class | itk::VariableLengthVector< TValueType > |
struct | mitk::MapPixelComponentType< T > |
struct | mitk::isPrimitiveType< T > |
| This is an implementation of a type trait to provide a compile-time check for PixelType used in the instantiation of an itk::Image. More...
struct | mitk::isPrimitiveType< unsigned char > |
| Partial specialization (unsigned char) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | mitk::isPrimitiveType< char > |
| Partial specialization (char) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | mitk::isPrimitiveType< signed char > |
| Partial specialization (signed char) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | mitk::isPrimitiveType< unsigned short > |
| Partial specialization (unsigned short) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | mitk::isPrimitiveType< short > |
| Partial specialization (short) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | mitk::isPrimitiveType< unsigned int > |
| Partial specialization (unsigned int) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | mitk::isPrimitiveType< int > |
| Partial specialization (int) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | mitk::isPrimitiveType< long int > |
| Partial specialization (long int) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | mitk::isPrimitiveType< long unsigned int > |
| Partial specialization (long unsigned int) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | mitk::isPrimitiveType< float > |
| Partial specialization (float) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | mitk::isPrimitiveType< double > |
| Partial specialization (double) for the isPrimitiveType object. More...
struct | mitk::ImageTypeTrait< TPixelType, VDimension > |
struct | mitk::ImageTypeTrait< itk::VariableLengthVector< TPixelType >, VDimension > |
struct | mitk::ImageTypeTrait< T, 0 > |
struct | mitk::ImageTypeTrait< itk::VectorImage< TPixelType, VDimension >, 0 > |
struct | mitk::PixelTypeTrait< flag, T > |
| Compile-time trait for resolving the ValueType from an ItkImageType. More...
struct | mitk::PixelTypeTrait< false, T > |
| Partial specialization for the PixelTypeTrait. More...
struct | mitk::GetComponentType< T > |
| Compile time resolving of the type of a component. More...
struct | mitk::ComponentsTrait< V, T > |
| Object for compile-time resolving of the number of components for given type. More...
struct | mitk::ComponentsTrait< false, T > |
| Partial specialization for the ComponentsTraits in case of compound types. More...
struct | mitk::MapCompositePixelType< T > |
| Object for compile-time translation of a composite pixel type into an itk::ImageIOBase::IOPixelType information. More...
struct | mitk::MapCompositePixelType< itk::RGBPixel< C > > |
struct | mitk::MapCompositePixelType< itk::RGBAPixel< C > > |
struct | mitk::MapCompositePixelType< itk::DiffusionTensor3D< C > > |
struct | mitk::MapCompositePixelType< itk::VariableLengthVector< C > > |
struct | mitk::MapCompositePixelType< itk::Vector< C, N > > |
struct | mitk::MapCompositePixelType< itk::FixedArray< C, N > > |
struct | mitk::MapCompositePixelType< itk::CovariantVector< C, N > > |
struct | mitk::MapCompositePixelType< itk::Matrix< C, N > > |
struct | mitk::MapPixelType< T, Primitive > |
| Object for compile-time translation of a pixel type into an itk::ImageIOBase::IOPixelType information. More...
struct | mitk::MapPixelType< T, true > |
| Partial specialization for setting the IOPixelType for primitive types to SCALAR. More...