Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  2016.11.0
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit

Provides access to Qt Help information from inside the Workbench. More...

Collaboration diagram for


 This subcategory includes the internal classes of the plugin. Other plugins must not rely on these classes. They contain implementation details and their interface may change at any time. We mean it.

Detailed Description

Provides access to Qt Help information from inside the Workbench.

This plug-in collects all Qt QCH files (*.qch) from plug-ins in the RESOLVED state and registers them internally. The plug-in can be configured using the CTK Config Admin service and it listens to certain event topics on the CTK Event Admin.

The following configuration properties for the service PID "" are supported:

The plug-in subscribes to the following event topics:

The example below demonstrates how to provide configuration data for the plug-in.

void start(ctkPluginContext *context) override
// Get a service reference for the Config Admin service
ctkServiceReference cmRef = context->getServiceReference<ctkConfigurationAdmin>();
ctkConfigurationAdmin *configAdmin = nullptr;
if (cmRef)
configAdmin = context->getService<ctkConfigurationAdmin>(cmRef);
// Use the CTK Configuration Admin service to configure the BlueBerry help system.
// This assumes that the plug-in providing the Config Admin implementation is
// already active.
if (configAdmin)
// Get a ctkConfiguration object for the PID ""
// (or create an unbound instance if it does not exist yet).
ctkConfigurationPtr conf = configAdmin->getConfiguration("", QString());
// Configure the help system using a custom home page
ctkDictionary helpProps;
helpProps.insert("homePage", "qthelp://");
// Unget the service
// Warn that the Config Admin service is unavailable

Requesting context help may look like this:

void requestHelp(ctkPluginContext *context)
if (context == nullptr)
// Warn that the plugin context is zero
// Check if the plug-in is installed and started
QList<QSharedPointer<ctkPlugin>> plugins = context->getPlugins();
foreach (QSharedPointer<ctkPlugin> p, plugins)
if (p->getSymbolicName() == "" && p->getState() != ctkPlugin::ACTIVE)
// The plug-in is in RESOLVED state but is not started yet.
// Try to activate the plug-in explicitly, so that it can react
// to events send via the CTK Event Admin.
catch (const ctkPluginException &)
// Warn that activating the plug-in failed
ctkServiceReference eventAdminRef = context->getServiceReference<ctkEventAdmin>();
ctkEventAdmin *eventAdmin = nullptr;
if (eventAdminRef)
eventAdmin = context->getService<ctkEventAdmin>(eventAdminRef);
if (eventAdmin == nullptr)
// Warn that the ctkEventAdmin service was not found
// Create the event and send it asynchronuously
ctkEvent ev("org/blueberry/ui/help/CONTEXTHELP_REQUESTED");