Icon of the Simple Example Module
This module is namely a simple example for simple image interaction. It offers:
Sliders to navigate through the different slice stacks (Axial, Sagittal, Coronal) and the time steps
A "player" for image time series. It automatically steps through all time series with a speed defined by the slider on the right.
A button "Re-Initialize Navigators" to reinitialize those sliders to their initial position (Slice and time position 0)
A button "Take Screenshot" to take a screenshot of the chosen window (Axial, Sagittal, Coronal, 3D)
A button "Take HighDef 3D Screenshot" to take an high resolution screenshot of the 3D scene
A button "Generate Movie" whichs takes a movie of the chosen window by scrolling either through all slices (Axial, Sagittal, Coronal). Please use the MovieMaker view for recording a movie of a rotating 3D scene.
A selection box where the 3D view can be transformed into either a red-blue stereo or a D4D stereo view