These properties govern the rendering of diffusion imaging data and the visualization of its analysis.
opaclevelwindow - controls the maximal/minimal opacity value
DisplayChannel - selectes which channel is to be displayed
DoRefresh - Do GL/VTK Refresh
IndexParam1 - These are used to safe parameters depending on the chosen method
IndexParam2 - as IndexParam1
Normalization - stores the normalization for the mitkOdfVtkMapper2D
ScaleBy - Toggles wether the ODFs should be scaled with the FA or GFA
Scaling - Global scaling factor, eg for rendering all ODFs 1.23 as big
ShowMaxNumber - The maximum number of glyphs to render in a window
VisibleOdfs - are there visible glyphs
VisibleOdfs_C - Toggles coronally visible glyphs
VisibleOdfs_S - Toggles sagittally visible glyphs
VisibleOdfs_T - Toggles transversely visible glyphs