point");
88  // 5) Store the Operation in the UndoController
90  m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent);
91  }
93  // 6) Execute the Operation performs the actual insertion of the point into the PointSet
94  m_PointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp);
96  // 7) If Undo is not enabled the Do-Operation is to be dropped to prevent memory leaks.
97  if (!m_UndoEnabled)
98  delete doOp;
100  // Request update
101  interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetRenderingManager()->RequestUpdateAll();
103  // Check if points form a closed contour now, if so fire an InternalEvent
104  IsClosedContour(stateMachineAction, interactionEvent);
106  if (m_MaxNumberOfPoints > 0 && m_PointSet->GetSize(timeStep) >= m_MaxNumberOfPoints)
107  {
108  // Signal that DataNode is fully filled
109  this->NotifyResultReady();
110  // Send internal event that can be used by StateMachines to switch in a different state
111  InternalEvent::Pointer event = InternalEvent::New(NULL, this, "MaximalNumberOfPoints");
112  positionEvent->GetSender()->GetDispatcher()->QueueEvent(event.GetPointer());
113  }
114  }
115 }
118 {
119  unsigned int timeStep = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(GetDataNode()->GetData());
120  ScalarType timeInMs = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTime();
122  InteractionPositionEvent *positionEvent = dynamic_cast<InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent);
123  if (positionEvent != NULL)
124  {
125  Point3D point = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld();
126  // iterate over point set and check if it contains a point close enough to the pointer to be selected
127  int index = GetPointIndexByPosition(point, timeStep);
128  if (index != -1)
129  {
130  // first deselect the other points
131  // undoable deselect of all points in the DataList
132  this->UnselectAll(timeStep, timeInMs);
134  PointOperation *doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSELECTPOINT, timeInMs, point, index);
136  /*if (m_UndoEnabled)
137  {
138  PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpDESELECTPOINT,timeInMs,point, index);
139  OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(m_PointSet, doOp, undoOp, "Select Point");
140  OperationEvent::IncCurrObjectEventId();
141  m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent);
142  }*/
144  // execute the Operation
145  m_PointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp);
147  if (!m_UndoEnabled)
148  delete doOp;
150  interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetRenderingManager()->RequestUpdateAll();
151  }
152  }
153 }
155 mitk::PointSetDataInteractor::PointSetDataInteractor() : m_MaxNumberOfPoints(0), m_SelectionAccuracy(3.5)
156 {
157 }
160 {
161 }
164 {
165  unsigned int timeStep = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(GetDataNode()->GetData());
166  ScalarType timeInMs = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTime();
168  InteractionPositionEvent *positionEvent = dynamic_cast<InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent);
169  if (positionEvent != NULL)
170  {
171  mitk::Point3D itkPoint = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld();
173  // search the point in the list
174  int position = m_PointSet->SearchPoint(itkPoint, m_SelectionAccuracy, timeStep);
175  if (position >= 0) // found a point
176  {
177  PointSet::PointType pt = m_PointSet->GetPoint(position, timeStep);
178  itkPoint[0] = pt[0];
179  itkPoint[1] = pt[1];
180  itkPoint[2] = pt[2];
182  PointOperation *doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpREMOVE, timeInMs, itkPoint, position);
183  if (m_UndoEnabled) // write to UndoMechanism
184  {
185  PointOperation *undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpINSERT, timeInMs, itkPoint, position);
186  OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(m_PointSet, doOp, undoOp, "Remove point");
188  m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent);
189  }
190  // execute the Operation
191  m_PointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp);
193  if (!m_UndoEnabled)
194  delete doOp;
196  /*now select the point "position-1",
197  and if it is the first in list,
198  then continue at the last in list*/
199  // only then a select of a point is possible!
200  if (m_PointSet->GetSize(timeStep) > 0)
201  {
202  this->SelectPoint(m_PointSet->Begin(timeStep)->Index(), timeStep, timeInMs);
203  }
204  }
205  interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetRenderingManager()->RequestUpdateAll();
206  }
207 }
210 {
211  unsigned int timeStep = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(GetDataNode()->GetData());
213  InteractionPositionEvent *positionEvent = dynamic_cast<InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent);
214  if (positionEvent != NULL)
215  {
216  Point3D point = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld();
217  // iterate over point set and check if it contains a point close enough to the pointer to be selected
218  if (GetPointIndexByPosition(point, timeStep) != -1 && m_PointSet->GetSize(timeStep) >= 3)
219  {
220  InternalEvent::Pointer event = InternalEvent::New(NULL, this, "ClosedContour");
221  positionEvent->GetSender()->GetDispatcher()->QueueEvent(event.GetPointer());
222  }
223  }
224 }
227 {
228  unsigned int timeStep = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(GetDataNode()->GetData());
229  ScalarType timeInMs = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTime();
230  InteractionPositionEvent *positionEvent = dynamic_cast<InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent);
231  if (positionEvent != NULL)
232  {
233  IsClosedContour(stateMachineAction, interactionEvent);
234  mitk::Point3D newPoint, resultPoint;
235  newPoint = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld();
237  // search the elements in the list that are selected then calculate the
238  // vector, because only with the vector we can move several elements in
239  // the same direction
240  // newPoint - lastPoint = vector
241  // then move all selected and set the lastPoint = newPoint.
242  // then add all vectors to a summeryVector (to be able to calculate the
243  // startpoint for undoOperation)
244  mitk::Vector3D dirVector = newPoint - m_LastPoint;
246  // sum up all Movement for Undo in FinishMovement
247  m_SumVec = m_SumVec + dirVector;
250  it = m_PointSet->Begin(timeStep);
251  end = m_PointSet->End(timeStep);
252  while (it != end)
253  {
254  int position = it->Index();
255  if (m_PointSet->GetSelectInfo(position, timeStep)) // if selected
256  {
257  PointSet::PointType pt = m_PointSet->GetPoint(position, timeStep);
258  mitk::Point3D sumVec;
259  sumVec[0] = pt[0];
260  sumVec[1] = pt[1];
261  sumVec[2] = pt[2];
262  resultPoint = sumVec + dirVector;
263  PointOperation *doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpMOVE, timeInMs, resultPoint, position);
264  // execute the Operation
265  // here no undo is stored, because the movement-steps aren't interesting.
266  // only the start and the end is interisting to store for undo.
267  m_PointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp);
268  delete doOp;
269  }
270  ++it;
271  }
272  m_LastPoint = newPoint; // for calculation of the direction vector
273  // Update the display
274  interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetRenderingManager()->RequestUpdateAll();
275  IsClosedContour(stateMachineAction, interactionEvent);
276  }
277 }
280 {
281  unsigned int timeStep = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(GetDataNode()->GetData());
282  ScalarType timeInMs = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTime();
284  InteractionPositionEvent *positionEvent = dynamic_cast<InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent);
285  if (positionEvent != NULL)
286  {
287  Point3D point = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld();
288  // iterate over point set and check if it contains a point close enough to the pointer to be selected
289  int index = GetPointIndexByPosition(point, timeStep);
290  // here it is ensured that we don't switch from one point being selected to another one being selected,
291  // without accepting the unselect of the current point
292  if (index != -1)
293  {
294  PointOperation *doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpDESELECTPOINT, timeInMs, point, index);
296  /*if (m_UndoEnabled)
297  {
298  PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSELECTPOINT,timeInMs, point, index);
299  OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(m_PointSet, doOp, undoOp, "Unselect Point");
300  OperationEvent::IncCurrObjectEventId();
301  m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent);
302  }*/
304  m_PointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp);
306  if (!m_UndoEnabled)
307  delete doOp;
308  }
309  }
310 }
313 {
314  unsigned int timeStep = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(GetDataNode()->GetData());
315  ScalarType timeInMs = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTime();
317  InteractionPositionEvent *positionEvent = dynamic_cast<InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent);
318  if (positionEvent != NULL)
319  {
320  Point3D positioninWorld = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld();
321  PointSet::PointsContainer::Iterator it, end;
323  PointSet::DataType *itkPointSet = m_PointSet->GetPointSet(timeStep);
325  end = itkPointSet->GetPoints()->End();
327  for (it = itkPointSet->GetPoints()->Begin(); it != end; it++)
328  {
329  int position = it->Index();
330  // then declare an operation which unselects this point;
331  // UndoOperation as well!
332  if (m_PointSet->GetSelectInfo(position, timeStep))
333  {
334  float distance = sqrt(positioninWorld.SquaredEuclideanDistanceTo(m_PointSet->GetPoint(position, timeStep)));
335  if (distance > m_SelectionAccuracy)
336  {
337  mitk::Point3D noPoint;
338  noPoint.Fill(0);
339  mitk::PointOperation *doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpDESELECTPOINT, timeInMs, noPoint, position);
341  /*if ( m_UndoEnabled )
342  {
343  mitk::PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSELECTPOINT, timeInMs, noPoint, position);
344  OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent( m_PointSet, doOp, undoOp, "Unselect Point" );
345  OperationEvent::IncCurrObjectEventId();
346  m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent( operationEvent );
347  }*/
349  m_PointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp);
351  if (!m_UndoEnabled)
352  delete doOp;
353  }
354  }
355  }
356  }
357  else
358  {
359  this->UnselectAll(timeStep, timeInMs);
360  }
361 }
364 {
365  mitk::PointSet *pointSet = dynamic_cast<mitk::PointSet *>(this->GetDataNode()->GetData());
366  if (pointSet == NULL)
367  {
368  MITK_ERROR << "PointSetDataInteractor:: No valid point set .";
369  return;
370  }
372  m_PointSet = pointSet;
373 }
376 {
377  InternalEvent::Pointer event = InternalEvent::New(NULL, this, IntDeactivateMe);
378  interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetDispatcher()->QueueEvent(event.GetPointer());
379 }
381 /*
382  * Check whether the DataNode contains a pointset, if not create one and add it.
383  */
385 {
386  if (GetDataNode() != nullptr)
387  {
388  PointSet *points = dynamic_cast<PointSet *>(GetDataNode()->GetData());
389  if (points == NULL)
390  {
391  m_PointSet = PointSet::New();
392  GetDataNode()->SetData(m_PointSet);
393  }
394  else
395  {
396  m_PointSet = points;
397  }
398  // load config file parameter: maximal number of points
399  mitk::PropertyList::Pointer properties = GetAttributes();
400  std::string strNumber;
401  if (properties->GetStringProperty("MaxPoints", strNumber))
402  {
403  m_MaxNumberOfPoints = atoi(strNumber.c_str());
404  }
405  }
406 }
409 {
410  InteractionPositionEvent *positionEvent = dynamic_cast<InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent);
412  if (positionEvent == NULL)
413  return;
415  // start of the Movement is stored to calculate the undoKoordinate
416  // in FinishMovement
417  m_LastPoint = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld();
419  // initialize a value to calculate the movement through all
420  // MouseMoveEvents from MouseClick to MouseRelease
421  m_SumVec.Fill(0);
423  GetDataNode()->SetProperty("contourcolor", ColorProperty::New(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
424 }
427 {
428  unsigned int timeStep = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep(GetDataNode()->GetData());
429  ScalarType timeInMs = interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetTime();
431  InteractionPositionEvent *positionEvent = dynamic_cast<InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent);
433  if (positionEvent != NULL)
434  {
435  // finish the movement:
436  // the final point is m_LastPoint
437  // m_SumVec stores the movement in a vector
438  // the operation would not be necessary, but we need it for the undo Operation.
439  // m_LastPoint is for the Operation
440  // the point for undoOperation calculates from all selected
441  // elements (point) - m_SumVec
443  // search all selected elements and move them with undo-functionality.
446  it = m_PointSet->Begin(timeStep);
447  end = m_PointSet->End(timeStep);
448  while (it != end)
449  {
450  int position = it->Index();
451  if (m_PointSet->GetSelectInfo(position, timeStep)) // if selected
452  {
453  PointSet::PointType pt = m_PointSet->GetPoint(position, timeStep);
454  Point3D itkPoint;
455  itkPoint[0] = pt[0];
456  itkPoint[1] = pt[1];
457  itkPoint[2] = pt[2];
458  PointOperation *doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpMOVE, timeInMs, itkPoint, position);
460  if (m_UndoEnabled) //&& (posEvent->GetType() == mitk::Type_MouseButtonRelease)
461  {
462  // set the undo-operation, so the final position is undo-able
463  // calculate the old Position from the already moved position - m_SumVec
464  mitk::Point3D undoPoint = (itkPoint - m_SumVec);
465  PointOperation *undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpMOVE, timeInMs, undoPoint, position);
466  OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(m_PointSet, doOp, undoOp, "Move point");
468  m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent);
469  }
470  // execute the Operation
471  m_PointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp);
473  if (!m_UndoEnabled)
474  delete doOp;
475  }
476  ++it;
477  }
479  // Update the display
480  interactionEvent->GetSender()->GetRenderingManager()->RequestUpdateAll();
481  }
482  else
483  {
484  return;
485  }
486  this->NotifyResultReady();
487 }
490 {
491  m_SelectionAccuracy = accuracy;
492 }
494 void mitk::PointSetDataInteractor::SetMaxPoints(unsigned int maxNumber)
495 {
496  m_MaxNumberOfPoints = maxNumber;
497 }
499 int mitk::PointSetDataInteractor::GetPointIndexByPosition(Point3D position, unsigned int time, float accuracy)
500 {
501  // iterate over point set and check if it contains a point close enough to the pointer to be selected
502  PointSet *points = dynamic_cast<PointSet *>(GetDataNode()->GetData());
503  int index = -1;
504  if (points == NULL)
505  {
506  return index;
507  }
509  if (points->GetPointSet(time) == nullptr)
510  return -1;
512  PointSet::PointsContainer *pointsContainer = points->GetPointSet(time)->GetPoints();
514  float minDistance = m_SelectionAccuracy;
515  if (accuracy != -1)
516  minDistance = accuracy;
518  for (PointSet::PointsIterator it = pointsContainer->Begin(); it != pointsContainer->End(); it++)
519  {
520  float distance = sqrt(position.SquaredEuclideanDistanceTo(points->GetPoint(it->Index(), time)));
521  if (distance <
522  minDistance) // if several points fall within the margin, choose the one with minimal distance to position
523  {
524  index = it->Index();
525  }
526  }
527  return index;
528 }
531 {
532  const InteractionPositionEvent *positionEvent = dynamic_cast<const InteractionPositionEvent *>(interactionEvent);
533  if (positionEvent != NULL)
534  {
535  int timeStep = positionEvent->GetSender()->GetTimeStep();
536  Point3D point = positionEvent->GetPositionInWorld();
537  // iterate over point set and check if it contains a point close enough to the pointer to be selected
538  int index = GetPointIndexByPosition(point, timeStep);
539  if (index != -1)
540  return true;
541  }
542  return false;
543 }
545 void mitk::PointSetDataInteractor::UnselectAll(unsigned int timeStep, ScalarType timeInMs)
546 {
547  mitk::PointSet *pointSet = dynamic_cast<mitk::PointSet *>(GetDataNode()->GetData());
548  if (pointSet == NULL)
549  {
550  return;
551  }
553  mitk::PointSet::DataType *itkPointSet = pointSet->GetPointSet(timeStep);
554  if (itkPointSet == NULL)
555  {
556  return;
557  }
559  mitk::PointSet::PointsContainer::Iterator it, end;
560  end = itkPointSet->GetPoints()->End();
562  for (it = itkPointSet->GetPoints()->Begin(); it != end; it++)
563  {
564  int position = it->Index();
565  PointSet::PointDataType pointData = {0, false, PTUNDEFINED};
566  itkPointSet->GetPointData(position, &pointData);
568  // then declare an operation which unselects this point;
569  // UndoOperation as well!
570  if (pointData.selected)
571  {
572  mitk::Point3D noPoint;
573  noPoint.Fill(0);
574  mitk::PointOperation *doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpDESELECTPOINT, timeInMs, noPoint, position);
576  /*if ( m_UndoEnabled )
577  {
578  mitk::PointOperation *undoOp =
579  new mitk::PointOperation(OpSELECTPOINT, timeInMs, noPoint, position);
580  OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent( pointSet, doOp, undoOp, "Unselect Point" );
581  OperationEvent::IncCurrObjectEventId();
582  m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent( operationEvent );
583  }*/
585  pointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp);
587  if (!m_UndoEnabled)
588  delete doOp;
589  }
590  }
591 }
593 void mitk::PointSetDataInteractor::SelectPoint(int position, unsigned int timeStep, ScalarType timeInMS)
594 {
595  mitk::PointSet *pointSet = dynamic_cast<mitk::PointSet *>(this->GetDataNode()->GetData());
597  // if List is empty, then no selection of a point can be done!
598  if ((pointSet == NULL) || (pointSet->GetSize(timeStep) <= 0))
599  {
600  return;
601  }
603  // dummyPoint... not needed anyway
604  mitk::Point3D noPoint;
605  noPoint.Fill(0);
607  mitk::PointOperation *doOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpSELECTPOINT, timeInMS, noPoint, position);
609  /*if ( m_UndoEnabled )
610  {
611  mitk::PointOperation* undoOp = new mitk::PointOperation(OpDESELECTPOINT,timeInMS, noPoint, position);
613  OperationEvent *operationEvent = new OperationEvent(pointSet, doOp, undoOp, "Select Point");
614  OperationEvent::IncCurrObjectEventId();
615  m_UndoController->SetOperationEvent(operationEvent);
616  }*/
618  pointSet->ExecuteOperation(doOp);
620  if (!m_UndoEnabled)
621  delete doOp;
622 }
void UnselectAll(unsigned int timeStep, ScalarType timeInMs)
MeshType DataType
Definition: mitkPointSet.h:133
DataType::PointsContainerIterator PointsIterator
Definition: mitkPointSet.h:137
Super class for all position events.
BaseRenderer * GetSender() const
virtual void InitMove(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent)
virtual int GetSize(unsigned int t=0) const
returns the current size of the point-list
#define MITK_ERROR
Definition: mitkLogMacros.h:24
double ScalarType
virtual void RemovePoint(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *interactionEvent)
static Pointer New()
static Pointer New()
virtual void ExecuteOperation(Operation *operation) override
executes the given Operation
virtual void MovePoint(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *)
ScalarType GetTime() const
Get the time in ms of the currently displayed content.
virtual void UpdatePointSet(StateMachineAction *stateMachineAction, InteractionEvent *)
UpdatePointSet Updates the member variable that holds the point set, evaluating the time step of the ...
struct for data of a point
Definition: mitkPointSet.h:95
void SetMaxPoints(unsigned int maxNumber=0)
SetMaxPoints Sets the maximal number of points for the pointset Default ist zero, which result in inf...
PointType GetPoint(PointIdentifier id, int t=0) const
Get the point with ID id in world coordinates.
virtual void AddPoint(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *event)
Constants for most interaction classes, due to the generic StateMachines.
virtual bool CheckSelection(const InteractionEvent *interactionEvent)
virtual void Abort(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *)
T::Pointer GetData(const std::string &name)
Data structure which stores a set of points. Superclass of mitk::Mesh.
Definition: mitkPointSet.h:79
virtual mitk::RenderingManager * GetRenderingManager() const
Setter for the RenderingManager that handles this instance of BaseRenderer.
virtual DataType::Pointer GetPointSet(int t=0) const
returns the pointset
Represents an action, that is executed after a certain event (in statemachine-mechanism) TODO: implem...
virtual int GetPointIndexByPosition(Point3D position, unsigned int time=0, float accuracy=-1)
Return index in PointSet of the point that is within given accuracy to the provided position...
virtual void UnSelectAll(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *)
virtual void SelectPoint(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *)
Operation that handles all actions on one Point.
Dispatcher::Pointer GetDispatcher() const
Returns the Dispatcher which handles Events for this BaseRenderer.
virtual void IsClosedContour(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *)
virtual unsigned int GetTimeStep() const
DataType::PointsContainer PointsContainer
Definition: mitkPointSet.h:136
virtual void UnSelectPointAtPosition(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *)
virtual void FinishMove(StateMachineAction *, InteractionEvent *)
static Pointer New(BaseRenderer *_arga, DataInteractor *_argb, const std::string &_argc)
static void IncCurrObjectEventId()
Increases the current ObjectEventId For example if a button click generates operations the ObjectEven...
#define CONNECT_FUNCTION(a, f)
virtual void ConnectActionsAndFunctions() override
void RequestUpdateAll(RequestType type=REQUEST_UPDATE_ALL)
Represents a pair of operations: undo and the according redo.