Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
NAbstractDataNodeAction | |
▼Nberry | |
NGuiTk | |
Ninternal | |
NReflection | |
Nboost | |
Nconvolution | Helper for itk implementation of vnl fourier transformation This namespace provides functions for the preparation of vnl_fft_1d, including a wrapper for wrapping the convolution kernel (turning it inside out) and a function for zeropadding to avoid convolution artefacts |
NGlobalReinitAction | |
NHideAllAction | |
NFunctor | |
NStatistics | |
▼Nmap | |
Nalgorithm | |
▼Nmitk | Find image slices visible on a given plane |
NBaseRendererHelper | |
NBooleanOperation | Executes a boolean operation on two different segmentations. All parameters of the boolean operations must be specified during construction. The actual operation is executed when calling GetResult() |
Ncl | |
NColorConversions | Some conversion routines to convert between different color spaces |
Nconvolution | |
NDICOMIOHelper | |
NDisplayActionEventFunctions | |
NImageMappingHelper | |
NInterpolateImageFunction | |
NLabelSetImageHelper | |
NMemoryUtilities | |
NMitkMultilabelIOMimeTypes | |
NMitkROIIOMimeTypes | |
NmodelFit | |
NMultiLabelSegmentation | |
NPlaneClipping | |
NPointSetMappingHelper | |
NPropertyPersistenceDeserialization | |
NPropertyPersistenceSerialization | |
NRenderWindowLayerUtilities | |
NROIMapperHelper | |
NSegmentationHelper | |
NSliceNavigationHelper | |
NUtf8Util | |
▼NPoco | |
NXML | |
NReinitAction | |
NRemoveAction | |
NResetGeometryAction | |
NShowDetailsAction | |
Ntinyxml2 | |
NToggleVisibilityAction | |
NUi | |
▼Nus | |
NServiceConstants |