Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
This view offers the possibility to map any loaded image or point set using a user selected registration object. When mapping images the user can control the field of view (image geometry) the image should be mapped into, as well as the interpolation strategy and padding values that should be used.
It is one of several MatchPoint registration plugins.
Typical usage scenarios
You have registered image I1 onto image I2. Now you want to
To use the mapper at least the input (image or point set) must be selected. Additionally, you may select a registration object and, in case the input is an image, an optional reference image.
The reference image defines the geometry (field of view, orientation, spacing) that should be used for the result image. The view will try to automatically determine the reference image. By default it is the target image that was used to determine the selected registration. If auto selection cannot determine the reference (e.g. because it was not specified or it is currently not loaded), the input image will be selected as reference. The reference image can be also defined by the user explicitly by activating manual selection.
REMARK: If you map point sets you can ignore the reference image slot. It has no effect.
REMARK: The mapping results will be added as child nodes to the used input node.
REMARK: If you do not select an registration the view will assume that you make an identity transform. This is a convenient way if you just want to resample an image into the geometry of an other image (when no registration is needed). Also in this use case you can take advantage of the different interpolation and sub/super sampling strategies.
(1) The currently selected registration that will be used for mapping. Click to change.
(2) Reset button that will remove the current selected registration and switch back to an identity transform.
(3) The currently selected input data, that will be mapped. Click to change.
(4) The currently (automatically or by user) selected reference image, that defines the geometry of the result. Click to change.
(5) The name of the result data in the data manager.
(6) The start button(s) to commence the mapping process. For details regarding the two options see Mapping or geometry refinement .
(7) Log windows with messages regarding the mapping process.
The mapper view offers two options to map images:
If you map the image (and not just refine the geometry), you have several settings available:
You can choose from the following interpolation strategies:
If you select an mask as input image, the plugin will be automatically reconfigured to settings that are suitable for the task of mapping masks. Most importantly the interpolator will be set to "Nearest Neighbor".