Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  2024.06.00
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
mitk::MessageAbstractDelegate4< T, U, V, W, A > Member List

This is the complete list of members for mitk::MessageAbstractDelegate4< T, U, V, W, A >, including all inherited members.

Clone() const =0mitk::MessageAbstractDelegate4< T, U, V, W, A >pure virtual
Execute(T t, U u, V v, W w) const =0mitk::MessageAbstractDelegate4< T, U, V, W, A >pure virtual
operator==(const MessageAbstractDelegate4 *cmd) const =0mitk::MessageAbstractDelegate4< T, U, V, W, A >pure virtual
~MessageAbstractDelegate4()mitk::MessageAbstractDelegate4< T, U, V, W, A >inlinevirtual