Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
As MITK is used to process large and diverse data the management thereof becomes an important issue. In order to abstract the management of data from the actual format of the data it is encapsulated.
All data objects, like images or surfaces, are contained in DataNodes. These DataNodes describe the data itself (mitk::BaseData and derived classes), how they can be rendered in 2D or 3D (a list of mitk::Mapper), what mitk::Interactor is associated with it, and a list of arbitrary properties (name, visibility, opacity, etc.). Information about the position of a data object in space/time is stored in a Geometry, which is attached to the data object itself, not to the node.
mitk::BaseData is the base class for all data objects. It itself inherits from itk::DataObject.
This class encapsulates a BaseData object and provides uniform handling.
The MITK DataStorage manages and stores DataNodes. Besides adding and removing nodes it provides advanced functionality such as getting a list of all DataNodes currently in the DataStorage which match a specific type (e.g. image, surface ) or have a specific name or other property.
There can be different DataStorages.
A usage example for a class deriving from QmitkAbstractView:
To extent MITKs capabilities by adding a custom data type there are several things which should be done. Depending on whether the data type is completely unlike any of the existing ones, or derived from one of them some steps can possibly be omitted.