Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  2016.11.0
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
Data Storage Classes

This subcategory includes the classes to store and retrieve objects from the mitk::DataStorage. More...

Collaboration diagram for Data Storage Classes:


class  mitk::DataStorage
 Data management class that handles 'was created by' relations. More...
class  mitk::NodePredicateAnd
 Composite predicate that forms a logical AND relation from its child predicates. More...
class  mitk::NodePredicateBase
 Interface for evaluation conditions used in the DataStorage class GetSubset() method. More...
class  mitk::NodePredicateCompositeBase
 Base class for all predicates that can have child predicates (e.g. AND/OR) More...
class  mitk::NodePredicateDataType
 Predicate that evaluates if the given DataNodes data object is of a specific data type. More...
class  mitk::NodePredicateDimension
 Predicate that evaluates if the given DataNodes data object has the specified dimension, for datasets where dimension is applicable. More...
class  mitk::NodePredicateFirstLevel
 Predicate that evaluates if the given node is a direct or indirect source node of a specific node. More...
class  mitk::NodePredicateNot
 Composite predicate that negates its child predicate Changed: NodePredicateNot now derives from NodePredicateCompositeBase though it really holds only one subpredicate at any time. But logically any Predicate that has one or more subpredicate is a CompositePredicate. More...
class  mitk::NodePredicateOr
 Composite predicate that forms a logical OR relation from its child predicates. More...
class  mitk::NodePredicateProperty
 Predicate that evaluates if the given DataNode has a specific property. If the second parameter is NULL, it will only be checked whether there is a property with the specified name. If a renderer is specified in the third parameter the renderer-specific property will be checked. If this parameter is NULL or not specified, then the non-renderer-specific property will be checked. More...
class  mitk::NodePredicateSource
 Predicate that evaluates if the given node is a direct or indirect source node of a specific node. More...
class  mitk::NodePredicateIsDWI
 Predicate that evaluates whether a given node contains a diffusion weighted image. More...

Detailed Description

This subcategory includes the classes to store and retrieve objects from the mitk::DataStorage.