| mitkClassMacro (TbssImage, Image) static Pointer New() |
Pointer | Clone () const |
ImageType::Pointer | GetImage () |
void | SetImage (ImageType::Pointer image) |
void | InitializeFromImage () |
void | SetGroupInfo (std::vector< std::pair< std::string, int > > info) |
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, int > > | GetGroupInfo () |
void | SetMeasurementInfo (std::string s) |
std::string | GetMeasurementInfo () |
void | InitializeFromVectorImage () |
void | SetDisplayIndexForRendering (int displayIndex) |
virtual std::vector< std::string > | GetClassHierarchy () const override |
virtual const char * | GetClassName () const |
Pointer | Clone () const |
const mitk::PixelType | GetPixelType (int n=0) const |
| Returns the PixelType of channel n. More...
unsigned int | GetDimension () const |
| Get dimension of the image. More...
unsigned int | GetDimension (int i) const |
| Get the size of dimension i (e.g., i=0 results in the number of pixels in x-direction). More...
virtual void * | GetData () |
| Get the data vector of the complete image, i.e., of all channels linked together. More...
double | GetPixelValueByIndex (const itk::Index< 3 > &position, unsigned int timestep=0, unsigned int component=0) |
| Get the pixel value at one specific index position. More...
double | GetPixelValueByWorldCoordinate (const mitk::Point3D &position, unsigned int timestep=0, unsigned int component=0) |
| Get the pixel value at one specific world position. More...
virtual vtkImageData * | GetVtkImageData (int t=0, int n=0) |
| Get a volume at a specific time t of channel n as a vtkImageData. More...
virtual const vtkImageData * | GetVtkImageData (int t=0, int n=0) const |
virtual bool | IsSliceSet (int s=0, int t=0, int n=0) const override |
| Get the complete image, i.e., all channels linked together, as a mitkIpPicDescriptor. More...
virtual bool | IsVolumeSet (int t=0, int n=0) const override |
| Check whether volume at time t in channel n is set. More...
virtual bool | IsChannelSet (int n=0) const override |
| Check whether the channel n is set. More...
virtual bool | SetSlice (const void *data, int s=0, int t=0, int n=0) |
| Set data as slice s at time t in channel n. It is in the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the data vector data is really a slice (at least is not smaller than a slice), since there is no chance to check this. More...
virtual bool | SetVolume (const void *data, int t=0, int n=0) |
| Set data as volume at time t in channel n. It is in the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the data vector data is really a volume (at least is not smaller than a volume), since there is no chance to check this. More...
virtual bool | SetChannel (const void *data, int n=0) |
| Set data in channel n. It is in the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the data vector data is really a channel (at least is not smaller than a channel), since there is no chance to check this. More...
virtual bool | SetImportSlice (void *data, int s=0, int t=0, int n=0, ImportMemoryManagementType importMemoryManagement=CopyMemory) |
| Set data as slice s at time t in channel n. It is in the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the data vector data is really a slice (at least is not smaller than a slice), since there is no chance to check this. More...
virtual bool | SetImportVolume (void *data, int t=0, int n=0, ImportMemoryManagementType importMemoryManagement=CopyMemory) |
| Set data as volume at time t in channel n. It is in the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the data vector data is really a volume (at least is not smaller than a volume), since there is no chance to check this. More...
virtual bool | SetImportChannel (void *data, int n=0, ImportMemoryManagementType importMemoryManagement=CopyMemory) |
| Set data in channel n. It is in the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the data vector data is really a channel (at least is not smaller than a channel), since there is no chance to check this. More...
virtual void | Initialize (const mitk::PixelType &type, unsigned int dimension, const unsigned int *dimensions, unsigned int channels=1) |
virtual void | Initialize (const mitk::PixelType &type, const mitk::BaseGeometry &geometry, unsigned int channels=1, int tDim=1) |
virtual void | Initialize (const mitk::PixelType &, const mitk::TimeSlicedGeometry *, unsigned int, int) |
virtual void | Initialize (const mitk::PixelType &type, const mitk::TimeGeometry &geometry, unsigned int channels=1, int tDim=-1) |
| Initialize new (or re-initialize) image information by a TimeGeometry. More...
virtual void | Initialize (const mitk::PixelType &type, int sDim, const mitk::PlaneGeometry &geometry2d, bool flipped, unsigned int channels=1, int tDim=1) |
virtual void | Initialize (const mitk::PixelType &type, int sDim, const mitk::PlaneGeometry &geometry2d, unsigned int channels=1, int tDim=1) |
virtual void | Initialize (const mitk::Image *image) |
virtual void | Initialize (const mitk::ImageDescriptor::Pointer inDesc) |
virtual void | Initialize (vtkImageData *vtkimagedata, int channels=1, int tDim=-1, int sDim=-1, int pDim=-1) |
template<typename itkImageType > |
void | InitializeByItk (const itkImageType *itkimage, int channels=1, int tDim=-1, int sDim=-1) |
virtual bool | IsValidSlice (int s=0, int t=0, int n=0) const |
| Check whether slice s at time t in channel n is valid, i.e., is (or can be) inside of the image. More...
virtual bool | IsValidVolume (int t=0, int n=0) const |
| Check whether volume at time t in channel n is valid, i.e., is (or can be) inside of the image. More...
virtual bool | IsValidChannel (int n=0) const |
| Check whether the channel n is valid, i.e., is (or can be) inside of the image. More...
bool | IsRotated () const |
| Returns true if an image is rotated, i.e. its geometry's transformation matrix has nonzero elements besides the diagonal. Non-diagonal elements are checked if larger then 1/1000 of the matrix' trace. More...
unsigned int * | GetDimensions () const |
| Get the sizes of all dimensions as an integer-array. More...
ImageDescriptor::Pointer | GetImageDescriptor () const |
ChannelDescriptor | GetChannelDescriptor (int id=0) const |
virtual void | SetGeometry (BaseGeometry *aGeometry3D) override |
| Sets a geometry to an image. More...
virtual ImageDataItemPointer | GetSliceData (int s=0, int t=0, int n=0, void *data=nullptr, ImportMemoryManagementType importMemoryManagement=CopyMemory) const |
virtual ImageDataItemPointer | GetVolumeData (int t=0, int n=0, void *data=nullptr, ImportMemoryManagementType importMemoryManagement=CopyMemory) const |
virtual ImageDataItemPointer | GetChannelData (int n=0, void *data=nullptr, ImportMemoryManagementType importMemoryManagement=CopyMemory) const |
ScalarType | GetScalarValueMin (int t=0) const |
| (DEPRECATED) Get the minimum for scalar images More...
ScalarType | GetScalarValueMax (int t=0) const |
| (DEPRECATED) Get the maximum for scalar images More...
ScalarType | GetScalarValue2ndMin (int t=0) const |
| (DEPRECATED) Get the second smallest value for scalar images More...
ScalarType | GetScalarValueMinNoRecompute (unsigned int t=0) const |
| (DEPRECATED) Get the smallest value for scalar images, but do not recompute it first More...
ScalarType | GetScalarValue2ndMinNoRecompute (unsigned int t=0) const |
| (DEPRECATED) Get the second smallest value for scalar images, but do not recompute it first More...
ScalarType | GetScalarValue2ndMax (int t=0) const |
| (DEPRECATED) Get the second largest value for scalar images More...
ScalarType | GetScalarValueMaxNoRecompute (unsigned int t=0) const |
| (DEPRECATED) Get the largest value for scalar images, but do not recompute it first More...
ScalarType | GetScalarValue2ndMaxNoRecompute (unsigned int t=0) const |
| (DEPRECATED) Get the second largest value for scalar images, but do not recompute it first More...
ScalarType | GetCountOfMinValuedVoxels (int t=0) const |
| (DEPRECATED) Get the count of voxels with the smallest scalar value in the dataset More...
ScalarType | GetCountOfMaxValuedVoxels (int t=0) const |
| (DEPRECATED) Get the count of voxels with the largest scalar value in the dataset More...
unsigned int | GetCountOfMaxValuedVoxelsNoRecompute (unsigned int t=0) const |
| (DEPRECATED) Get the count of voxels with the largest scalar value in the dataset More...
unsigned int | GetCountOfMinValuedVoxelsNoRecompute (unsigned int t=0) const |
| (DEPRECATED) Get the count of voxels with the smallest scalar value in the dataset More...
StatisticsHolderPointer | GetStatistics () const |
| Returns a pointer to the ImageStatisticsHolder object that holds all statistics information for the image. More...
| itkStaticConstMacro (RegionDimension, unsigned int, 5) |
virtual void | UpdateOutputInformation () override |
virtual void | PrepareForNewData () override |
virtual void | SetRequestedRegionToLargestPossibleRegion () override |
virtual bool | RequestedRegionIsOutsideOfTheBufferedRegion () override |
virtual bool | VerifyRequestedRegion () override |
| Verify that the RequestedRegion is within the LargestPossibleRegion. More...
virtual void | SetRequestedRegion (const itk::DataObject *data) override |
virtual void | SetRequestedRegion (SlicedData::RegionType *region) |
void | SetLargestPossibleRegion (SlicedData::RegionType *region) |
| Sets the largest possible region. The largest possible region is the entire region occupied by the data object. Note that the largest possible region should always be bigger then the requested region of a certain operation. More...
const RegionType & | GetLargestPossibleRegion () const |
virtual const RegionType & | GetRequestedRegion () const |
virtual void | CopyInformation (const itk::DataObject *data) override |
unsigned int | GetNumberOfChannels () const |
| Get the number of channels. More...
SlicedGeometry3D * | GetSlicedGeometry (unsigned int t=0) const |
| Convenience access method for the geometry, which is of type SlicedGeometry3D (or a sub-class of it). More...
const SlicedGeometry3D * | GetUpdatedSlicedGeometry (unsigned int t=0) |
| Convenience access method for the geometry, which is of type SlicedGeometry3D (or a sub-class of it). More...
virtual void | SetOrigin (const Point3D &origin) override |
| Convenience method for setting the origin of the SlicedGeometry3D instances of all time steps. More...
virtual void | SetSpacing (const ScalarType aSpacing[]) |
| Convenience method for setting the spacing of the SlicedGeometry3D instances of all time steps. More...
virtual void | SetSpacing (mitk::Vector3D aSpacing) |
| Convenience method for setting the spacing of the SlicedGeometry3D instances of all time steps. More...
const mitk::TimeGeometry * | GetTimeGeometry () const |
| Return the TimeGeometry of the data as const pointer. More...
const mitk::TimeGeometry * | GetTimeSlicedGeometry () const |
| Return the TimeGeometry of the data as const pointer. More...
mitk::TimeGeometry * | GetTimeGeometry () |
| Return the TimeGeometry of the data as pointer. More...
const mitk::TimeGeometry * | GetUpdatedTimeGeometry () |
| Return the TimeGeometry of the data. More...
const mitk::TimeGeometry * | GetUpdatedTimeSliceGeometry () |
| Return the TimeGeometry of the data. More...
const mitk::BaseGeometry * | GetUpdatedGeometry (int t=0) |
| Return the BaseGeometry of the data at time t. More...
mitk::BaseGeometry * | GetGeometry (int t=0) const |
| Return the geometry, which is a TimeGeometry, of the data as non-const pointer. More...
void | UpdateOutputInformation () override |
| Update the information for this BaseData (the geometry in particular) so that it can be used as an output of a BaseProcess. More...
void | CopyInformation (const itk::DataObject *data) override |
| Copy information from the specified data set. More...
virtual bool | IsInitialized () const |
| Check whether the data has been initialized, i.e., at least the Geometry and other header data has been set. More...
virtual bool | IsEmptyTimeStep (unsigned int t) const |
| Check whether object contains data (at a specified time), e.g., a set of points may be empty. More...
virtual bool | IsEmpty () const |
| Check whether object contains data (at least at one point in time), e.g., a set of points may be empty. More...
void | ExecuteOperation (Operation *operation) override |
| overwrite if the Data can be called by an Interactor (StateMachine). More...
virtual void | SetTimeGeometry (TimeGeometry *geometry) |
| Set the TimeGeometry of the data, which will be referenced (not copied!). More...
virtual void | SetClonedGeometry (const BaseGeometry *aGeometry3D) |
| Set a clone of the provided TimeGeometry as TimeGeometry of the data. Assumes the data object has only 1 time step ( is a 3D object ) and creates a new TimeGeometry. If an TimeGeometry has already been set for the object, it will be replaced after calling this function. More...
virtual void | SetClonedTimeGeometry (const TimeGeometry *geometry) |
| Set a clone of the provided TimeGeometry as TimeGeometry of the data. More...
virtual void | SetClonedGeometry (const BaseGeometry *aGeometry3D, unsigned int time) |
| Set a clone of the provided geometry as BaseGeometry of a given time step. More...
mitk::PropertyList::Pointer | GetPropertyList () const |
| Get the data's property list. More...
void | SetPropertyList (PropertyList *propertyList) |
| Set the data's property list. More...
mitk::BaseProperty::Pointer | GetProperty (const char *propertyKey) const |
| Get the property (instance of BaseProperty) with key propertyKey from the PropertyList, and set it to this, respectively;. More...
void | SetProperty (const char *propertyKey, BaseProperty *property) |
itk::SmartPointer< mitk::BaseDataSource > | GetSource () const |
| Get the process object that generated this data object. More...
unsigned int | GetTimeSteps () const |
| Get the number of time steps from the TimeGeometry As the base data has not a data vector given by itself, the number of time steps is defined over the time sliced geometry. In sub classes, a better implementation could be over the length of the data vector. More...
virtual unsigned long | GetMTime () const override |
| Get the modified time of the last change of the contents this data object or its geometry. More...
virtual void | Graft (const DataObject *) override |
| itkTypeMacroNoParent (OperationActor) virtual ~OperationActor() |