Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
This is the complete list of members for mitk::LogoAnnotation, including all inherited members.
AddProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, const BaseProperty::Pointer &property, bool overwrite=false) | mitk::Annotation | |
AddToBaseRenderer(BaseRenderer *renderer) override | mitk::VtkAnnotation | virtual |
AddToRenderer(BaseRenderer *renderer, vtkRenderer *vtkrenderer) override | mitk::VtkAnnotation | virtual |
Annotation() | mitk::Annotation | protected |
AnnotationModified() | mitk::Annotation | |
Clone() const | mitk::LogoAnnotation | |
ConcatenatePropertyList(PropertyList *pList, bool replace=false) | mitk::Annotation | |
GetBoolProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, bool &boolValue) const | mitk::Annotation | |
GetBoundsOnDisplay(BaseRenderer *renderer) const | mitk::Annotation | virtual |
GetColor(float rgb[], const std::string &propertyKey="color") const | mitk::Annotation | |
GetCornerPosition() const | mitk::LogoAnnotation | |
GetDoubleProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, double &doubleValue) const | mitk::Annotation | |
GetFloatProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, float &floatValue) const | mitk::Annotation | |
GetFontSize() const | mitk::Annotation | |
GetIntProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, int &intValue) const | mitk::Annotation | |
GetLogoImagePath() const | mitk::LogoAnnotation | |
GetMicroserviceID() | mitk::Annotation | |
GetName(std::string &nodeName, const std::string &propertyKey="name") const | mitk::Annotation | |
GetName() const | mitk::Annotation | virtual |
GetOffsetVector() const | mitk::LogoAnnotation | |
GetOpacity(float &opacity, const std::string &propertyKey="opacity") const | mitk::Annotation | |
GetProperty(const std::string &propertyKey) const | mitk::Annotation | |
GetProperty(itk::SmartPointer< T > &property, const std::string &propertyKey) const | mitk::Annotation | inline |
GetProperty(T *&property, const std::string &propertyKey) const | mitk::Annotation | inline |
GetPropertyList() const | mitk::Annotation | |
GetPropertyValue(const std::string &propertyKey, T &value) const | mitk::Annotation | inline |
GetRelativeSize() const | mitk::LogoAnnotation | |
GetStringProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, std::string &string) const | mitk::Annotation | |
GetText() const | mitk::Annotation | |
GetVisibility(bool &visible, const std::string &propertyKey="visible") const | mitk::Annotation | |
GetVtkProp(BaseRenderer *renderer) const override | mitk::LogoAnnotation | protectedvirtual |
IsForceInForeground() const | mitk::Annotation | |
IsOn(const std::string &propertyKey, bool defaultIsOn=true) const | mitk::Annotation | inline |
IsVisible(const std::string &propertyKey="visible", bool defaultIsOn=true) const | mitk::Annotation | |
LoadLogoImageFromPath() | mitk::LogoAnnotation | |
LogoAnnotation() | mitk::LogoAnnotation | explicitprotected |
m_DataReferenceChangedTime | mitk::Annotation | protected |
m_LSH | mitk::LogoAnnotation | mutableprotected |
m_PropertyList | mitk::Annotation | protected |
m_readerFactory | mitk::LogoAnnotation | |
mitkClassMacro(LogoAnnotation, mitk::VtkAnnotation) | mitk::LogoAnnotation | |
mitk::VtkAnnotation::mitkClassMacro(VtkAnnotation, Annotation) | mitk::VtkAnnotation | |
mitkClassMacroItkParent(Annotation, itk::Object) | mitk::Annotation | |
New() | mitk::LogoAnnotation | static |
Paint(BaseRenderer *renderer) | mitk::VtkAnnotation | |
RegisterAsMicroservice(us::ServiceProperties props) | mitk::Annotation | virtual |
RemoveFromBaseRenderer(BaseRenderer *renderer) override | mitk::VtkAnnotation | virtual |
RemoveFromRenderer(BaseRenderer *renderer, vtkRenderer *vtkrenderer) override | mitk::VtkAnnotation | virtual |
ReplaceProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, const BaseProperty::Pointer &property) | mitk::Annotation | |
SetBoolProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, bool boolValue) | mitk::Annotation | |
SetBoundsOnDisplay(BaseRenderer *renderer, const Bounds &) | mitk::Annotation | virtual |
SetColor(const mitk::Color &color, const std::string &propertyKey="color") | mitk::Annotation | |
SetColor(float red, float green, float blue, const std::string &propertyKey="color") | mitk::Annotation | |
SetColor(const float rgb[], const std::string &propertyKey="color") | mitk::Annotation | |
SetCornerPosition(const int &corner) | mitk::LogoAnnotation | |
SetDoubleProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, double doubleValue) | mitk::Annotation | |
SetFloatProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, float floatValue) | mitk::Annotation | |
SetFontSize(int fontSize) | mitk::Annotation | |
SetForceInForeground(bool forceForeground) | mitk::Annotation | |
SetIntProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, int intValue) | mitk::Annotation | |
SetLogoImage(vtkSmartPointer< vtkImageData > logo) | mitk::LogoAnnotation | |
SetLogoImagePath(std::string text) | mitk::LogoAnnotation | |
SetName(const std::string &name) | mitk::Annotation | virtual |
SetOffsetVector(const Point2D &OffsetVector) | mitk::LogoAnnotation | |
SetOpacity(float opacity, const std::string &propertyKey="opacity") | mitk::Annotation | |
SetProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, const BaseProperty::Pointer &property) | mitk::Annotation | |
SetRelativeSize(const float &size) | mitk::LogoAnnotation | |
SetStringProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, const std::string &string) | mitk::Annotation | |
SetText(std::string text) | mitk::Annotation | |
SetUSProperty(const std::string &propertyKey, us::Any value) | mitk::Annotation | protected |
SetVisibility(bool visible, const std::string &propertyKey="visible") | mitk::Annotation | |
UnRegisterMicroservice() | mitk::Annotation | virtual |
Update(BaseRenderer *renderer) override | mitk::VtkAnnotation | virtual |
UpdateVtkAnnotation(mitk::BaseRenderer *renderer) override | mitk::LogoAnnotation | protectedvirtual |
US_INTERFACE_NAME | mitk::Annotation | static |
US_PROPKEY_AnnotationNAME | mitk::Annotation | static |
US_PROPKEY_AR_ID | mitk::Annotation | static |
US_PROPKEY_ID | mitk::Annotation | static |
US_PROPKEY_MODIFIED | mitk::Annotation | static |
US_PROPKEY_RENDERER_ID | mitk::Annotation | static |
VtkAnnotation() | mitk::VtkAnnotation | explicitprotected |
~Annotation() override | mitk::Annotation | protected |
~LogoAnnotation() override | mitk::LogoAnnotation | protected |
~VtkAnnotation() override | mitk::VtkAnnotation | protected |