Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  2016.11.0
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mitk::LabelSetImage Class Reference

LabelSetImage class for handling labels and layers in a segmentation session. More...

#include <mitkLabelSetImage.h>

Inheritance diagram for mitk::LabelSetImage:
Collaboration diagram for mitk::LabelSetImage:

Public Types

typedef mitk::Label::PixelType PixelType
- Public Types inherited from mitk::Image
enum  ImportMemoryManagementType { CopyMemory, ManageMemory, ReferenceMemory, DontManageMemory }
typedef Image Self
typedef SlicedData Superclass
typedef itk::SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef itk::SmartPointer< const SelfConstPointer
typedef itk::SmartPointer< ImageDataItemImageDataItemPointer
typedef itk::Statistics::Histogram< double > HistogramType
typedef mitk::ImageStatisticsHolderStatisticsHolderPointer
typedef std::vector< ImageDataItemPointerImageDataItemPointerArray
 Vector container of SmartPointers to ImageDataItems; Class is only for internal usage to allow convenient access to all slices over iterators; See documentation of ImageDataItem for details. More...
- Public Types inherited from mitk::SlicedData
typedef SlicedData Self
typedef BaseData Superclass
typedef itk::SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef itk::SmartPointer< const SelfConstPointer
typedef itk::ImageRegion< RegionDimension > RegionType
typedef itk::Index< RegionDimension > IndexType
typedef IndexType::IndexValueType IndexValueType
typedef itk::Offset< RegionDimension > OffsetType
typedef OffsetType::OffsetValueType OffsetValueType
typedef itk::Size< RegionDimension > SizeType
typedef SizeType::SizeValueType SizeValueType
- Public Types inherited from mitk::BaseData
typedef BaseData Self
typedef itk::DataObject Superclass
typedef itk::SmartPointer< SelfPointer
typedef itk::SmartPointer< const SelfConstPointer

Public Member Functions

 mitkClassMacro (LabelSetImage, Image) static Pointer New()
virtual void Initialize (const mitk::Image *image) override
void Concatenate (mitk::LabelSetImage *image)
void ClearBuffer ()
void MergeLabel (PixelType targetPixelValue, unsigned int layer=0)
 Merges the mitk::Label with a given target value with the active label. More...
void MergeLabels (std::vector< PixelType > &VectorOfLablePixelValues, PixelType index, unsigned int layer=0)
 Merges a list of mitk::Labels with the mitk::Label that has a specific value. More...
void UpdateCenterOfMass (PixelType pixelValue, unsigned int layer=0)
void RemoveLabels (std::vector< PixelType > &VectorOfLabelPixelValues, unsigned int layer=0)
 Removes labels from the mitk::LabelSet of given layer. Calls mitk::LabelSetImage::EraseLabels() which also removes the labels from within the image. More...
void EraseLabel (PixelType pixelValue, unsigned int layer=0)
 Erases the label with the given value in the given layer from the underlying image. The label itself will not be erased from the respective mitk::LabelSet. In order to remove the label itself use mitk::LabelSetImage::RemoveLabels() More...
void EraseLabels (std::vector< PixelType > &VectorOfLabelPixelValues, unsigned int layer=0)
 Similar to mitk::LabelSetImage::EraseLabel() this funtion erase a list of labels from the image. More...
bool ExistLabel (PixelType pixelValue) const
 Returns true if the value exists in one of the labelsets. More...
bool ExistLabel (PixelType pixelValue, unsigned int layer) const
 Checks if a label exists in a certain layer. More...
bool ExistLabelSet (unsigned int layer) const
 Returns true if the labelset exists. More...
mitk::LabelGetActiveLabel (unsigned int layer=0)
 Returns the active label of a specific layer. More...
mitk::LabelGetLabel (PixelType pixelValue, unsigned int layer=0) const
 Returns the mitk::Label with the given pixelValue and for the given layer. More...
mitk::LabelSetGetActiveLabelSet ()
 Returns the currently active mitk::LabelSet. More...
mitk::LabelSetGetLabelSet (unsigned int layer=0)
 Gets the mitk::LabelSet for the given layer. More...
const mitk::LabelSetGetLabelSet (unsigned int layer=0) const
unsigned int GetActiveLayer () const
 Gets the ID of the currently active layer. More...
unsigned int GetNumberOfLabels (unsigned int layer=0) const
 Get the number of all existing mitk::Labels for a given layer. More...
unsigned int GetTotalNumberOfLabels () const
 Returns the number of all labels summed up across all layers. More...
mitk::Image::Pointer CreateLabelMask (PixelType index)
void InitializeByLabeledImage (mitk::Image::Pointer image)
 Initialize a new mitk::LabelSetImage by an given image. For all distinct pixel values of the parameter image new labels will be created. If the number of distinct pixel values exceeds mitk::Label::MAX_LABEL_VALUE a new layer will be created. More...
void MaskStamp (mitk::Image *mask, bool forceOverwrite)
void SetActiveLayer (unsigned int layer)
unsigned int GetNumberOfLayers () const
unsigned int AddLayer (mitk::LabelSet::Pointer layer=nullptr)
 Adds a new layer to the LabelSetImage. The new layer will be set as the active one. More...
unsigned int AddLayer (mitk::Image::Pointer layerImage, mitk::LabelSet::Pointer lset=nullptr)
 Add a layer based on a provided mitk::Image. More...
void AddLabelSetToLayer (const unsigned int layerIdx, const mitk::LabelSet::Pointer labelSet)
 Add a LabelSet to an existing layer. More...
void RemoveLayer ()
 Removes the active layer and the respective mitk::LabelSet and image information. The new active layer is the one below, if exists. More...
mitk::ImageGetLayerImage (unsigned int layer)
const mitk::ImageGetLayerImage (unsigned int layer) const
void OnLabelSetModified ()
void SetExteriorLabel (mitk::Label *label)
 Sets the label which is used as default exterior label when creating a new layer. More...
mitk::LabelGetExteriorLabel ()
 Gets the mitk::Label which is used as default exterior label. More...
const mitk::LabelGetExteriorLabel () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from mitk::Image
virtual std::vector< std::string > GetClassHierarchy () const override
virtual const char * GetClassName () const
Pointer Clone () const
const mitk::PixelType GetPixelType (int n=0) const
 Returns the PixelType of channel n. More...
unsigned int GetDimension () const
 Get dimension of the image. More...
unsigned int GetDimension (int i) const
 Get the size of dimension i (e.g., i=0 results in the number of pixels in x-direction). More...
virtual void * GetData ()
 Get the data vector of the complete image, i.e., of all channels linked together. More...
double GetPixelValueByIndex (const itk::Index< 3 > &position, unsigned int timestep=0, unsigned int component=0)
 Get the pixel value at one specific index position. More...
double GetPixelValueByWorldCoordinate (const mitk::Point3D &position, unsigned int timestep=0, unsigned int component=0)
 Get the pixel value at one specific world position. More...
virtual vtkImageData * GetVtkImageData (int t=0, int n=0)
 Get a volume at a specific time t of channel n as a vtkImageData. More...
virtual const vtkImageData * GetVtkImageData (int t=0, int n=0) const
virtual bool IsSliceSet (int s=0, int t=0, int n=0) const override
 Get the complete image, i.e., all channels linked together, as a mitkIpPicDescriptor. More...
virtual bool IsVolumeSet (int t=0, int n=0) const override
 Check whether volume at time t in channel n is set. More...
virtual bool IsChannelSet (int n=0) const override
 Check whether the channel n is set. More...
virtual bool SetSlice (const void *data, int s=0, int t=0, int n=0)
 Set data as slice s at time t in channel n. It is in the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the data vector data is really a slice (at least is not smaller than a slice), since there is no chance to check this. More...
virtual bool SetVolume (const void *data, int t=0, int n=0)
 Set data as volume at time t in channel n. It is in the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the data vector data is really a volume (at least is not smaller than a volume), since there is no chance to check this. More...
virtual bool SetChannel (const void *data, int n=0)
 Set data in channel n. It is in the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the data vector data is really a channel (at least is not smaller than a channel), since there is no chance to check this. More...
virtual bool SetImportSlice (void *data, int s=0, int t=0, int n=0, ImportMemoryManagementType importMemoryManagement=CopyMemory)
 Set data as slice s at time t in channel n. It is in the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the data vector data is really a slice (at least is not smaller than a slice), since there is no chance to check this. More...
virtual bool SetImportVolume (void *data, int t=0, int n=0, ImportMemoryManagementType importMemoryManagement=CopyMemory)
 Set data as volume at time t in channel n. It is in the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the data vector data is really a volume (at least is not smaller than a volume), since there is no chance to check this. More...
virtual bool SetImportChannel (void *data, int n=0, ImportMemoryManagementType importMemoryManagement=CopyMemory)
 Set data in channel n. It is in the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the data vector data is really a channel (at least is not smaller than a channel), since there is no chance to check this. More...
virtual void Initialize (const mitk::PixelType &type, unsigned int dimension, const unsigned int *dimensions, unsigned int channels=1)
virtual void Initialize (const mitk::PixelType &type, const mitk::BaseGeometry &geometry, unsigned int channels=1, int tDim=1)
virtual void Initialize (const mitk::PixelType &, const mitk::TimeSlicedGeometry *, unsigned int, int)
virtual void Initialize (const mitk::PixelType &type, const mitk::TimeGeometry &geometry, unsigned int channels=1, int tDim=-1)
 Initialize new (or re-initialize) image information by a TimeGeometry. More...
virtual void Initialize (const mitk::PixelType &type, int sDim, const mitk::PlaneGeometry &geometry2d, bool flipped, unsigned int channels=1, int tDim=1)
virtual void Initialize (const mitk::PixelType &type, int sDim, const mitk::PlaneGeometry &geometry2d, unsigned int channels=1, int tDim=1)
virtual void Initialize (const mitk::ImageDescriptor::Pointer inDesc)
virtual void Initialize (vtkImageData *vtkimagedata, int channels=1, int tDim=-1, int sDim=-1, int pDim=-1)
template<typename itkImageType >
void InitializeByItk (const itkImageType *itkimage, int channels=1, int tDim=-1, int sDim=-1)
virtual bool IsValidSlice (int s=0, int t=0, int n=0) const
 Check whether slice s at time t in channel n is valid, i.e., is (or can be) inside of the image. More...
virtual bool IsValidVolume (int t=0, int n=0) const
 Check whether volume at time t in channel n is valid, i.e., is (or can be) inside of the image. More...
virtual bool IsValidChannel (int n=0) const
 Check whether the channel n is valid, i.e., is (or can be) inside of the image. More...
bool IsRotated () const
 Returns true if an image is rotated, i.e. its geometry's transformation matrix has nonzero elements besides the diagonal. Non-diagonal elements are checked if larger then 1/1000 of the matrix' trace. More...
unsigned int * GetDimensions () const
 Get the sizes of all dimensions as an integer-array. More...
ImageDescriptor::Pointer GetImageDescriptor () const
ChannelDescriptor GetChannelDescriptor (int id=0) const
virtual void SetGeometry (BaseGeometry *aGeometry3D) override
 Sets a geometry to an image. More...
virtual ImageDataItemPointer GetSliceData (int s=0, int t=0, int n=0, void *data=nullptr, ImportMemoryManagementType importMemoryManagement=CopyMemory) const
virtual ImageDataItemPointer GetVolumeData (int t=0, int n=0, void *data=nullptr, ImportMemoryManagementType importMemoryManagement=CopyMemory) const
virtual ImageDataItemPointer GetChannelData (int n=0, void *data=nullptr, ImportMemoryManagementType importMemoryManagement=CopyMemory) const
ScalarType GetScalarValueMin (int t=0) const
 (DEPRECATED) Get the minimum for scalar images More...
ScalarType GetScalarValueMax (int t=0) const
 (DEPRECATED) Get the maximum for scalar images More...
ScalarType GetScalarValue2ndMin (int t=0) const
 (DEPRECATED) Get the second smallest value for scalar images More...
ScalarType GetScalarValueMinNoRecompute (unsigned int t=0) const
 (DEPRECATED) Get the smallest value for scalar images, but do not recompute it first More...
ScalarType GetScalarValue2ndMinNoRecompute (unsigned int t=0) const
 (DEPRECATED) Get the second smallest value for scalar images, but do not recompute it first More...
ScalarType GetScalarValue2ndMax (int t=0) const
 (DEPRECATED) Get the second largest value for scalar images More...
ScalarType GetScalarValueMaxNoRecompute (unsigned int t=0) const
 (DEPRECATED) Get the largest value for scalar images, but do not recompute it first More...
ScalarType GetScalarValue2ndMaxNoRecompute (unsigned int t=0) const
 (DEPRECATED) Get the second largest value for scalar images, but do not recompute it first More...
ScalarType GetCountOfMinValuedVoxels (int t=0) const
 (DEPRECATED) Get the count of voxels with the smallest scalar value in the dataset More...
ScalarType GetCountOfMaxValuedVoxels (int t=0) const
 (DEPRECATED) Get the count of voxels with the largest scalar value in the dataset More...
unsigned int GetCountOfMaxValuedVoxelsNoRecompute (unsigned int t=0) const
 (DEPRECATED) Get the count of voxels with the largest scalar value in the dataset More...
unsigned int GetCountOfMinValuedVoxelsNoRecompute (unsigned int t=0) const
 (DEPRECATED) Get the count of voxels with the smallest scalar value in the dataset More...
StatisticsHolderPointer GetStatistics () const
 Returns a pointer to the ImageStatisticsHolder object that holds all statistics information for the image. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from mitk::SlicedData
 itkStaticConstMacro (RegionDimension, unsigned int, 5)
virtual void UpdateOutputInformation () override
virtual void PrepareForNewData () override
virtual void SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion () override
virtual bool RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion () override
virtual bool VerifyRequestedRegion () override
 Verify that the RequestedRegion is within the LargestPossibleRegion. More...
virtual void SetRequestedRegion (const itk::DataObject *data) override
virtual void SetRequestedRegion (SlicedData::RegionType *region)
void SetLargestPossibleRegion (SlicedData::RegionType *region)
 Sets the largest possible region. The largest possible region is the entire region occupied by the data object. Note that the largest possible region should always be bigger then the requested region of a certain operation. More...
const RegionTypeGetLargestPossibleRegion () const
virtual const RegionTypeGetRequestedRegion () const
virtual void CopyInformation (const itk::DataObject *data) override
unsigned int GetNumberOfChannels () const
 Get the number of channels. More...
SlicedGeometry3DGetSlicedGeometry (unsigned int t=0) const
 Convenience access method for the geometry, which is of type SlicedGeometry3D (or a sub-class of it). More...
const SlicedGeometry3DGetUpdatedSlicedGeometry (unsigned int t=0)
 Convenience access method for the geometry, which is of type SlicedGeometry3D (or a sub-class of it). More...
virtual void SetOrigin (const Point3D &origin) override
 Convenience method for setting the origin of the SlicedGeometry3D instances of all time steps. More...
virtual void SetSpacing (const ScalarType aSpacing[])
 Convenience method for setting the spacing of the SlicedGeometry3D instances of all time steps. More...
virtual void SetSpacing (mitk::Vector3D aSpacing)
 Convenience method for setting the spacing of the SlicedGeometry3D instances of all time steps. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from mitk::BaseData
const mitk::TimeGeometryGetTimeGeometry () const
 Return the TimeGeometry of the data as const pointer. More...
const mitk::TimeGeometryGetTimeSlicedGeometry () const
 Return the TimeGeometry of the data as const pointer. More...
mitk::TimeGeometryGetTimeGeometry ()
 Return the TimeGeometry of the data as pointer. More...
const mitk::TimeGeometryGetUpdatedTimeGeometry ()
 Return the TimeGeometry of the data. More...
const mitk::TimeGeometryGetUpdatedTimeSliceGeometry ()
 Return the TimeGeometry of the data. More...
const mitk::BaseGeometryGetUpdatedGeometry (int t=0)
 Return the BaseGeometry of the data at time t. More...
mitk::BaseGeometryGetGeometry (int t=0) const
 Return the geometry, which is a TimeGeometry, of the data as non-const pointer. More...
void UpdateOutputInformation () override
 Update the information for this BaseData (the geometry in particular) so that it can be used as an output of a BaseProcess. More...
void CopyInformation (const itk::DataObject *data) override
 Copy information from the specified data set. More...
virtual bool IsInitialized () const
 Check whether the data has been initialized, i.e., at least the Geometry and other header data has been set. More...
virtual bool IsEmptyTimeStep (unsigned int t) const
 Check whether object contains data (at a specified time), e.g., a set of points may be empty. More...
virtual bool IsEmpty () const
 Check whether object contains data (at least at one point in time), e.g., a set of points may be empty. More...
void ExecuteOperation (Operation *operation) override
 overwrite if the Data can be called by an Interactor (StateMachine). More...
virtual void SetTimeGeometry (TimeGeometry *geometry)
 Set the TimeGeometry of the data, which will be referenced (not copied!). More...
virtual void SetClonedGeometry (const BaseGeometry *aGeometry3D)
 Set a clone of the provided TimeGeometry as TimeGeometry of the data. Assumes the data object has only 1 time step ( is a 3D object ) and creates a new TimeGeometry. If an TimeGeometry has already been set for the object, it will be replaced after calling this function. More...
virtual void SetClonedTimeGeometry (const TimeGeometry *geometry)
 Set a clone of the provided TimeGeometry as TimeGeometry of the data. More...
virtual void SetClonedGeometry (const BaseGeometry *aGeometry3D, unsigned int time)
 Set a clone of the provided geometry as BaseGeometry of a given time step. More...
mitk::PropertyList::Pointer GetPropertyList () const
 Get the data's property list. More...
void SetPropertyList (PropertyList *propertyList)
 Set the data's property list. More...
mitk::BaseProperty::Pointer GetProperty (const char *propertyKey) const
 Get the property (instance of BaseProperty) with key propertyKey from the PropertyList, and set it to this, respectively;. More...
void SetProperty (const char *propertyKey, BaseProperty *property)
itk::SmartPointer< mitk::BaseDataSourceGetSource () const
 Get the process object that generated this data object. More...
unsigned int GetTimeSteps () const
 Get the number of time steps from the TimeGeometry As the base data has not a data vector given by itself, the number of time steps is defined over the time sliced geometry. In sub classes, a better implementation could be over the length of the data vector. More...
virtual unsigned long GetMTime () const override
 Get the modified time of the last change of the contents this data object or its geometry. More...
virtual void Graft (const DataObject *) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from mitk::OperationActor
 itkTypeMacroNoParent (OperationActor) virtual ~OperationActor()

Public Attributes

Message BeforeChangeLayerEvent
 BeforeChangeLayerEvent (e.g. used for GUI integration) As soon as active labelset should be changed, the signal emits. Emitted by SetActiveLayer(int layer);. More...
Message AfterChangeLayerEvent
 AfterchangeLayerEvent (e.g. used for GUI integration) As soon as active labelset was changed, the signal emits. Emitted by SetActiveLayer(int layer);. More...

Protected Member Functions

 mitkCloneMacro (Self) LabelSetImage()
 LabelSetImage (const LabelSetImage &other)
virtual ~LabelSetImage ()
template<typename ImageType1 , typename ImageType2 >
void ChangeLayerProcessing (ImageType1 *source, ImageType2 *target)
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension>
void LayerContainerToImageProcessing (itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > *source, unsigned int layer)
template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension>
void ImageToLayerContainerProcessing (itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > *source, unsigned int layer) const
template<typename ImageType >
void CalculateCenterOfMassProcessing (ImageType *input, PixelType index, unsigned int layer)
template<typename ImageType >
void ClearBufferProcessing (ImageType *input)
template<typename ImageType >
void EraseLabelProcessing (ImageType *input, PixelType index, unsigned int layer)
template<typename ImageType >
void MergeLabelProcessing (ImageType *input, PixelType pixelValue, PixelType index)
template<typename ImageType >
void ConcatenateProcessing (ImageType *input, mitk::LabelSetImage *other)
template<typename ImageType >
void MaskStampProcessing (ImageType *input, mitk::Image *mask, bool forceOverwrite)
template<typename ImageType >
void CreateLabelMaskProcessing (ImageType *input, mitk::Image *mask, PixelType index)
template<typename LabelSetImageType , typename ImageType >
void InitializeByLabeledImageProcessing (LabelSetImageType *input, ImageType *other)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from mitk::Image
virtual itk::LightObject::Pointer InternalClone () const override
int GetSliceIndex (int s=0, int t=0, int n=0) const
int GetVolumeIndex (int t=0, int n=0) const
void ComputeOffsetTable ()
virtual bool IsValidTimeStep (int t) const
virtual void Expand (unsigned int timeSteps) override
 Expands the TimeGeometry to a number of TimeSteps. More...
virtual ImageDataItemPointer AllocateSliceData (int s=0, int t=0, int n=0, void *data=nullptr, ImportMemoryManagementType importMemoryManagement=CopyMemory) const
virtual ImageDataItemPointer AllocateVolumeData (int t=0, int n=0, void *data=nullptr, ImportMemoryManagementType importMemoryManagement=CopyMemory) const
virtual ImageDataItemPointer AllocateChannelData (int n=0, void *data=nullptr, ImportMemoryManagementType importMemoryManagement=CopyMemory) const
 Image ()
 Image (const Image &other)
virtual ~Image ()
virtual void Clear () override
 Calls ClearData() and InitializeEmpty();. More...
virtual void Initialize () override
virtual void PrintSelf (std::ostream &os, itk::Indent indent) const override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from mitk::SlicedData
 SlicedData ()
 SlicedData (const SlicedData &other)
virtual ~SlicedData ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from mitk::BaseData
 BaseData ()
 BaseData (const BaseData &other)
 ~BaseData ()
virtual void InitializeTimeGeometry (unsigned int timeSteps=1)
 Initialize the TimeGeometry for a number of time steps. The TimeGeometry is initialized empty and evenly timed. In many cases it will be necessary to overwrite this in sub-classes. More...
virtual void InitializeTimeSlicedGeometry (unsigned int timeSteps=1)
 Initialize the TimeGeometry for a number of time steps. The TimeGeometry is initialized empty and evenly timed. In many cases it will be necessary to overwrite this in sub-classes. More...
virtual void ClearData ()
 reset to non-initialized state, release memory More...
virtual void InitializeEmpty ()
 Pure virtual; Must be used in subclasses to get a data object to a valid state. Should at least create one empty object and call Superclass::InitializeTimeGeometry() to ensure an existing valid geometry. More...

Protected Attributes

std::vector< LabelSet::Pointer > m_LabelSetContainer
std::vector< Image::Pointerm_LayerContainer
int m_ActiveLayer
bool m_activeLayerInvalid
mitk::Label::Pointer m_ExteriorLabel
- Protected Attributes inherited from mitk::Image
ImageDataItemPointerArray m_Channels
ImageDataItemPointerArray m_Volumes
ImageDataItemPointerArray m_Slices
itk::SimpleFastMutexLock m_ImageDataArraysLock
unsigned int m_Dimension
unsigned int * m_Dimensions
ImageDescriptor::Pointer m_ImageDescriptor
vcl_size_t * m_OffsetTable
ImageDataItemPointer m_CompleteData
StatisticsHolderPointer m_ImageStatistics
- Protected Attributes inherited from mitk::SlicedData
RegionType m_LargestPossibleRegion
RegionType m_RequestedRegion
bool m_RequestedRegionInitialized
RegionType m_BufferedRegion
bool m_UseLargestPossibleRegion
- Protected Attributes inherited from mitk::BaseData
bool m_LastRequestedRegionWasOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion
unsigned int m_SourceOutputIndexDuplicate
bool m_Initialized

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from mitk::Image
static const char * GetStaticNameOfClass ()
static Pointer New ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from mitk::SlicedData
static const char * GetStaticNameOfClass ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from mitk::BaseData
static const char * GetStaticNameOfClass ()
- Protected Types inherited from mitk::Image
typedef itk::MutexLockHolder< itk::SimpleFastMutexLock > MutexHolder

Detailed Description

LabelSetImage class for handling labels and layers in a segmentation session.

Handles operations for adding, removing, erasing and editing labels and layers.

Definition at line 33 of file mitkLabelSetImage.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

mitk::LabelSetImage::LabelSetImage ( const LabelSetImage other)

Definition at line 44 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References m_ExteriorLabel, and mitk::Label::New().

mitk::LabelSetImage::~LabelSetImage ( )

Definition at line 130 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void mitk::LabelSetImage::AddLabelSetToLayer ( const unsigned int  layerIdx,
const mitk::LabelSet::Pointer  labelSet 

Add a LabelSet to an existing layer.

This will replace an existing labelSet if one exists. Throws an exceptions if you are trying to add a labelSet to a non-existing layer.

If there are no labelSets for layers with an id less than layerIdx default ones will be added for them.

layerIdxThe index of the layer the LabelSet should be added to
labelSetThe LabelSet that should be added

Definition at line 245 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References mitkThrow, and mitk::LabelSet::New().

unsigned int mitk::LabelSetImage::AddLayer ( mitk::LabelSet::Pointer  layer = nullptr)

Adds a new layer to the LabelSetImage. The new layer will be set as the active one.

layera mitk::LabelSet which will be set as new layer.
the layer ID of the new layer

Definition at line 184 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References AccessByItk, AccessFixedDimensionByItk, mitk::Clone(), mitk::Image::New(), and SetToZero().

unsigned int mitk::LabelSetImage::AddLayer ( mitk::Image::Pointer  layerImage,
mitk::LabelSet::Pointer  lset = nullptr 

Add a layer based on a provided mitk::Image.

layerImageis added to the vector of label images
lseta label set that will be added to the new layer if provided
the layer ID of the new layer

Definition at line 207 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References mitk::LabelSet::New(), mitk::New(), and OnLabelSetModified().

template<typename ImageType >
void mitk::LabelSetImage::CalculateCenterOfMassProcessing ( ImageType input,
PixelType  index,
unsigned int  layer 

Definition at line 720 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

template<typename ImageType1 , typename ImageType2 >
void mitk::LabelSetImage::ChangeLayerProcessing ( ImageType1 *  source,
ImageType2 *  target 
void mitk::LabelSetImage::ClearBuffer ( )

Definition at line 357 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References AccessByItk, and mitkThrow.

template<typename ImageType >
void mitk::LabelSetImage::ClearBufferProcessing ( ImageType input)

Definition at line 762 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

template<typename ImageType >
void mitk::LabelSetImage::ConcatenateProcessing ( ImageType input,
mitk::LabelSetImage other 

Definition at line 769 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References mitk::CastToItkImage(), and mitk::New().

mitk::Image::Pointer mitk::LabelSetImage::CreateLabelMask ( PixelType  index)
template<typename ImageType >
void mitk::LabelSetImage::CreateLabelMaskProcessing ( ImageType input,
mitk::Image mask,
PixelType  index 

Definition at line 693 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References mitk::CastToItkImage().

void mitk::LabelSetImage::EraseLabel ( PixelType  pixelValue,
unsigned int  layer = 0 

Erases the label with the given value in the given layer from the underlying image. The label itself will not be erased from the respective mitk::LabelSet. In order to remove the label itself use mitk::LabelSetImage::RemoveLabels()

pixelValuethe label which will be remove from the image
layerthe layer in which the label should be removed

Definition at line 439 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References AccessByItk_2, and mitkThrow.

template<typename ImageType >
void mitk::LabelSetImage::EraseLabelProcessing ( ImageType input,
PixelType  index,
unsigned int  layer 

Definition at line 849 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

void mitk::LabelSetImage::EraseLabels ( std::vector< PixelType > &  VectorOfLabelPixelValues,
unsigned int  layer = 0 

Similar to mitk::LabelSetImage::EraseLabel() this funtion erase a list of labels from the image.

VectorOfLabelPixelValuesthe list of labels that should be remove
layerthe layer for which the labels should be removed

Definition at line 431 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

bool mitk::LabelSetImage::ExistLabel ( PixelType  pixelValue) const

Returns true if the value exists in one of the labelsets.

Definition at line 370 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

bool mitk::LabelSetImage::ExistLabel ( PixelType  pixelValue,
unsigned int  layer 
) const

Checks if a label exists in a certain layer.

pixelValuethe label value
layerthe layer in which should be searched for the label
true if the label exists otherwise false

Definition at line 378 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

bool mitk::LabelSetImage::ExistLabelSet ( unsigned int  layer) const

Returns true if the labelset exists.

Definition at line 384 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

mitk::Label * mitk::LabelSetImage::GetActiveLabel ( unsigned int  layer = 0)

Returns the active label of a specific layer.

layerthe layer ID for which the active label should be returned
the active label of the specified layer

Definition at line 452 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

Referenced by mitk::ContourModelUtils::FillSliceInSlice(), mitk::LabelSetImageVtkMapper2D::GenerateDataForRenderer(), InternalWritePreviewOnWorkingImage(), mitk::PaintbrushTool::MouseMoved(), mitk::SetRegionTool::OnMousePressed(), mitk::SetRegionTool::OnMouseReleased(), and mitk::ContourTool::OnMouseReleased().

mitk::LabelSet * mitk::LabelSetImage::GetActiveLabelSet ( )

Returns the currently active mitk::LabelSet.

the mitk::LabelSet of the active layer or NULL if non is present

Definition at line 484 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

Referenced by mitk::SegmentationInteractor::ChangeActiveLabel(), and QmitkLabelSetWidget::ResetAllTableWidgetItems().

unsigned int mitk::LabelSetImage::GetActiveLayer ( ) const
mitk::Label * mitk::LabelSetImage::GetExteriorLabel ( )

Gets the mitk::Label which is used as default exterior label.

the exterior mitk::Label

Definition at line 90 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

Referenced by mitk::ContourModelUtils::FillSliceInSlice().

const mitk::Label * mitk::LabelSetImage::GetExteriorLabel ( ) const

Definition at line 95 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

mitk::Label * mitk::LabelSetImage::GetLabel ( PixelType  pixelValue,
unsigned int  layer = 0 
) const

Returns the mitk::Label with the given pixelValue and for the given layer.

pixelValuethe pixel value of the label
layerthe layer in which the labels should be located
the mitk::Label if available otherwise NULL

Definition at line 460 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

Referenced by mitk::ContourModelUtils::FillSliceInSlice(), and InternalWritePreviewOnWorkingImage().

mitk::LabelSet * mitk::LabelSetImage::GetLabelSet ( unsigned int  layer = 0)

Gets the mitk::LabelSet for the given layer.

layerthe layer for which the mitk::LabelSet should be retrieved
the respective mitk::LabelSet or NULL if non exists for the given layer

Definition at line 468 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

Referenced by mitk::LabelSetImageVtkMapper2D::ApplyLookuptable(), Concatenate(), mitk::Equal(), and mitk::LabelSetImageVtkMapper2D::GenerateDataForRenderer().

const mitk::LabelSet * mitk::LabelSetImage::GetLabelSet ( unsigned int  layer = 0) const

Definition at line 476 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

mitk::Image * mitk::LabelSetImage::GetLayerImage ( unsigned int  layer)
const mitk::Image * mitk::LabelSetImage::GetLayerImage ( unsigned int  layer) const

Definition at line 140 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

unsigned int mitk::LabelSetImage::GetNumberOfLabels ( unsigned int  layer = 0) const

Get the number of all existing mitk::Labels for a given layer.

layerthe layer ID for which the active mitk::Labels should be retrieved
the number of all existing mitk::Labels for the given layer

Definition at line 497 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

Referenced by QmitkLabelSetWidget::ResetAllTableWidgetItems().

unsigned int mitk::LabelSetImage::GetNumberOfLayers ( ) const
unsigned int mitk::LabelSetImage::GetTotalNumberOfLabels ( ) const

Returns the number of all labels summed up across all layers.

the overall number of labels across all layers

Definition at line 502 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

Referenced by mitk::Equal().

template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension>
void mitk::LabelSetImage::ImageToLayerContainerProcessing ( itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > *  source,
unsigned int  layer 
) const

Definition at line 823 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

void mitk::LabelSetImage::Initialize ( const mitk::Image image)

initialize new (or re-initialize) image information by another mitk-image. Only the header is used, not the data vector!

Reimplemented from mitk::Image.

Definition at line 100 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References AccessByItk, AccessFixedDimensionByItk, mitk::TimeGeometry::Clone(), mitk::Image::GetDimension(), mitk::Image::GetDimensions(), mitk::BaseData::GetTimeGeometry(), and SetToZero().

void mitk::LabelSetImage::InitializeByLabeledImage ( mitk::Image::Pointer  image)

Initialize a new mitk::LabelSetImage by an given image. For all distinct pixel values of the parameter image new labels will be created. If the number of distinct pixel values exceeds mitk::Label::MAX_LABEL_VALUE a new layer will be created.

imagethe image which is used for initialization

Definition at line 568 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References AccessTwoImagesFixedDimensionByItk, mitk::ImageWriteAccessor::GetData(), and mitkThrow.

template<typename LabelSetImageType , typename ImageType >
void mitk::LabelSetImage::InitializeByLabeledImageProcessing ( LabelSetImageType *  input,
ImageType other 

Definition at line 611 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References mitk::Label::MAX_LABEL_VALUE, and mitk::Label::New().

template<typename TPixel , unsigned int VImageDimension>
void mitk::LabelSetImage::LayerContainerToImageProcessing ( itk::Image< TPixel, VImageDimension > *  source,
unsigned int  layer 

Definition at line 798 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

void mitk::LabelSetImage::MaskStamp ( mitk::Image mask,
bool  forceOverwrite 
template<typename ImageType >
void mitk::LabelSetImage::MaskStampProcessing ( ImageType input,
mitk::Image mask,
bool  forceOverwrite 

Definition at line 659 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References mitk::CastToItkImage().

void mitk::LabelSetImage::MergeLabel ( PixelType  targetPixelValue,
unsigned int  layer = 0 

Merges the mitk::Label with a given target value with the active label.

targetPixelValuethe value of the mitk::Label that should be merged with the active one
layerthe layer in which the merge should be performed

Definition at line 389 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References AccessByItk_2, and mitkThrow.

template<typename ImageType >
void mitk::LabelSetImage::MergeLabelProcessing ( ImageType input,
PixelType  pixelValue,
PixelType  index 

Definition at line 869 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

void mitk::LabelSetImage::MergeLabels ( std::vector< PixelType > &  VectorOfLablePixelValues,
PixelType  index,
unsigned int  layer = 0 

Merges a list of mitk::Labels with the mitk::Label that has a specific value.

VectorOfLablePixelValuesthe list of labels that should be merge with the specified one
indexthe value of the label into which the other should be merged
layerthe layer in which the merge should be performed

Definition at line 403 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References AccessByItk_2, and mitkThrow.

mitk::LabelSetImage::mitkClassMacro ( LabelSetImage  ,
mitk::LabelSetImage::mitkCloneMacro ( Self  )
void mitk::LabelSetImage::OnLabelSetModified ( )

Definition at line 80 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

Referenced by AddLayer().

void mitk::LabelSetImage::RemoveLabels ( std::vector< PixelType > &  VectorOfLabelPixelValues,
unsigned int  layer = 0 

Removes labels from the mitk::LabelSet of given layer. Calls mitk::LabelSetImage::EraseLabels() which also removes the labels from within the image.

VectorOfLabelPixelValuesa list of labels to be removed
layerthe layer in which the labels should be removed

Definition at line 422 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

void mitk::LabelSetImage::RemoveLayer ( )

Removes the active layer and the respective mitk::LabelSet and image information. The new active layer is the one below, if exists.

Definition at line 155 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

void mitk::LabelSetImage::SetActiveLayer ( unsigned int  layer)

Definition at line 270 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References AccessByItk_1, AccessFixedDimensionByItk_n, and mitkThrow.

void mitk::LabelSetImage::SetExteriorLabel ( mitk::Label label)

Sets the label which is used as default exterior label when creating a new layer.

labelthe label which will be used as new exterior label

Definition at line 85 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

void mitk::LabelSetImage::UpdateCenterOfMass ( PixelType  pixelValue,
unsigned int  layer = 0 

Definition at line 492 of file mitkLabelSetImage.cpp.

References AccessByItk_2.

Member Data Documentation

Message mitk::LabelSetImage::AfterChangeLayerEvent

AfterchangeLayerEvent (e.g. used for GUI integration) As soon as active labelset was changed, the signal emits. Emitted by SetActiveLayer(int layer);.

Definition at line 52 of file mitkLabelSetImage.h.

Message mitk::LabelSetImage::BeforeChangeLayerEvent

BeforeChangeLayerEvent (e.g. used for GUI integration) As soon as active labelset should be changed, the signal emits. Emitted by SetActiveLayer(int layer);.

Definition at line 45 of file mitkLabelSetImage.h.

int mitk::LabelSetImage::m_ActiveLayer

Definition at line 312 of file mitkLabelSetImage.h.

bool mitk::LabelSetImage::m_activeLayerInvalid

Definition at line 314 of file mitkLabelSetImage.h.

mitk::Label::Pointer mitk::LabelSetImage::m_ExteriorLabel

Definition at line 316 of file mitkLabelSetImage.h.

Referenced by LabelSetImage().

std::vector<LabelSet::Pointer> mitk::LabelSetImage::m_LabelSetContainer

Definition at line 309 of file mitkLabelSetImage.h.

std::vector<Image::Pointer> mitk::LabelSetImage::m_LayerContainer

Definition at line 310 of file mitkLabelSetImage.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: