Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  2024.06.00
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
berry::IIntroManager Struct Referenceabstract

#include <berryIIntroManager.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual ~IIntroManager ()
virtual bool CloseIntro (IIntroPart::Pointer part)=0
virtual IIntroPart::Pointer GetIntro () const =0
virtual bool HasIntro () const =0
virtual bool IsIntroStandby (IIntroPart::Pointer part) const =0
virtual void SetIntroStandby (IIntroPart::Pointer part, bool standby)=0
virtual IIntroPart::Pointer ShowIntro (IWorkbenchWindow::Pointer preferredWindow, bool standby)=0
virtual bool IsNewContentAvailable ()=0

Detailed Description

Manages the intro part that introduces the product to new users. The intro part is typically shown the first time a product is started up.

The initial behavior of the intro part is controlled by the application from via the WorkbenchWindowAdvisor#OpenIntro() method.

See IIntroPart for details on where intro parts come from.

This interface is not intended to be extended or implemented by clients.

See also

Definition at line 42 of file berryIIntroManager.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~IIntroManager()

virtual berry::IIntroManager::~IIntroManager ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ CloseIntro()

virtual bool berry::IIntroManager::CloseIntro ( IIntroPart::Pointer  part)
pure virtual

Closes the given intro part.

partthe intro part
true if the intro part was closed, and false otherwise. false is returned if part is null or it is not the intro part returned by GetIntro().

◆ GetIntro()

virtual IIntroPart::Pointer berry::IIntroManager::GetIntro ( ) const
pure virtual

Returns the intro part. Returns null if there is no intro part, if it has been previously closed via CloseIntro or if there is an intro part but ShowIntro has not yet been called to create it.

the intro part, or null if none is available

◆ HasIntro()

virtual bool berry::IIntroManager::HasIntro ( ) const
pure virtual

Return whether an intro is available. Note that this checks whether there is an applicable intro part that could be instantiated and shown to the user. Use GetIntro to discover whether an intro part has already been created.

true if there is an intro that could be shown, and false if there is no intro

◆ IsIntroStandby()

virtual bool berry::IIntroManager::IsIntroStandby ( IIntroPart::Pointer  part) const
pure virtual

Return the standby state of the given intro part.

partthe intro part
true if the part in its partially visible standby mode, and false if in its fully visible state. false is returned if part is null or it is not the intro part returned by GetIntro.

◆ IsNewContentAvailable()

virtual bool berry::IIntroManager::IsNewContentAvailable ( )
pure virtual

Returns true if there is an intro content detector and it reports that new intro content is available.

true if new intro content is available

◆ SetIntroStandby()

virtual void berry::IIntroManager::SetIntroStandby ( IIntroPart::Pointer  part,
bool  standby 
pure virtual

Sets the standby state of the given intro part. Intro part usually should render themselves differently in the full and standby modes. In standby mode, the part should be partially visible to the user but otherwise allow them to work. In full mode, the part should be fully visible and be the center of the user's attention.

This method does nothing if the part is null or is not the intro part returned by GetIntro.

partthe intro part, or null
standbytrue to put the part in its partially visible standby mode, and false to make it fully visible.

◆ ShowIntro()

virtual IIntroPart::Pointer berry::IIntroManager::ShowIntro ( IWorkbenchWindow::Pointer  preferredWindow,
bool  standby 
pure virtual

Shows the intro part in the given workbench window. If the intro part has not been created yet, one will be created. If the intro part is currently being shown in some workbench window, that other window is made active.

preferredWindowthe preferred workbench window, or null to indicate the currently active workbench window
standbytrue to put the intro part in its partially visible standby mode, and false to make it fully visible
the newly-created or existing intro part, or null if no intro part is available or if preferredWindow is null and there is no currently active workbench window

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