16 #ifndef __mitkToFCameraMITKPlayerController_h
17 #define __mitkToFCameraMITKPlayerController_h
19 #include <MitkToFHardwareExports.h>
24 #include "itkObject.h"
25 #include "itkObjectFactory.h"
41 itkFactorylessNewMacro(Self)
48 virtual bool OpenCameraConnection();
53 virtual bool CloseCameraConnection();
58 virtual void GetAmplitudes(
float* amplitudeArray);
62 virtual void GetIntensities(
float* intensityArray);
66 virtual void GetDistances(
float* distanceArray);
70 virtual void GetRgb(
unsigned char* rgbArray);
74 virtual void UpdateCamera();
76 virtual void SetInputFileName(std::string inputFileName);
78 itkGetMacro(PixelNumber,
79 itkGetMacro(RGBPixelNumber,
80 itkGetMacro(CaptureWidth,
81 itkGetMacro(CaptureHeight,
82 itkGetMacro(RGBCaptureWidth,
83 itkGetMacro(RGBCaptureHeight,
84 itkGetMacro( DistanceImageFileName, std::string );
85 itkGetMacro( AmplitudeImageFileName, std::string );
86 itkGetMacro( IntensityImageFileName, std::string );
87 itkGetMacro( RGBImageFileName, std::string );
89 itkSetMacro( DistanceImageFileName, std::string );
90 itkSetMacro( AmplitudeImageFileName, std::string );
91 itkSetMacro( IntensityImageFileName, std::string );
92 itkSetMacro( RGBImageFileName, std::string );
bool m_ConnectionCheck
flag showing whether the camera is connected (true) or not (false)
int m_RGBCaptureWidth
same for RGB image which can be different then depth etc.
FILE * m_IntensityInfile
file holding the intensity data
Image::Pointer m_DistanceImage
std::string m_RGBImageFileName
file name of the rgb image to be played
int m_PixelNumber
holds the number of pixels contained in the image
FILE * m_RGBInfile
file holding the rgb data
DataCollection - Class to facilitate loading/accessing structured data.
std::string m_AmplitudeImageFileName
file name of the amplitude image to be played
float * m_AmplitudeArray
member holding the current amplitude frame
int m_CaptureHeight
holds the height of the image
ToFImageType m_ToFImageType
type of the ToF image to be played: 3D Volume (ToFImageType3D), temporal 2D image stack (ToFImageType...
std::string m_InputFileName
Image::Pointer m_RGBImage
Image::Pointer m_AmplitudeImage
int m_NumberOfRGBBytes
same for RGB image
int m_CaptureWidth
holds the width of the image
#define mitkClassMacroItkParent(className, SuperClassName)
Image::Pointer m_IntensityImage
std::string m_DistanceImageFileName
file name of the distance image to be played
FILE * m_DistanceInfile
file holding the distance data
FILE * m_AmplitudeInfile
file holding the amplitude data
std::vector< bool > m_ImageStatus
float * m_DistanceArray
member holding the current distance frame
Controller for playing ToF images saved in MITK (.pic) format.
std::string m_IntensityImageFileName
file name of the intensity image to be played
int m_RGBCaptureHeight
same for RGB image which can be different then depth etc.
int m_RGBPixelNumber
same for RGB image
float * m_IntensityArray
member holding the current intensity frame
int m_NumberOfBytes
holds the number of bytes contained in the image
unsigned char * m_RGBArray
member holding the current rgb frame