Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit  2016.11.0
Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit
The MatchPoint Registration Manipulator View
Icon of the MatchPoint Registration Manipulator


This view offers the possibility to manually manipulate a registration to establish a good mapping between data. The effect of manipulation is visualized with to user defined images to allow visual inspection.
It is one of several MatchPoint registration plug-ins.

Example screenshot showing the plug-in in use

Contact information

This plug-in is being developed by the SIDT group (Software development for Integrated Diagnostics and Therapy) at the DKFZ (German Cancer Research Center). If you have any questions, need support, find a bug or have a feature request, feel free to contact us at


Illustration of the workflow steps.
The typical workflow with the manipulator has following steps/sections:

  1. Source selection: You can choose between starting a new registration and using a selected registration. For later option, the registration must be selected in the data manager.
    If you choose a new registration, the manipulator will automatically pre initialize this new transform to align the centers of the used images and therefore starts with sensible settings.
    If you choose an existing registration, the registration will not be altered. It serves as template/baseline for the manipulation, which will be "on top" of the existing registration.
  2. Image selection: To allow visual inspection of the manipulation to images are needed. If you have selected a registration (independent from the source selection mode) the manipulator will use the moving and target images used to determine the selected registration as images for the manipulation. You can also explicitly select images in the data manager (press shift while selecting for multi select).
  3. Start manual registration: If all settings are valid, you can start the manipulation. The render windows will automatically switch to the visual inspection mode. The views will be reinitialized to the field of view of the target image.
  4. Generation settings: You may choose to give the resulting registration a special name. Additionally you can choose the convenience option to map the moving image with the confirmed registration automatically.
    For more advanced mapping options please see the MatchPoint Mapper (The MatchPoint Image Mapper View).
  5. Settings: You can alter the settings of the transform (Transformation settings) and the rendering settings (Evaluation settings) for the visual inspection.
  6. Cancel or confirmation: You may cancel the manipulation process (Closing the view equals cancelation) or confirm the determined registration and store it in the data storage with the given name.

Transformation settings

You can alter the translation and the rotation of the transform. In addition you may choose the center of rotation type. You have the following options:

  • Moving image center: Rotate around the center of the moving image.
  • World origin: Rotate around (0.0,0.0,0.0), the world origin.
  • Current navigator position: Rotate around the current navigator position in the render views.
FAQ: Why are the translation values "jumping" when I change the center mode or when I am rotating?
The reason is the relation between center, rotation, and translation.
A transformation is defined as x' = R (x - C) + C + T
where x': transformed point; x: point to transform; R: rotation matrix; C: center point; T: translation vector.
The offset of a transform is defined as O = -RC + C + T
The offset as well as the rotation matrix stay constant if the center point changes, those the translation has to be altered.
To ease the orientation, the edit fields have background colours which resemble the colours of the plane the changes will "happen".
For translation, the translation vector will be perpendicular to the indicated plane (The image moves "through" the plane). For rotation, the rotation axis will be perpendicular to the indicated plane.

Evaluation settings

The settings you can choose are equal to the settings of the evaluation view (The MatchPoint Registration Evaluation View). Please see the documentation of the evaluator for more details.