Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
All classes have been renamed from "Overlay" to "Annotation", e.g. the mitk::TextOverlay2D is now mitk::TextAnnotation2D. Most of the interface of mitk::Overlay remains unchanged in mitk::Annotation, but it is no longer registered at the mitk::OverlayManager. Instead, mitk::ManualPlacementAnnotationRenderer and mitk::LayoutAnnotationRenderer are used the register an annotation.
A single mitk::Annotation is no longer automatically registered in all available RenderWindows. Each mitk::Annotation is shown only once. The user is also responsible for the memory management. When a created mitk::Annotation has no more SmartPointer references, it disappears.
The Layouter concept was implemented in the mitk::LayoutAnnotationRenderer: