Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  2016.11.0
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
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1 /*===================================================================
3 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
5 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center,
6 Division of Medical and Biological Informatics.
7 All rights reserved.
9 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
10 even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
13 See LICENSE.txt or for details.
15 ===================================================================*/
20 //##Documentation
21 //## @file mitkInteractionConst.h
22 //## @brief Constants for most interaction classes, due to the generic StateMachines.
23 //##
24 //## Changes in Type, ButtonState or Key has to be don in mitkEventMapper.cpp, too.
25 //## @ingroup Interaction
27 /*Prefixes for Constants:
28 E = Enumeration
29 EID = EventId's
30 Op = Operations
31 Ac = Action
32 Type_ = Type of Event
33 BS_ = ButtonStates and Buttons
34 Key_ = Keys like in QT
35 */
36 namespace mitk
37 {
38  // Constants for EventIds; use the according constant to through an event in the code
39  enum EEventIds
40  {
89  EIDSPACENAVIGATORINPUT = 4001, // 3d Mouse, SpaceNavigator input
90  EIDSPACENAVIGATORKEYDOWN = 4002, // 3d Mouse, KeyDown
91  EIDWIIMOTEINPUT = 4003, // WiiMote input
92  EIDWIIMOTEBUTTON = 4004, // WiiMote home button
93  EIDWIIMOTEBUTTONB = 4005, // WiiMote b button
96  EIDDELETE = 12,
97  EIDN = 13,
98  EIDESCAPE = 14,
99  EIDP = 15,
100  EIDR = 16,
101  EIDT = 17,
102  EIDS = 18,
103  EIDE = 19,
106  EIDH = 22,
107  EIDRETURN = 23,
108  EIDENTER = 24,
109  EIDSPACE = 25,
110  EIDPLUS = 26,
111  EIDMINUS = 27,
115  EIDALT = 90,
117  EIDNEW = 1000,
118  EIDOLD = 1001,
119  EIDFINISHED = 1002,
120  EIDNO = 1003,
121  EIDYES = 1004,
122  EIDSAME = 1005,
125  EIDLAST = 1008,
126  EIDNOTLAST = 1009,
130  EIDEDIT = 1013,
131  EIDSMALLERN = 1014,
132  EIDEQUALSN = 1015,
133  EIDLARGERN = 1016,
134  EIDEMPTY = 1017,
138  EIDTIP = 1050,
139  EIDHEAD = 1051,
140  EIDBODY = 1052,
141  EIDCLEAR = 1100,
143  EIDPRINT = 3001,
144  EV_INIT = 5551001,
145  EV_PREVIOUS = 5551002,
149  EV_READY = 5551006,
150  EV_NEXT = 5551007,
151  EV_DONE = 5551008,
152  EV_NEW_LANDMARK = 5551009,
154  EIDINSIDE = 2500,
155  EIDA = 4001,
156  EIDB = 4002,
157  EIDC = 4003,
158  EIDD = 4004,
159  EIDF = 4005,
160  EIDG = 4006,
161  EIDI = 4007,
162  EIDJ = 4008,
163  EIDK = 4009,
164  EIDL = 4010,
165  EIDM = 4011,
166  EIDO = 4012,
167  EIDQ = 4013,
168  EIDU = 4014,
169  EIDV = 4015,
170  EIDW = 4016,
171  EIDX = 4017,
172  EIDY = 4018,
173  EIDZ = 4019,
174  EID1 = 4020,
175  EID2 = 4021,
176  EID3 = 4022,
177  EID4 = 4023,
178  EID5 = 4024,
179  EID6 = 4025,
180  EID7 = 4026,
181  EID8 = 4027,
182  EID9 = 4028,
183  EID0 = 4029,
184  EIDFIGUREHOVER = 12340,
186  };
188  //##Constants for Operations
189  //## xomments are always examples of the usage
191  {
193  OpTEST = 1,
194  OpNEWCELL = 10, // add a new cell
195  OpADD = 100, // add a point or a vessel
196  OpUNDOADD = 101,
197  OpADDLINE = 1001, // add a line
198  OpINSERT = 200, // insert a point at position
199  OpINSERTLINE = 201, // insert a line at position
201  OpCLOSECELL = 250, // close a cell (to a polygon)
202  OpOPENCELL = 251, // close a cell (to a polygon)
203  OpMOVE = 300, // move a point
204  OpMOVELINE = 301, // move a line
205  OpMOVECELL = 302, // move a line
206  OpUNDOMOVE = 303,
209  OpREMOVE = 400, // remove a point at position
210  OpREMOVELINE = 401, // remove a line at position
211  OpREMOVECELL = 402, // remove a cell
213  OpDELETE = 500, // delete
214  OpDELETELINE = 501, // delete the last line in a cell
215  OpUNDELETE = 502,
217  OpSTATECHANGE = 600, // change a state
218  OpTIMECHANGE = 601, // change a state
219  OpTERMINATE = 666, // change a state
223  OpSELECTSUBOBJECT = 703, // for VesselGraphInteractor
224  // OpSELECTNEWSUBOBJECT = 704, //for VesselGraphInteractor
225  OpSELECT = 705,
229  OpDESELECTSUBOBJECT = 803, // for VesselGraphInteractor
230  OpDESELECTALL = 804, // for VesselGraphInteractor
231  OpDESELECT = 805,
232  OpNAVIGATE = 900,
233  OpZOOM = 1000,
234  OpSCALE = 1100,
235  OpROTATE = 1200,
236  OpORIENT = 1201,
240  OpMODECHANGE = 1500,
242  OpPERIPHERYSEARCH = 2000, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
243  OpROOTSEARCH = 2001, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
244  OpTHICKSTVESSELSEARCH = 2002, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
245  OpSHORTESTPATHSEARCH = 2003, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
246  OpATTRIBUTATION = 2004, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
247  OpDEFAULT = 2006, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
248  OpSURFACECHANGED = 3000, // used for changing polydata in surfaces
249  };
251  //##Constants for EventMapping...
252  //##connects the statemachine.xml-File with the implemented conditions.
253  //##within one statemachine the choice of the actionconstants is freely
254  //##
255  //## ActionId
256  enum EActions
257  {
264  AcINITFOREGROUND = 45, // used in SeedsInteractor for setting the foreground seeds
265  AcINITBACKGROUND = 46, // used in SeedsInteractor for setting the background seeds
266  AcINITNEUTRAL = 47, // used in SeedsInteractor for setting the neutral seeds (rubber)
267  AcINITUPDATE = 1235, // For shape model deformation
269  AcADDPOINTRMB = 6000, // in mitralPointSetInteractor used to set a different type of point
270  AcADD = 11,
271  AcADDLINE = 12,
277  AcCHECKELEMENT = 30, // check if there is a element close enough (picking)
278  AcCHECKOBJECT = 31, // check if an object is hit
279  AcCHECKNMINUS1 = 32, // check if the number of elements is equal to N-1
280  AcCHECKEQUALS1 = 33, // check if the number of elements in the data is equal to 1
281  AcCHECKNUMBEROFPOINTS = 330, // check the number of elements in the data
282  AcCHECKSELECTED = 34, // check if the given element is selected or not
283  AcCHECKONESELECTED = 340, // check if there is an element that is selected
284  AcCHECKHOVERING = 341, // check if there is an element that is selected
285  AcCHECKGREATERZERO = 35, // check if the current number of elements is greater than 0
286  AcCHECKGREATERTWO = 36, // check if the current number of elements is greater than two
287  AcCHECKOPERATION = 37, // check if the operation is of one spectial type
294  AcFINISH = 44,
297  AcSEARCHANOTHEROBJECT = 52, // one object is selected and another object is to be added to selection
298  AcSELECTPICKEDOBJECT = 60, // select the picked object and deselect others
302  AcSELECT = 65,
306  AcSELECTSUBOBJECT = 69, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
307  AcDESELECTOBJECT = 70, // deselect picked from group
317  AcMOVE = 92,
321  AcREMOVE = 101,
323  AcREMOVEALL = 103,
324  AcREMOVESELECTEDSUBOBJECT = 104, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
325  AcWHEEL = 105,
326  AcPLUS = 106,
327  AcMINUS = 107,
329  AcCLEAR = 130, // clear all elements from a list
340  AC_SET_DONE_FALSE = 5550009,
341  AC_INIT = 55500010,
343  AC_SENSOR_ATTACHED = 55500012,
344  AC_CLOSE_ASSISTENT = 55500013,
348  AC_LOAD_LANDMARKS = 55500017,
352  AcTRANSLATE = 1001,
353  AcSCALESTART = 1002,
354  AcSCALE = 1003,
356  AcROTATE = 1005,
360  AcSCALEEND = 1009,
361  AcROTATEEND = 1010,
362  AcINITZOOM = 1011,
363  AcZOOM = 1012,
364  AcSCROLL = 1013,
368  AcMODEDESELECT = 1100, // set interactor in not selected mode
369  AcMODESELECT = 1101, // set interactor in selected mode
370  AcMODESUBSELECT = 1102, // set interacor in sub selected mode
377  AcTRANSMITEVENT = 2000, // to transmit an event to a lower Interactor/Statemachine
378  AcPERIPHERYSEARCH = 3000, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
379  AcROOTSEARCH = 3001, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
380  AcTHICKSTVESSELSEARCH = 3002, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
381  AcSHORTESTPATHSEARCH = 3003, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
382  AcSINGLE = 3004, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
383  AcATTRIBUTATION = 3005, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
384  AcDEFAULT = 3007, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
385  AcSETVESSELELEMENT = 3008, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
386  AcCHECKBARRIERSTATUS = 3010, // used in VesselGraphInteractor
387  AcUPDATEMESH = 1234, // For Shape Model Interaction
388  AcINCREASE = 49012,
389  AcDECREASE = 49013,
390  AcMODIFY = 49014,
391  AcUNDOUPDATE = 1236, // For restoring a mesh after an update
392  AcENTEROBJECT = 48000,
393  AcLEAVEOBJECT = 48001,
394  AcSWITCHOBJECT = 48002,
395  AcUPDATELINE = 48003,
396  AcINITLINE = 48004,
398  AcCREATEBOX = 48006,
400  AcCANCEL = 48008,
401  AcACTIVATETOOL = 48009,
404  AcMOVEPOINT1 = 49004,
405  AcMOVEPOINT2 = 49005,
406  AcUPDATEPOINT = 49006,
409  AcCYCLE = 49010,
410  AcACCEPT = 49011,
411  AcONSPACENAVIGATORMOUSEINPUT = 4001, // On input of 3D Mouse
412  AcONPACENAVIGATORKEYDOWN = 4002, // On input of 3D Mouse
413  AcONWIIMOTEINPUT = 4003, // used for wiimote to signal IR input
414  AcRESETVIEW = 4004, // used for wiimote to reset view
415  AcONWIIMOTEBUTTONRELEASED = 4005, // stops the surface interaction
419  AcINTERACTOR = 5003,
422  };
424  /*
427  //EventMechanism:
428  //If you change anything from here on, then change in mitkEventMapper.cpp (Array of constants) as well.
431  */
433  // Type of an Event;
435  {
436  Type_None = 0, // invalid event
437  Type_Timer = 1, // timer event
438  Type_MouseButtonPress = 2, // mouse button pressed
439  Type_MouseButtonRelease = 3, // mouse button released
440  Type_MouseButtonDblClick = 4, // mouse button double click
441  Type_MouseMove = 5, // mouse move
442  Type_KeyPress = 6, // key pressed
443  Type_KeyRelease = 7, // key released
444  Type_FocusIn = 8, // keyboard focus received
445  Type_FocusOut = 9, // keyboard focus lost
446  Type_Enter = 10, // mouse enters widget
447  Type_Leave = 11, // mouse leaves widget
448  Type_Paint = 12, // paint widget
449  Type_Move = 13, // move widget
450  Type_Resize = 14, // resize widget
451  Type_Create = 15, // after object creation
452  Type_Destroy = 16, // during object destruction
453  Type_Show = 17, // widget is shown
454  Type_Hide = 18, // widget is hidden
455  Type_Close = 19, // request to close widget
456  Type_Quit = 20, // request to quit application
457  Type_Reparent = 21, // widget has been reparented
458  Type_ShowMinimized = 22, // widget is shown minimized
459  Type_ShowNormal = 23, // widget is shown normal
460  Type_WindowActivate = 24, // window was activated
461  Type_WindowDeactivate = 25, // window was deactivated
462  Type_ShowToParent = 26, // widget is shown to parent
463  Type_HideToParent = 27, // widget is hidden to parent
464  Type_ShowMaximized = 28, // widget is shown maximized
465  Type_ShowFullScreen = 29, // widget is shown full-screen
466  Type_Accel = 30, // accelerator event
467  Type_Wheel = 31, // wheel event
468  Type_AccelAvailable = 32, // accelerator available event
469  Type_CaptionChange = 33, // caption changed
470  Type_IconChange = 34, // icon changed
471  Type_ParentFontChange = 35, // parent font changed
472  Type_ApplicationFontChange = 36, // application font changed
473  Type_ParentPaletteChange = 37, // parent palette changed
474  Type_ApplicationPaletteChange = 38, // application palette changed
475  Type_PaletteChange = 39, // widget palette changed
476  Type_Clipboard = 40, // internal clipboard event
477  Type_Speech = 42, // reserved for speech input
478  Type_SockAct = 50, // socket activation
479  Type_AccelOverride = 51, // accelerator override event
480  Type_DeferredDelete = 52, // deferred delete event
481  Type_DragEnter = 60, // drag moves into widget
482  Type_DragMove = 61, // drag moves in widget
483  Type_DragLeave = 62, // drag leaves or is cancelled
484  Type_Drop = 63, // actual drop
485  Type_DragResponse = 64, // drag accepted/rejected
486  Type_ChildInserted = 70, // new child widget
487  Type_ChildRemoved = 71, // deleted child widget
488  Type_LayoutHint = 72, // child min/max size changed
489  Type_ShowWindowRequest = 73, // widget's window should be mapped
490  Type_ActivateControl = 80, // ActiveX activation
491  Type_DeactivateControl = 81, // ActiveX deactivation
492  Type_ContextMenu = 82, // context popup menu
493  Type_IMStart = 83, // input method composition start
494  Type_IMCompose = 84, // input method composition
495  Type_IMEnd = 85, // input method composition end
496  Type_Accessibility = 86, // accessibility information is requested
497  Type_TabletMove = 87, // Wacom tablet event
498  Type_LocaleChange = 88, // the system locale changed
499  Type_LanguageChange = 89, // the application language changed
500  Type_LayoutDirectionChange = 90, // the layout direction changed
501  Type_Style = 91, // internal style event
502  Type_TabletPress = 92, // tablet press
503  Type_TabletRelease = 93, // tablet release
504  Type_User = 1000, // first user event id
505  Type_SpaceNavigatorInput = 1094, // 3D mouse input occured
506  Type_SpaceNavigatorKeyDown = 1095, // 3D mouse input occured
507  Type_WiiMoteInput = 1096, // WiiMote input occured
508  Type_WiiMoteButton = 1097, // WiiMote button pressed
509  Type_MaxUser = 65535
510  };
512  //##ButtonState
513  // mouse/keyboard state values
514  // QT combinations if MOUSEBUTTONRelease: left MouseButton + ControlButton: 0x201
516  {
517  BS_NoButton = 0x0000,
518  BS_LeftButton = 0x0001,
519  BS_RightButton = 0x0002,
520  BS_MidButton = 0x0004,
522  BS_ShiftButton = 0x0100,
524  BS_AltButton = 0x0400,
525  BS_MetaButton = 0x0800,
527  BS_Keypad = 0x4000
528  };
529  //##Key
530  enum EKeys
531  {
532  Key_Escape = 0x1000, // misc keys
533  Key_Tab = 0x1001,
534  Key_Backtab = 0x1002,
535  Key_BackTab = 0x1002, //= Key_Backtab
536  Key_Backspace = 0x1003,
537  Key_BackSpace = 0x1003, //= Key_Backspace
538  Key_Return = 0x1004,
539  Key_Enter = 0x1005,
540  Key_Insert = 0x1006,
541  Key_Delete = 0x1007,
542  Key_Pause = 0x1008,
543  Key_Print = 0x1009,
544  Key_SysReq = 0x100a,
545  Key_Home = 0x1010, // cursor movement
546  Key_End = 0x1011,
547  Key_Left = 0x1012,
548  Key_Up = 0x1013,
549  Key_Right = 0x1014,
550  Key_Down = 0x1015,
551  Key_Prior = 0x1016,
552  Key_PageUp = 0x1016, //=Key_Prior
553  Key_Next = 0x1017,
554  Key_PageDown = 0x1017, //=Key_Next
555  Key_Shift = 0x1020, // modifiers
556  Key_Control = 0x1021,
557  Key_Meta = 0x1022,
558  Key_Alt = 0x1023,
559  Key_CapsLock = 0x1024,
560  Key_NumLock = 0x1025,
561  Key_ScrollLock = 0x1026,
562  Key_F1 = 0x1030, // function keys
563  Key_F2 = 0x1031,
564  Key_F3 = 0x1032,
565  Key_F4 = 0x1033,
566  Key_F5 = 0x1034,
567  Key_F6 = 0x1035,
568  Key_F7 = 0x1036,
569  Key_F8 = 0x1037,
570  Key_F9 = 0x1038,
571  Key_F10 = 0x1039,
572  Key_F11 = 0x103a,
573  Key_F12 = 0x103b,
574  Key_F13 = 0x103c,
575  Key_F14 = 0x103d,
576  Key_F15 = 0x103e,
577  Key_F16 = 0x103f,
578  Key_F17 = 0x1040,
579  Key_F18 = 0x1041,
580  Key_F19 = 0x1042,
581  Key_F20 = 0x1043,
582  Key_F21 = 0x1044,
583  Key_F22 = 0x1045,
584  Key_F23 = 0x1046,
585  Key_F24 = 0x1047,
586  Key_F25 = 0x1048, // F25 .. F35 only on X11
587  Key_F26 = 0x1049,
588  Key_F27 = 0x104a,
589  Key_F28 = 0x104b,
590  Key_F29 = 0x104c,
591  Key_F30 = 0x104d,
592  Key_F31 = 0x104e,
593  Key_F32 = 0x104f,
594  Key_F33 = 0x1050,
595  Key_F34 = 0x1051,
596  Key_F35 = 0x1052,
597  Key_Super_L = 0x1053, // extra keys
598  Key_Super_R = 0x1054,
599  Key_Menu = 0x1055,
600  Key_Hyper_L = 0x1056,
601  Key_Hyper_R = 0x1057,
602  Key_Help = 0x1058,
603  // International input method support (X keycode - = 0xEE00)
604  // Only interesting if you are writing your own input method
605  Key_Muhenkan = 0x1122, // Cancel Conversion
606  Key_Henkan = 0x1123, // Start/Stop Conversion
607  Key_Hiragana_Katakana = 0x1127, // Hiragana/Katakana toggle
608  Key_Zenkaku_Hankaku = 0x112A, // Zenkaku/Hankaku toggle
609  Key_Space = 0x20, // 7 bit printable ASCII
610  Key_Any = 0x20, //= Key_Space
611  Key_Exclam = 0x21,
612  Key_QuoteDbl = 0x22,
614  Key_Dollar = 0x24,
615  Key_Percent = 0x25,
620  Key_Asterisk = 0x2a,
621  Key_Plus = 0x2b,
622  Key_Comma = 0x2c,
623  Key_Minus = 0x2d,
624  Key_Period = 0x2e,
625  Key_Slash = 0x2f,
626  Key_0 = 0x30,
627  Key_1 = 0x31,
628  Key_2 = 0x32,
629  Key_3 = 0x33,
630  Key_4 = 0x34,
631  Key_5 = 0x35,
632  Key_6 = 0x36,
633  Key_7 = 0x37,
634  Key_8 = 0x38,
635  Key_9 = 0x39,
636  Key_Colon = 0x3a,
638  Key_Less = 0x3c,
639  Key_Equal = 0x3d,
640  Key_Greater = 0x3e,
641  Key_Question = 0x3f,
642  Key_At = 0x40,
643  Key_A = 0x41,
644  Key_B = 0x42,
645  Key_C = 0x43,
646  Key_D = 0x44,
647  Key_E = 0x45,
648  Key_F = 0x46,
649  Key_G = 0x47,
650  Key_H = 0x48,
651  Key_I = 0x49,
652  Key_J = 0x4a,
653  Key_K = 0x4b,
654  Key_L = 0x4c,
655  Key_M = 0x4d,
656  Key_N = 0x4e,
657  Key_O = 0x4f,
658  Key_P = 0x50,
659  Key_Q = 0x51,
660  Key_R = 0x52,
661  Key_S = 0x53,
662  Key_T = 0x54,
663  Key_U = 0x55,
664  Key_V = 0x56,
665  Key_W = 0x57,
666  Key_X = 0x58,
667  Key_Y = 0x59,
668  Key_Z = 0x5a,
676  Key_Bar = 0x7c,
680  Key_exclamdown = 0x0a1,
681  Key_cent = 0x0a2,
682  Key_sterling = 0x0a3,
683  Key_currency = 0x0a4,
684  Key_yen = 0x0a5,
685  Key_brokenbar = 0x0a6,
686  Key_section = 0x0a7,
687  Key_diaeresis = 0x0a8,
688  Key_copyright = 0x0a9,
690  Key_guillemotleft = 0x0ab, // left angle quotation mark
691  Key_notsign = 0x0ac,
692  Key_hyphen = 0x0ad,
693  Key_registered = 0x0ae,
694  Key_macron = 0x0af,
695  Key_degree = 0x0b0,
696  Key_plusminus = 0x0b1,
699  Key_acute = 0x0b4,
700  Key_mu = 0x0b5,
701  Key_paragraph = 0x0b6,
703  Key_cedilla = 0x0b8,
705  Key_masculine = 0x0ba,
706  Key_guillemotright = 0x0bb, // right angle quotation mark
707  Key_onequarter = 0x0bc,
708  Key_onehalf = 0x0bd,
711  Key_Agrave = 0x0c0,
712  Key_Aacute = 0x0c1,
714  Key_Atilde = 0x0c3,
715  Key_Adiaeresis = 0x0c4,
716  Key_Aring = 0x0c5,
717  Key_AE = 0x0c6,
718  Key_Ccedilla = 0x0c7,
719  Key_Egrave = 0x0c8,
720  Key_Eacute = 0x0c9,
722  Key_Ediaeresis = 0x0cb,
723  Key_Igrave = 0x0cc,
724  Key_Iacute = 0x0cd,
726  Key_Idiaeresis = 0x0cf,
727  Key_ETH = 0x0d0,
728  Key_Ntilde = 0x0d1,
729  Key_Ograve = 0x0d2,
730  Key_Oacute = 0x0d3,
732  Key_Otilde = 0x0d5,
733  Key_Odiaeresis = 0x0d6,
734  Key_multiply = 0x0d7,
735  Key_Ooblique = 0x0d8,
736  Key_Ugrave = 0x0d9,
737  Key_Uacute = 0x0da,
739  Key_Udiaeresis = 0x0dc,
740  Key_Yacute = 0x0dd,
741  Key_THORN = 0x0de,
742  Key_ssharp = 0x0df,
743  Key_agrave = 0x0e0,
744  Key_aacute = 0x0e1,
746  Key_atilde = 0x0e3,
747  Key_adiaeresis = 0x0e4,
748  Key_aring = 0x0e5,
749  Key_ae = 0x0e6,
750  Key_ccedilla = 0x0e7,
751  Key_egrave = 0x0e8,
752  Key_eacute = 0x0e9,
754  Key_ediaeresis = 0x0eb,
755  Key_igrave = 0x0ec,
756  Key_iacute = 0x0ed,
758  Key_idiaeresis = 0x0ef,
759  Key_eth = 0x0f0,
760  Key_ntilde = 0x0f1,
761  Key_ograve = 0x0f2,
762  Key_oacute = 0x0f3,
764  Key_otilde = 0x0f5,
765  Key_odiaeresis = 0x0f6,
766  Key_division = 0x0f7,
767  Key_oslash = 0x0f8,
768  Key_ugrave = 0x0f9,
769  Key_uacute = 0x0fa,
771  Key_udiaeresis = 0x0fc,
772  Key_yacute = 0x0fd,
773  Key_thorn = 0x0fe,
774  Key_ydiaeresis = 0x0ff,
775  Key_unknown = 0xffff,
776  Key_none = 0xffff //= Key_unknown
777  };
779 } // namespace mitk
780 #endif // ifndef MITKINTERACTCONST_H
DataCollection - Class to facilitate loading/accessing structured data.