Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  2024.06.00
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
The Segmentation Properties

These properties control how a segmentation is rendered:

  • binary controls whether the image is treated as a binary/segmentation image
  • binaryimage.hoveringannotationcolor controls the colour of the annotation if the segmentation has a property signifying it is hovered over set to true
  • binaryimage.hoveringcolor controls the colour of the segmentation if it has a property signifying it is hovered over set to true
  • binaryimage.selectedannotationcolor controls the colour of the annotation if the segmentation has a property signifying it is selected set to true
  • binaryimage.selectedcolor controls the colour of the segmentation if it has a property signifying it is selected set to true
  • segmentation used by the segmentation view to check whether an image should be treated as a segmentation
  • outline binary controls whether the segmentation is drawn as an outline (on) or solid (off)
  • outline width controls the width of the outline, if it is drawn
  • showVolume controls whether the volume of the segmentation is shown in the 2D views as an annotation