Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
As the Segmentation Task List View is typically used in combination with the Segmentation View, we suggest to move the Segmentatiom View to the other side of the application (e.g. on top of the Data Manager), to see both views at the same time.
To unlock the Segmentation Task List View, unload everything but a single MITK Segmentation Task List. The remaining Segmentation Task List will be automatically selected.
The Segmentation Task List View shows the progress of the whole Segmentation Task List, e.g., the number of the tasks marked as done vs. the total number of available tasks.
Below the progress indictator you can navigate between tasks, read their descriptions and related information, as well as load/activate the currently shown task. This will unload all data from a previously active task, if any, and load all data of the current task. To prevent any accidental data loss, unsaved task data will interfere task switches and you can decide on how to proceed.
Above the task description, the status of tasks is displayed as a pair of colored labels, indicating if a task is either active or inactive and if it is considered not to be done, having unsaved changes, or to be done.
With the bottom two buttons you can either save an interim result (the task is considered not to be done), or accept and save the task result. You can still edit accepted tasks but in contrast to interim results, the task is considered to be done.
The Segmentation Task List View can be used even more efficiently with the following set of keyboard shortcuts:
+ Alt
+ P
: Navigate to previous taskCtrl
+ Shift
+ P
: Navigate to previous undone task (or Shift
+ click on resp. button)Ctrl
+ Alt
+ N
: Navigate to next taskCtrl
+ Shift
+ N
: Navigate to next undone task (or Shift
+ click on resp. button)Ctrl
+ Alt
+ L
: Load currently shown taskCtrl
+ Alt
+ S
: Store interim resultCtrl
+ Alt
+ A
: Accept task and store resultCtrl
+ F
: Find task...
To find a specific task in a segmentation task list, click on the "Find task..." button (magnifier icon) or press Ctrl
+ F
. A dedicated dialog will appear for filtering and searching the current segmentation task list. Enter a task number and press Return
to immediately load the according task or filter the shown list of tasks and double click on a result to load the task.