Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
This is the complete list of members for mitk::PropertyList, including all inherited members.
Clear() | mitk::PropertyList | virtual |
Clone() const | mitk::PropertyList | |
ConcatenatePropertyList(PropertyList *pList, bool replace=false) | mitk::PropertyList | |
ConstPointer typedef | mitk::PropertyList | |
DeleteProperty(const std::string &propertyKey) | mitk::PropertyList | |
FromJSON(const nlohmann::json &j) | mitk::PropertyList | |
Get(const char *propertyKey, bool &boolValue) const | mitk::PropertyList | |
Get(const char *propertyKey, int &intValue) const | mitk::PropertyList | |
Get(const char *propertyKey, float &floatValue) const | mitk::PropertyList | |
Get(const char *propertyKey, double &doubleValue) const | mitk::PropertyList | |
Get(const char *propertyKey, std::string &stringValue) const | mitk::PropertyList | |
GetBoolProperty(const char *propertyKey, bool &boolValue) const | mitk::PropertyList | |
GetClassHierarchy() const | mitk::PropertyList | inlinevirtual |
GetClassName() const | mitk::PropertyList | virtual |
GetConstProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, const std::string &contextName="", bool fallBackOnDefaultContext=true) const override | mitk::PropertyList | virtual |
GetDoubleProperty(const char *propertyKey, double &doubleValue) const | mitk::PropertyList | |
GetFloatProperty(const char *propertyKey, float &floatValue) const | mitk::PropertyList | |
GetIntProperty(const char *propertyKey, int &intValue) const | mitk::PropertyList | |
GetMap() const | mitk::PropertyList | inline |
GetMTime() const override | mitk::PropertyList | |
GetNonConstProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, const std::string &contextName="", bool fallBackOnDefaultContext=true) override | mitk::PropertyList | virtual |
GetProperty(const std::string &propertyKey) const | mitk::PropertyList | |
GetPropertyContextNames() const override | mitk::PropertyList | virtual |
GetPropertyKeys(const std::string &contextName="", bool includeDefaultContext=false) const override | mitk::PropertyList | virtual |
GetPropertyValue(const char *propertyKey, T &value) const | mitk::PropertyList | inline |
GetStaticNameOfClass() | mitk::PropertyList | inlinestatic |
GetStringProperty(const char *propertyKey, std::string &stringValue) const | mitk::PropertyList | |
IsEmpty() const | mitk::PropertyList | inline |
m_Properties | mitk::PropertyList | protected |
New() | mitk::PropertyList | static |
Pointer typedef | mitk::PropertyList | |
PropertyList() | mitk::PropertyList | protected |
PropertyList(const PropertyList &other) | mitk::PropertyList | protected |
PropertyMap typedef | mitk::PropertyList | |
PropertyMapElementType typedef | mitk::PropertyList | |
RemoveProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, const std::string &contextName="", bool fallBackOnDefaultContext=false) override | mitk::PropertyList | virtual |
ReplaceProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, BaseProperty *property) | mitk::PropertyList | |
Self typedef | mitk::PropertyList | |
Set(const char *propertyKey, bool boolValue) | mitk::PropertyList | |
Set(const char *propertyKey, int intValue) | mitk::PropertyList | |
Set(const char *propertyKey, float floatValue) | mitk::PropertyList | |
Set(const char *propertyKey, double doubleValue) | mitk::PropertyList | |
Set(const char *propertyKey, const char *stringValue) | mitk::PropertyList | |
Set(const char *propertyKey, const std::string &stringValue) | mitk::PropertyList | |
SetBoolProperty(const char *propertyKey, bool boolValue) | mitk::PropertyList | |
SetDoubleProperty(const char *propertyKey, double doubleValue) | mitk::PropertyList | |
SetFloatProperty(const char *propertyKey, float floatValue) | mitk::PropertyList | |
SetIntProperty(const char *propertyKey, int intValue) | mitk::PropertyList | |
SetProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, BaseProperty *property, const std::string &contextName="", bool fallBackOnDefaultContext=false) override | mitk::PropertyList | virtual |
SetStringProperty(const char *propertyKey, const char *stringValue) | mitk::PropertyList | |
Superclass typedef | mitk::PropertyList | |
ToJSON(nlohmann::json &j) const | mitk::PropertyList | |
~IPropertyOwner() override | mitk::IPropertyOwner | |
~IPropertyProvider() | mitk::IPropertyProvider | virtual |
~PropertyList() override | mitk::PropertyList | protected |