This is the complete list of members for mitkCommandLineParser, including all inherited members.
addArgument(const std::string &longarg, const std::string &shortarg, Type type, const std::string &argLabel, const std::string &argHelp=std::string(), const us::Any &defaultValue=us::Any(), bool optional=true, bool ignoreRest=false, bool deprecated=false, mitkCommandLineParser::Channel channel=mitkCommandLineParser::Channel::None) | mitkCommandLineParser | |
addDeprecatedArgument(const std::string &longarg, const std::string &shortarg, const std::string &argLabel, const std::string &argHelp) | mitkCommandLineParser | |
argumentAdded(const std::string &argument) const | mitkCommandLineParser | |
argumentParsed(const std::string &argument) const | mitkCommandLineParser | |
beginGroup(const std::string &description) | mitkCommandLineParser | |
Bool enum value | mitkCommandLineParser | |
Category | mitkCommandLineParser | protected |
changeParameterGroup(std::string name, std::string tooltip) | mitkCommandLineParser | |
Channel enum name | mitkCommandLineParser | |
Contributor | mitkCommandLineParser | protected |
Description | mitkCommandLineParser | protected |
Directory enum value | mitkCommandLineParser | |
endGroup() | mitkCommandLineParser | |
errorString() const | mitkCommandLineParser | |
fieldWidth() const | mitkCommandLineParser | |
File enum value | mitkCommandLineParser | |
Float enum value | mitkCommandLineParser | |
generateXmlOutput() | mitkCommandLineParser | |
getArgumentList() | mitkCommandLineParser | |
helpText() const | mitkCommandLineParser | |
Image enum value | mitkCommandLineParser | |
Input enum value | mitkCommandLineParser | |
Int enum value | mitkCommandLineParser | |
Internal | mitkCommandLineParser | protected |
mitkCommandLineParser() | mitkCommandLineParser | |
None enum value | mitkCommandLineParser | |
Output enum value | mitkCommandLineParser | |
ParameterGroupDescription | mitkCommandLineParser | protected |
ParameterGroupName | mitkCommandLineParser | protected |
parseArguments(const StringContainerType &arguments, bool *ok=nullptr) | mitkCommandLineParser | |
parseArguments(int argc, char **argv, bool *ok=nullptr) | mitkCommandLineParser | |
setArgumentPrefix(const std::string &longPrefix, const std::string &shortPrefix) | mitkCommandLineParser | |
setCategory(std::string category) | mitkCommandLineParser | |
setContributor(std::string contributor) | mitkCommandLineParser | |
setDescription(std::string description) | mitkCommandLineParser | |
setExactMatchRegularExpression(const std::string &argument, const std::string &expression, const std::string &exactMatchFailedMessage) | mitkCommandLineParser | |
setStrictModeEnabled(bool strictMode) | mitkCommandLineParser | |
setTitle(std::string title) | mitkCommandLineParser | |
String enum value | mitkCommandLineParser | |
StringContainerType typedef | mitkCommandLineParser | |
StringList enum value | mitkCommandLineParser | |
Title | mitkCommandLineParser | protected |
Type enum name | mitkCommandLineParser | |
unparsedArguments() const | mitkCommandLineParser | |
~mitkCommandLineParser() | mitkCommandLineParser | |