Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
Conceptually MITK is mainly geared to ITK (The Insight Toolkit). Thus, most of the ITK coding concepts can be transferred to MITK.
The ITK coding concepts can be found in the free ITK software guide.
The main ITK concepts which one should look into before using MITK are:
MITK provides coding style guidelines. When implementing code which should be added to the project, these guidelines should be followed in order to keep a unified coding style all over MITK. The style is geared to a common c++ coding style combined with some extension of used libraries, e.g. the use of itk smart pointers. The MITK style guide is provided on the page The MITK Style Guide and Technical Notes . If you are new to coding with MITK please also consider that MITK is using different pre defined macros, which might look confusing. An overview on these macros is given in section Macros in MITK.
MITK uses different macros to simplify implementation, but these macros might look confusing at first. Some of these macros are derived from ITK, others are defined in MITK itself. The most important macros are defined in the file mitkCommon.h, but there are some other headers which also define macros, e.g. mitkTestingMacros.h and mitkExceptionMacros.h.
In the following the most important macros are shown for overview, more details are available in the corresponding header files.