Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  2016.11.0
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*===================================================================
3 The Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK)
5 Copyright (c) German Cancer Research Center,
6 Division of Medical and Biological Informatics.
7 All rights reserved.
9 This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
10 even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
13 See LICENSE.txt or for details.
15 ===================================================================*/
17 #ifndef _MITK_FiberfoxParameters_H
18 #define _MITK_FiberfoxParameters_H
20 #include <itkImageRegion.h>
21 #include <itkMatrix.h>
24 #include <mitkDataNode.h>
25 #include <mitkRicianNoiseModel.h>
27 #include <mitkImage.h>
29 #include <mitkPlanarEllipse.h>
30 #include <mitkStickModel.h>
31 #include <mitkTensorModel.h>
32 #include <mitkAstroStickModel.h>
33 #include <mitkBallModel.h>
34 #include <mitkDotModel.h>
35 #include <mitkRawShModel.h>
36 #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
37 #include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
38 #include <limits>
40 using namespace std;
42 namespace mitk
43 {
47  {
48  public:
49  typedef itk::Image<double, 3> ItkDoubleImgType;
50  typedef itk::Image<unsigned char, 3> ItkUcharImgType;
51  typedef itk::Vector<double,3> GradientType;
52  typedef std::vector<GradientType> GradientListType;
58  };
60  enum AcquisitionType : int
61  {
63  SpinEcho
64  };
67  : m_AcquisitionType(SignalGenerationParameters::SingleShotEpi)
68  , m_SignalScale(100)
69  , m_tEcho(100)
70  , m_tRep(4000)
71  , m_tLine(1)
72  , m_tInhom(50)
73  , m_ReversePhase(false)
74  , m_PartialFourier(1.0)
75  , m_NoiseVariance(0.001)
76  , m_NumberOfCoils(1)
77  , m_CoilSensitivityProfile(SignalGenerationParameters::COIL_CONSTANT)
78  , m_Bvalue(1000)
79  , m_SimulateKspaceAcquisition(false)
80  , m_AxonRadius(0)
81  , m_DoDisablePartialVolume(false)
82  , m_Spikes(0)
83  , m_SpikeAmplitude(1)
84  , m_KspaceLineOffset(0)
85  , m_EddyStrength(300)
86  , m_Tau(70)
87  , m_CroppingFactor(1)
88  , m_DoAddGibbsRinging(false)
89  , m_DoSimulateRelaxation(true)
90  , m_DoAddMotion(false)
91  , m_DoRandomizeMotion(true)
92  , m_FrequencyMap(NULL)
93  , m_MaskImage(NULL)
94  {
95  m_ImageRegion.SetSize(0, 12);
96  m_ImageRegion.SetSize(1, 12);
97  m_ImageRegion.SetSize(2, 3);
98  m_ImageSpacing.Fill(2.0);
99  m_ImageOrigin.Fill(0.0);
100  m_ImageDirection.SetIdentity();
101  m_Translation.Fill(0.0);
102  m_Rotation.Fill(0.0);
103  SetNumWeightedVolumes(6);
104  }
107  itk::ImageRegion<3> m_CroppedRegion;
108  itk::ImageRegion<3> m_ImageRegion;
109  itk::Vector<double,3> m_ImageSpacing;
110  itk::Point<double,3> m_ImageOrigin;
111  itk::Matrix<double, 3, 3> m_ImageDirection;
115  double m_SignalScale;
116  double m_tEcho;
117  double m_tRep;
118  double m_tLine;
119  double m_tInhom;
125  double m_Bvalue;
127  double m_AxonRadius;
131  unsigned int m_Spikes;
134  double m_EddyStrength;
135  double m_Tau;
141  std::vector< bool > m_MotionVolumes;
142  itk::Vector<double,3> m_Translation;
144  itk::Vector<double,3> m_Rotation;
148  inline void GenerateGradientHalfShell();
149  inline std::vector< int > GetBaselineIndices();
150  inline unsigned int GetFirstBaselineIndex();
151  inline bool IsBaselineIndex(unsigned int idx);
152  inline unsigned int GetNumWeightedVolumes();
153  inline unsigned int GetNumBaselineVolumes();
154  inline unsigned int GetNumVolumes();
155  inline GradientListType GetGradientDirections();
156  inline GradientType GetGradientDirection(unsigned int i);
158  inline void SetNumWeightedVolumes(int numGradients);
159  inline void SetGradienDirections(GradientListType gradientList);
160  inline void SetGradienDirections(mitk::DiffusionPropertyHelper::GradientDirectionsContainerType::Pointer gradientList);
162  protected:
164  unsigned int m_NumGradients;
165  unsigned int m_NumBaseline;
166  GradientListType m_GradientDirections;
167  };
171  {
172  public:
175  {
176  DISTRIBUTE_UNIFORM, // distribute fibers uniformly in the ROIs
177  DISTRIBUTE_GAUSSIAN // distribute fibers using a 2D gaussian
178  };
180  typedef vector< vector< mitk::PlanarEllipse::Pointer > > FiducialListType;
181  typedef vector< vector< unsigned int > > FlipListType;
184  : m_Distribution(DISTRIBUTE_UNIFORM)
185  , m_Density(100)
186  , m_Variance(100)
187  , m_Sampling(1)
188  , m_Tension(0)
189  , m_Continuity(0)
190  , m_Bias(0)
191  {
192  m_Rotation.Fill(0.0);
193  m_Translation.Fill(0.0);
194  m_Scale.Fill(1.0);
195  }
198  unsigned int m_Density;
199  double m_Variance;
200  double m_Sampling;
201  double m_Tension;
202  double m_Continuity;
203  double m_Bias;
207  FlipListType m_FlipList;
208  FiducialListType m_Fiducials;
209  };
213  {
214  public:
216  : m_ResultNode(DataNode::New())
217  , m_ParentNode(NULL)
218  , m_SignalModelString("")
219  , m_ArtifactModelString("")
220  , m_OutputPath("/tmp/")
221  , m_OutputPrefix("fiberfox")
222  , m_CheckOutputVolumeFractionsBox(false)
223  , m_CheckAdvancedSignalOptionsBox(false)
224  , m_CheckAddNoiseBox(false)
225  , m_CheckAddGhostsBox(false)
226  , m_CheckAddAliasingBox(false)
227  , m_CheckAddSpikesBox(false)
228  , m_CheckAddEddyCurrentsBox(false)
229  , m_CheckAddDistortionsBox(false)
230  , m_MotionVolumesBox("random")
231  , m_CheckRealTimeFibersBox(true)
232  , m_CheckAdvancedFiberOptionsBox(false)
233  , m_CheckConstantRadiusBox(false)
234  , m_CheckIncludeFiducialsBox(true)
235  {}
241  string m_OutputPath;
242  string m_OutputPrefix;
246  // image generation
256  // fiber generation
261  };
267  template< class ScalarType = double >
269  {
270  public:
272  typedef itk::Image<double, 3> ItkDoubleImgType;
273  typedef itk::Image<unsigned char, 3> ItkUcharImgType;
275  typedef std::vector< DiffusionModelType* > DiffusionModelListType;
282  template< class OutType >
284  {
287  out.m_FiberGen = m_FiberGen;
288  out.m_SignalGen = m_SignalGen;
289  out.m_Misc = m_Misc;
291  if (m_NoiseModel!=NULL)
292  {
293  if (dynamic_cast<mitk::RicianNoiseModel<ScalarType>*>(m_NoiseModel.get()))
294  out.m_NoiseModel = std::make_shared< mitk::RicianNoiseModel<OutType> >();
295  else if (dynamic_cast<mitk::ChiSquareNoiseModel<ScalarType>*>(m_NoiseModel.get()))
296  out.m_NoiseModel = std::make_shared< mitk::ChiSquareNoiseModel<OutType> >();
297  out.m_NoiseModel->SetNoiseVariance(m_NoiseModel->GetNoiseVariance());
298  }
300  for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_FiberModelList.size()+m_NonFiberModelList.size(); i++)
301  {
302  mitk::DiffusionSignalModel<OutType>* outModel = NULL;
303  mitk::DiffusionSignalModel<ScalarType>* signalModel = NULL;
304  if (i<m_FiberModelList.size())
305  signalModel =;
306  else
307  signalModel =;
309  if (dynamic_cast<mitk::StickModel<ScalarType>*>(signalModel))
310  outModel = new mitk::StickModel<OutType>(dynamic_cast<mitk::StickModel<ScalarType>*>(signalModel));
311  else if (dynamic_cast<mitk::TensorModel<ScalarType>*>(signalModel))
312  outModel = new mitk::TensorModel<OutType>(dynamic_cast<mitk::TensorModel<ScalarType>*>(signalModel));
313  else if (dynamic_cast<mitk::RawShModel<ScalarType>*>(signalModel))
314  outModel = new mitk::RawShModel<OutType>(dynamic_cast<mitk::RawShModel<ScalarType>*>(signalModel));
315  else if (dynamic_cast<mitk::BallModel<ScalarType>*>(signalModel))
316  outModel = new mitk::BallModel<OutType>(dynamic_cast<mitk::BallModel<ScalarType>*>(signalModel));
317  else if (dynamic_cast<mitk::AstroStickModel<ScalarType>*>(signalModel))
318  outModel = new mitk::AstroStickModel<OutType>(dynamic_cast<mitk::AstroStickModel<ScalarType>*>(signalModel));
319  else if (dynamic_cast<mitk::DotModel<ScalarType>*>(signalModel))
320  outModel = new mitk::DotModel<OutType>(dynamic_cast<mitk::DotModel<ScalarType>*>(signalModel));
322  if (i<m_FiberModelList.size())
323  out.m_FiberModelList.push_back(outModel);
324  else
325  out.m_NonFiberModelList.push_back(outModel);
326  }
328  return out;
329  }
337  DiffusionModelListType m_FiberModelList;
338  DiffusionModelListType m_NonFiberModelList;
339  std::shared_ptr< NoiseModelType > m_NoiseModel;
341  void PrintSelf();
342  void SaveParameters(string filename);
343  void LoadParameters(string filename);
344  template< class ParameterType >
345  ParameterType ReadVal(boost::property_tree::ptree::value_type const& v, std::string tag, ParameterType defaultValue, bool essential=false);
346  std::string m_MissingTags;
347  };
348 }
352 #endif
MiscFiberfoxParameters m_Misc
GUI realted and I/O parameters.
DataNode::Pointer m_ResultNode
Stores resulting image.
double m_Tau
Eddy current decay constant (in ms)
itk::ImageRegion< 3 > m_CroppedRegion
Image size with reduced FOV.
itk::SmartPointer< Self > Pointer
double m_NoiseVariance
Variance of complex gaussian noise.
itk::Image< double, 3 > ItkDoubleImgType
Generates diffusion measurement employing a second rank tensor model: e^(-bg^TDg) ...
itk::Point< double, 3 > m_ImageOrigin
Image origin.
DiffusionSignalModel< ScalarType > DiffusionModelType
itk::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > m_ImageDirection
Image rotation matrix.
DiffusionNoiseModel< ScalarType > NoiseModelType
DiffusionModelListType m_NonFiberModelList
Extra-axonal compartments.
unsigned int m_NumGradients
Number of diffusion-weighted image volumes.
double m_tLine
k-space line readout time (dwell time).
STL namespace.
DataCollection - Class to facilitate loading/accessing structured data.
int m_NumberOfCoils
Number of coils in multi-coil acquisition.
double m_Bvalue
Acquisition b-value.
Generates constant direction independent signal.
Definition: mitkDotModel.h:30
double m_PartialFourier
Partial fourier factor (0.5-1)
itk::Vector< double, 3 > GradientType
std::vector< GradientType > GradientListType
ItkUcharImgType::Pointer m_MaskImage
Signal is only genrated inside of the mask image.
Generates direction independent diffusion measurement employing a scalar diffusion constant d: e^(-bd...
Definition: mitkBallModel.h:30
bool m_ReversePhase
If true, the phase readout direction will be inverted (-y instead of y)
double m_EddyStrength
Strength of eddy current induced gradients in mT/m.
itk::Vector< double, 3 > m_ImageSpacing
Image voxel size.
double m_SignalScale
Scaling factor for output signal (before noise is added).
Abstract class for diffusion signal models.
SignalGenerationParameters m_SignalGen
Signal generation parameters.
The spherical harmonic representation of a prototype diffusion weighted MR signal is used to obtain t...
string m_AfterSimulationMessage
Store messages that are displayed after the simulation has finished (e.g. warnings, automatic parameter adjustments etc.)
unsigned int m_NumBaseline
Number of non-diffusion-weighted image volumes.
Datastructure to manage the Fiberfox signal generation parameters.
FiberGenerationParameters m_FiberGen
Fiber generation parameters.
bool m_DoAddMotion
Enable motion artifacts.
static const std::string filename
itk::Image< unsigned char, 3 > ItkUcharImgType
itk::ImageRegion< 3 > m_ImageRegion
Image size.
double m_AxonRadius
Determines compartment volume fractions (0 == automatic axon radius estimation)
GradientListType m_GradientDirections
Total number of image volumes.
DataNode::Pointer m_ParentNode
Parent node of result node.
Implementation of noise following a chi-squared distribution.
double m_SpikeAmplitude
amplitude of spikes relative to the largest signal intensity (magnitude of complex) ...
AcquisitionType m_AcquisitionType
determines k-space trajectory and maximum echo position(s)
itk::Image< unsigned char, 3 > ItkUcharImgType
FlipListType m_FlipList
contains flags indicating a flip of the 2D fiber x-coordinates (needed to resolve some unwanted fiber...
string m_SignalModelString
Appendet to the name of the result node.
Realizes EPI readout: one echo, maximum intensity in the k-space center, zig-zag trajectory.
bool m_DoSimulateRelaxation
Add T2 relaxation effects.
vector< vector< unsigned int > > FlipListType
itk::Vector< double, 3 > m_Rotation
Maximum rotational motion.
Generates the diffusion signal using an idealised cylinder with zero radius: e^(-bd(ng)²) ...
CoilSensitivityProfile m_CoilSensitivityProfile
Choose between constant, linear or exponential sensitivity profile of the used coils.
double m_CroppingFactor
FOV size in y-direction is multiplied by this factor. Causes aliasing artifacts.
vector< vector< mitk::PlanarEllipse::Pointer > > FiducialListType
bool m_DoAddGibbsRinging
Add Gibbs ringing artifact.
unsigned int m_Spikes
Number of spikes randomly appearing in the image.
bool m_DoDisablePartialVolume
Disable partial volume effects. Each voxel is either all fiber or all non-fiber.
string m_OutputPath
Image is automatically saved to the specified folder after simulation is finished.
itk::Image< double, 3 > ItkDoubleImgType
Implementation of noise following a rician distribution.
DiffusionModelListType m_FiberModelList
Intra- and inter-axonal compartments.
std::shared_ptr< NoiseModelType > m_NoiseModel
If != NULL, noise is added to the image.
Abstract class for diffusion noise models.
bool m_DoRandomizeMotion
Toggles between random and linear motion.
double m_KspaceLineOffset
Causes N/2 ghosts. Larger offset means stronger ghost.
Generates the diffusion signal using a collection of idealised cylinder with zero radius: e^(-bd(ng)²...
string m_ArtifactModelString
Appendet to the name of the result node.
FiberfoxParameters< OutType > CopyParameters()
FiducialListType m_Fiducials
container of the planar ellipses used as fiducials for the fiber generation process ...
bool m_SimulateKspaceAcquisition
Flag to enable/disable k-space acquisition simulation.
std::vector< DiffusionModelType * > DiffusionModelListType
ItkDoubleImgType::Pointer m_FrequencyMap
If != NULL, distortions are added to the image using this frequency map.
Class for nodes of the DataTree.
Definition: mitkDataNode.h:66
std::vector< bool > m_MotionVolumes
with positive numbers, inverted logic with negative numbers.
static itkEventMacro(BoundingShapeInteractionEvent, itk::AnyEvent) class MITKBOUNDINGSHAPE_EXPORT BoundingShapeInteractor Pointer New()
Basic interaction methods for mitk::GeometryData.